Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1257 A serious situation

Many of the human monks experienced such a brutal monster siege for the first time.

However, in the face of thousands of monsters, most human monks did not choose to retreat.

Of course, everyone's desire for survival is very great.

Therefore, facing the almost unstoppable beast tide, they were able to choose to fight bravely not because they were not afraid of death.

It's because they are afraid of death that they are so brave.

After all, it was their misfortune to encounter monster attacks that had rarely appeared in decades.

But if they choose to sit back and wait for death at this time, or even abandon the city and escape, then they will definitely not survive.

The reason why monster beasts gather together and attack human cities is partly to avenge humans for killing the monster race.

On the other hand, it is to feed on human monks and enhance their own strength.

Yes, humans can feed on monster beasts to increase their own cultivation speed, and monster beasts can also feed on human monks with cultivation skills to greatly increase the monster beast's own cultivation speed.

Therefore, if there are human monks who are afraid of death and do not participate in the battle to defend the city, or even think about escaping, then the result waiting for them will be death.

After all, except for the city, other places are basically dominated by monsters.

It is basically impossible for them to escape from the beast tide.

Because of this, the human monks in the entire city were able to share the same hatred for the first time and bravely defend the city.

Because they know this is the only way they can survive.

However, this choice is still a near-death situation.

After all, if they really can't stop the monster's attack, the final result won't make much difference.

It's just the difference between whether they died in a heroic battle or whether they died in retreat.

Of course, I believe that most people will choose the first method when the two results are the same.

And it is precisely for this reason that these human monks are brave enough to fight against the monsters.

But in fact, everyone present knew that if the monsters did not retreat in advance this time, they might not be able to successfully defend the city.

Because this beast tide, not only thousands of ordinary monsters, but also three extremely large high-level monsters that had formed a demon core were involved.

Although these three high-level monsters have not actually participated in the siege at this time, their huge size, standing behind all the ordinary monsters, is enough to bring a huge deterrent to the hearts of human monks.

After all, every human monk knows in his heart that if nothing unexpected happens, there will basically be only one human monk who has reached the golden elixir stage in this human city.

After all, in the past, only high-level monsters would appear in a monster wave.

However, the scale of this beast wave exceeded everyone's expectations.

A total of three high-level demonic beasts that had formed demonic cores commanded thousands of ordinary demonic beasts to set off a beast tide, which seemed to completely destroy the city.

As there is only one strong man with a golden elixir in the city, he is naturally unable to defeat three high-level monsters that have formed a demon elixir.

So everyone knew in their hearts that perhaps the destruction of the city had become a fact.

Fortunately, just when all human beings were feeling extremely pessimistic about such a severe situation, things took a turn for the better.

What everyone did not expect was that there was not only one strong person in the Golden Core stage in this city.

In fact, there is another person in this city who has been hiding his strength before.

But his own strength has reached the late stage of Jindan, and is even close to the peak.

Perhaps he hid his strength and existence before just to live in seclusion in this remote town.

However, it was very unfortunate to encounter a very serious beast tide that was rare in decades.

After the monsters began to attack the city, he was helpless and no longer hid, and chose to expose his strength.

It was precisely because of his appearance that he gave the human monks some confidence in being able to defend the city.

It was also because of his appearance.

Let the high-level monsters that originally had an advantage in numbers not participate in the siege personally for the time being, but choose to sit back and wait for a better opportunity!

Of course, the behavior of high-level monsters will naturally cause more heavy casualties to the ordinary monsters that charge forward.

But the lives of ordinary monsters are insignificant to high-level monsters. Even if they all die, if they can exchange for the destruction of the city in front of them, it is worth it.

It would be even better if they could get those two auras that made them salivate in this city.

Because the opponent's strength makes them feel afraid, but if they can eat their body containing huge spiritual power, it will be enough to increase their strength by one stage.

However, even though they are monsters, they have formed demon pills and have strong spiritual intelligence.

Compared with ordinary monsters, they have learned to think, use strategies, and learn to be cautious.

Although at this time, it seems that they monsters are more dominant.

But if something unexpected happens, their attack may be ruined.

In fact, I don't know that the three high-level monsters sitting behind the monster army are waiting for an opportunity.

The only two monks in the city who have reached the golden elixir stage are also waiting for the opportunity.

After all, not only were they smaller in number than the monster army, they were even weaker than the monster army in terms of overall strength.

Even with the blessing of the defensive advantage, they could not hold on for long.

And the only chance they have now is to wait.

Waiting for the best opportunity.

Waiting for the chance that one of the three high-level monsters could not help but participate in the attack and approach the city.

Because if such a situation occurs, then the monk in the city who has just been exposed to have the strength of the late Golden Core, plus the middle-stage Golden Core monk who originally guarded the city.

They can take action together and unite to deal with the high-level monster that can't help but take action as quickly as possible.

Although when the two of them jointly killed the high-level monsters, without them to maintain the operation of the formation, those human monks who were too weak might suffer heavy casualties.

But as long as they deal with the high-level monster quickly enough and the number of deaths of human monks is not too serious, then the situation may improve.

And high-level monsters with considerable intelligence may choose to end the siege and temporarily retreat after the situation changes.

Of course, if that high-level monster is very difficult to deal with, even if the two of them try their best, it will take them a long enough time to kill each other.

Then they will choose another option, which is to abandon the city and flee.

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