Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1258 Prepare to escape

After all, the reason why they did not choose to escape before was because at this moment, the three directions of the city were surrounded by a huge number of monsters.

Moreover, there is a high-level monster sitting in the direction of each city.

It is almost impossible for them to escape in these three directions.

As long as the high-level monsters in a certain direction try their best to contain them and wait for the other two monsters to come to support, they can successfully surround them before they escape.

As for escaping in another direction where there are no monsters at all, no one would choose this until the most critical moment of life and death.

Because in that direction, what you have to face is an existence that is far more terrifying than the high-level monsters.

Don't say that they are only at the Golden Core stage. I'm afraid even ordinary Nascent Soul stage people who enter them will not be able to come out alive!

And if they go deep into it, they will never come out alive.

Therefore, in such a serious situation, the two Golden Core Stage monks unanimously decided on the best plan for them.

If they are very lucky, they may be able to take this opportunity to successfully defend the city, and in exchange they will gain immense fame and various rewards.

But if things are really impossible, they will not live and die with the city like ordinary monks.

And those human monks can just help delay the other monsters chasing them.

It can be said bluntly that this is a solution that offers the best of both worlds, but only for the two of them.

Using the lives of ordinary monks in the city to help them delay is undoubtedly a very spicy method.

But sometimes, this choice is understandable.

After all, no one is afraid of death.

Especially those who are already strong enough and whose lives are long enough compared to ordinary people, will be even more afraid of death.

Therefore, as long as it is to survive for yourself, it does not matter even if you give up the lives of the entire city.

Sometimes, the world is like this, no one can be a complete fool.

And everyone’s first consideration is always themselves.

Especially in this world with extraordinary power.

However, I don’t know how many of the many monks who are used as survival chips can understand this matter.

Of course, the two Golden Core Stage monks cannot be entirely blamed, because in the face of such a tide of beasts, if anyone can really escape successfully, it can only be the two of them.

After all, only those who have reached the Golden Core stage can have enough spiritual power to support long-term sword flying.

As for those monks who are only in the foundation-building stage, not only are their swords flying not very fast, but they can easily be overtaken by monsters, and they may not even be able to fly for too long.

Therefore, the chance of their escape being successful is very slim.

At this time, the wave of monsters attacking the city had been going on for a long time.

However, the two Golden Core monks who were supporting the formation found that several high-level monsters behind the beast tide seemed to be very calm.

They just drive ordinary monsters to attack the city to consume the power of the monks in the city.

However, they themselves did not choose to join the attacking herd without any real assurance.

This left the two Golden Core cultivators with no opportunity to sneak attack on a certain high-level monster.

Therefore, at this moment, the hearts of the two Jindan monks were also full of worry.

If high-level monsters don't reveal any flaws, they just attack steadily and rely on a large number of ordinary monsters to continuously consume the power of the city's defense.

Then they will also be consumed by a large number of ordinary monsters, and a large part of their strength will be consumed.

In the end, it may not be possible to successfully kill a high-level monster in a short period of time.

Even if you want to kill a high-level monster blocking the way as soon as possible and then use the lives of other monks to buy time to escape, it may be too late.

Because their consumption is so huge, not to mention ordinary monks who are lower in strength than them.

At this time, some monks who were only in the Qi refining stage were unable to even use ordinary defensive spells.

It can be said bluntly that if the two stopped operating the protective formation at this time, then I am afraid that a large number of ordinary monks would be killed or injured in an instant.

At that time, if they tried to use the lives of ordinary monks in the city to buy them time to escape, the effect would probably be greatly weakened.

Therefore, at this moment, while the spiritual power in most monks' bodies has not been completely exhausted, they must make a choice.

It is to give up this city, give up the lives of everyone in this city, and buy them time to escape.

It is better to continue to wait, continue to hold on, and wait for the almost impossible opportunity to successfully defend the city.

The two Jindan monks who were maintaining a defensive formation looked at each other.

They all knew that time was running out and it was time to face important decisions.

The two looked at each other for a long time, but seemed to have yet to make a decision. It seemed that the two of them were not completely cruel in their hearts.

Faced with this situation, they still hesitated.

However, in the end, it was the fear of death that defeated the kindness in his heart.

In the end, their eyes gradually became firmer, as if they could see the other's choice in the other's eyes.

However, luck seems to favor the weak and ignorant.

Just when the two were about to withdraw their defensive formations and choose to break out in a direction where the high-level monsters seemed to be weakest, an unexpected change suddenly occurred.

Before that, Li Yue, who had just arrived in the city, did not choose to take action directly, but simply observed the situation at this time.

In Li Yue's feelings, the battle between human monks and monster beasts has a different and special feeling from the modern battle with high technology.

This kind of fighting situation even made Li Yue unable to help but be fascinated by it, as if he was watching some kind of fantasy blockbuster, it was extremely real.

After all, what really happened and was being played out in front of Li Yue, how could it be unreal.

Fortunately, Li Yue soon came to his senses and was not in the mood to continue paying attention to this battle between humans and monks.

After all, although the attack methods of monks and monsters seemed novel to Li Yue, they were not very attractive to Li Yue because they were too weak.

After just a brief experience, Li Yue no longer had much interest.

So at this moment, Li Yue is also ready to help humans who are in a difficult situation.

Of course, in Li Yue's mind, he didn't care why there was a war between humans and monsters.

In his heart, he didn't care who was right or wrong on either side of the war.

The reason why he chooses to help humans is just because he is human!

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