Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1259 Brilliant Golden Light

As a human being, although not a human being in this world.

But Li Yue's heart naturally favored his own people.

Regardless of right or wrong at this time, Li Yue would only choose to help humans defeat monsters.

Therefore, Li Yue, who had already made up his mind, once again turned his soul into a bright golden light and galloped towards the nearest city.

Li Yue, who has transformed into golden light, can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

The distance between the two cities was not very far, and he was there in almost a breath.

However, Li Yue did not stop, but directly passed over the human monks above the city and rushed directly in the direction of the group of monster beasts. To be precise, it was the direction of the huge high-level monster beast that was dozens of meters high. .

"Look, everyone, what is that golden light?"

At this time, among the human monks, some were the first to discover the golden stream of light traveling rapidly in the sky.

Everyone was instantly shocked when they saw this golden light almost ignoring the defensive formation maintained by the two Golden Core monks in the city.

You must know that even attacks at the Nascent Soul stage cannot completely ignore the obstruction of the defensive formation like this beam of golden light.

But at this moment, this golden light seemed to have almost no contact with the defensive formation in the sky, and shuttled directly towards the group of monsters, which naturally caused the shock of countless monks.

Similarly, the two Golden Core monks who were preparing to withdraw and continue to maintain the defensive formation also noticed this bright golden light, with expressions of shock on their faces.

And unlike ordinary monks, they were shocked not just because the other party ignored the defensive formation maintained by them.

But the moment they saw the golden light, they felt a stinging and suppressing feeling that seemed to come from their souls.

This feeling may not be possible when facing a real Nascent Soul monk.

It was precisely because of this special feeling that the two almost forgot about their choice just now, and prepared to stop maintaining the defensive formation and find a weak direction to break out.

His eyes were full of disbelief as he looked at the bright golden light that rushed directly towards the high-level monster!

However, what happened the next moment made the two of them feel even more incredible.

In other words, it made everyone present feel extremely incredible!

The speed of that golden beam was extremely fast, even far exceeding the speed of a powerful monk's sword.

Therefore, even the high-level monsters hiding behind the group of monsters are still far away from the city.

But under the extremely fast golden beam, it only took a blink of an eye to arrive in front of the high-level monster.

Even though they were far apart, the two golden elixir-stage powerhouses in the city felt a huge pressure from the golden light transformed by Li Yue that seemed to come from the depths of their souls.

Not to mention the high-level monsters that are now regarded as targets by Li Yue and whose strength is only at the pill-forming stage.

At this moment, he faced this golden beam of light that suddenly moved from far to near and shuttled in front of him at extremely high speed.

This high-level monster felt an extremely huge threat from it, as if at this moment, the extremely terrifying shadow of death had completely enveloped it.

Even as a demon beast in the core formation stage, it couldn't help but want to run away.

Unfortunately, although it had the intention to escape at this time, it was completely unable to do so in action.

It was locked by the golden beam, and its entire body seemed to be completely shrouded in shadow.

And the most important thing is that it is tens of meters high, comparable to the huge monsters that only appear in the Ultraman world, and it seems to be completely restrained by some special power at this time.

Not to mention turning around and running away, even simple defensive actions are completely impossible to achieve at this time.

It was as if at this moment, the space around it had solidified, and time had completely stopped at this moment.

However, the only thing that was still was itself, and the extremely fast golden beam of light that shuttled towards it showed no tendency to slow down.

The next moment, like a bright meteor, a golden beam of light streaked across the sky, instantly piercing into the monster's body from its head like a sharp arrow.

Immediately afterwards, the golden beam of light reappeared from behind the monster, turned a corner, and then galloped in the other direction without any weakening.

If anyone can react at this time, they will find that the direction of the golden light change is the direction of another high-level monster closest to here.

Almost instantly, the golden light disappeared into the sky.

Only the ordinary monks who were left on the city wall felt a little confused about this. While they were a little confused, they were also very shocked.

But the next moment, something happened that shocked everyone even more.

After the golden light passed through the head and left, the huge high-level monster that had been standing in place, seemingly unresponsive, with a body tens of meters high, began to slowly tilt.

Immediately afterwards, like a towering ancient tree that had just been sawed down, the monster's huge body began to fall backwards, as if its body was completely out of control.


The huge demonic beast's body erupted with a huge noise the moment it collapsed.

The surrounding trees, as well as a few ordinary monsters that had not yet reacted, were instantly suppressed under him.

The bones of a few unlucky ordinary monsters were instantly smashed by the huge weight, and their flesh and blood were mutilated.

However, at this moment, no one paid attention to those unlucky ordinary monsters.

The entire battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Almost all the monks stopped attacking in shock and looked at the fallen high-level monster with an incredible look in their eyes.

No one expected that a high-level monster that had formed a demon core would be killed in an instant.

Moreover, everyone present was a monk, and their eyesight was naturally not that of ordinary people. Even though the place where the high-level monster fell was some ten kilometers away from them, they could still see the whole process clearly.

And what makes everyone even more unbelievable is that there are no wounds at all on the body of the dead high-level monster.

It seemed that just the moment the golden light passed through its body, it also took away its life when it left, which was incredible.

However, looking at the huge monster body lying motionless on the ground in the distance, even though everyone felt unbelievable, they could not refute that this was the fact.

In the sky above the city, the two Jindan monks who were already stunned also saw the entire death process of the high-level monster.

However, compared to ordinary monks, they had some guesses about what had just happened.

But this kind of speculation also shocked them.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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