Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1260 The Beast Tide Collapses

Because they discovered that after the golden light penetrated into the head of the high-level monster and then left, in just a short moment, the soul of the high-level monster was instantly annihilated and completely disappeared.

And the reason why this monster beast is already dead but has no wounds on its body is precisely because of this.

Because it is truly killed on the spiritual and soul level, there are some differences from ordinary forms of death.

Its soul and consciousness at this time have completely disappeared, leaving only an empty body.

It was precisely because of such a strange situation that the two Jindan monks felt very unbelievable.

Because their strength is better than that of ordinary monks, their knowledge and cognitive abilities are naturally better than those of ordinary people.

Therefore, at this time, almost only two people understood the real reason for the death of the high-level monster.

It is precisely because of knowing that the two of them are even more frightened.

Because they know that this kind of attack that only targets the soul form, even ordinary Nascent Soul stage powerhouses cannot really use it.

It may be that you have to reach the later stage of Nascent Soul and focus on the cultivation of your own soul. Only after your Nascent Soul and soul are completely integrated can you use such weird attack methods.

Completely ignoring the enemy's defense and killing the enemy instantly from the soul level.

This is the unique attack method that can only be possessed by Yuanying in his later realms.

Although the two of them have seen each other, they have never really seen the existence of realms above Nascent Soul, and personally used this method to kill enemies.

But they have also heard some legends that there are people in the realm after Yuanying who can make Yuanying leave the body and turn into a stream of light like a meteor at a speed far faster than flying with a sword. He had arrived thousands of miles away and killed the enemy in an instant.

Originally, before they actually saw such a situation happen, they basically regarded such rumors as legends.

After all, even if Jin Dan strongmen like them use swords to kill enemies, they can only kill enemies within a few dozen miles or so.

If they want to wield a sword hundreds of miles away, their spiritual consciousness is completely insufficient.

Even if they use spiritual weapons, they can't kill enemies from too far away. How can they believe in such things that are like myths and legends?

But I didn't expect it at all,

Today they were lucky enough to actually witness an incredible situation that could only appear in legends.

But the huge high-level monster body that had fallen to the ground without a trace of soul in its body forced them to believe that the rumors were true!

However, just when the shock in the two people's hearts had not completely disappeared, a situation that shocked them even more appeared again, and they could not help but feel that they had been shocked and numb.

When the two golden elixir masters were in disbelief when the legendary situation appeared in front of them.

Li Yue's golden light had quickly arrived in front of another high-level monster.

The next moment, the same situation as before happened again.

The body was as huge as a hill, and the skin all over its body seemed to be as solid as a rock. It seemed to have strong strength and defense, like a high-level monster of a giant orangutan.

Under the golden light transformed by Li Yue, it also seemed to have no ability to block it.

In an instant, golden light passed through his head.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light seemed to have no change, and once again escaped, galloping in the direction of the last high-level monster.


The mountain-like body of the high-level demonic beast crashed onto the ground again, raising a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

And this loud noise seemed to wake up the world in an instant.

The next moment, the whole world suddenly became noisy, with countless human monks' exclamations of surprise and disbelief mixed together!

The ordinary monsters that were originally driven by the two high-level monsters and continuously attacked the city seemed to feel the death of the high-level monsters.

As if to dispel the huge fear in their hearts, all the monster beasts looked up to the sky and howled. The huge sound went straight into the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky were instantly dispersed.

The next moment, most of the ordinary monsters seemed to suddenly come to their senses and no longer continued to run towards the city as before.

Instead, they seemed to have encountered something that made them extremely frightened, and they began to turn around and run towards the forest behind them.

Thousands of monsters ran away, instantly setting off waves of rumbling sounds comparable to earthquakes.

However, facing the situation at this time, the surviving human monks in the city suddenly burst into excited shouts.

They actually won.

He actually won under the attack of the beast tide led by three high-level monsters.

This situation is so incredible.

Even though they personally participated in the war, they still feel as if they are dreaming.

The two Golden Core monks in the sky were also attracted by the sound of another high-level monster falling. They came back to their senses, ignored their inner sighs, and looked in the direction of the sound.

The scene that came into view was the orangutan monster with a body like a hill. It had fallen to the ground and was no longer alive.

The next moment, without the high-level monsters to drive them away, the ordinary monsters seemed to have regained their own control and began to flee towards the rear.

After all, although these ordinary monsters are also enemies of humans, they do not have intelligence and actually rely more on instinct to act.

Previously, when there were high-level monsters driving behind them, they would not hesitate and attack the city ahead regardless of life or death.

But now the high-level monsters behind them were completely dead in an instant, and they also felt extremely strong fear. Naturally, they would no longer continue to attack the city without fear of death as before.

Escape backward and return to the forest is their only wish now.

"So, we actually won this extremely dangerous beast wave in such a muddle-headed way?"

At this moment, whether it was the two Golden Core monks who had previously thought that they might have a chance to escape only at the cost of the lives of the entire city, or the ordinary monks, their hearts were filled with an unreal feeling.

This beast tide attack is the most critical one we have encountered in the past century.

Originally, they had already made plans to destroy the city and destroy the people.

Even though they are also afraid of death, they also know that in this situation, the chance of escape is almost zero.

However, they never expected that such an astonishing reversal would occur.

The high-level demonic beasts that originally wanted to flatten the entire city unexpectedly lost two of them inexplicably in an instant. Even the vigorous beast tide attacking the city dispersed without attacking at this time.

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