Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1280 The special effects of the stone tablet

Suddenly a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and landed on the huge stone tablet in front of the sect.

However, if it were a normal stone tablet, it might be blown into pieces instantly by such a terrifying thunderbolt.

But at this time, this stone tablet did not seem to have any special reaction after resisting the thunder released by a thunderstorm.

It was as if the thunder did not cause any harm to it at all.

Even the thunder seemed to be unable to truly invade the stone tablet. Small currents could only flow on the surface of the stone tablet, but could not penetrate into it at all.

"What exactly is going on?"

"The target of the thunder calamity is not me, but this spirit-gathering stone tablet?"

At this time, he saw that the thunder calamity actually fell, and the direction was also towards him.

Unfortunately, the real target is not himself, but the spirit-gathering stone tablet in the sect.

This huge contrast prevented the girl from coming back to her senses for a long time.

She felt a little weird.

Why can a stone tablet trigger thunder and disaster from heaven?

Could it be that this stone tablet itself possesses some incredible power that defies the heavens, so that God wants to use the power of thunder to destroy it?

The girl also learned something about this spirit-gathering stone tablet from her master.

It is said to be a very precious treasure of heaven and earth. Even if you only have a small piece of spirit gathering stone, it can change the future of a top sect.

However, although middle-aged people know that this spirit-gathering stone is extremely cherished, it may be the only one in the entire cultivation world.

Even if the news that they own this spirit-gathering stone is exposed, I am afraid that all the monks in the entire cultivation world will come to fight for it.

But the girl didn't pay much attention to these.

After all, no matter how precious the treasures of heaven and earth are, they are just foreign objects to her.

If she wants to truly ascend to immortality, she can only rely on herself.

Using too many foreign objects will eventually make people dependent.

However, after truly fully understanding the heaven-defying effect of the Spirit Gathering Stone,

The girl can only say "it smells so good"!

Because although the Spirit Gathering Stone also belongs to the ranks of heavenly wealth and earthly treasures.

But it is different from ordinary treasures of heaven and earth.

Although other treasures from heaven and earth and precious elixirs have extremely great effects on cultivators, they can make huge improvements in the cultivators' strength in a short period of time.

However, if such treasures of heaven and earth and precious elixirs are used too much, they will eventually have an impact on the foundation of the cultivator.

In the end, it is difficult to truly achieve the realm of immortality, let alone truly touch the foundation of the great road.

However, using the Soul Gathering Stone does not cause such serious side effects.

There are almost no side effects at all.

Of course, the function of the Spirit Gathering Stone is to enhance the richness and purity of the spiritual energy.

Therefore, the real effect of the Spirit Gathering Stone is not to directly act on the body of the cultivator, but to indirectly affect the speed of the cultivator's strength improvement.

Absorbing more pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth can even make cultivators rarely encounter bottlenecks in cultivation.

Therefore, the effect of the Spirit Gathering Stone will be greater on the more powerful cultivators.

Fortunately, the girl's own cultivation aptitude has become so powerful that it is somewhat unbelievable.

So she originally didn't care about the Spirit Gathering Stone. After understanding the true function and effect of the Spirit Gathering Stone, she would almost always go to the martial arts field closest to the Spirit Gathering Stone when practicing.

Perhaps it was an illusion of hers. During her practice, she could clearly feel that the closer she was to the spirit-gathering stone, the faster her practice would become.

Even if she did not practice absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but only practiced swordsmanship, she could still feel that her comprehension ability was improved compared to other places.

It seems that when she is near the Spirit Gathering Stone, her understanding and aptitude will be further strengthened on the original basis.

However, she had no idea whether this was just an illusion of hers or whether it was really happening.

Even his master, after careful observation, could not find the reason why this happened.

But the middle-aged man helped her confirm that it was not her illusion, but what really happened.

The middle-aged man initially thought that because he was closer to the Spirit Gathering Stone, he could absorb more pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth, so this situation occurred.

But it is a pity that the middle-aged man himself also tried it, but found that this situation only had an extremely obvious effect on young girls.

On myself, the effect it played was minimal, and it had no obvious effect at all.

Therefore, after his master confirmed that this situation really happened to him, and could only happen to him.

After this, the girl, no matter the wind or the sun, could not stop her from coming here to practice.

The result did not disappoint her. While practicing near the Spirit Gathering Stone, she could clearly feel that her training speed had greatly improved.

Even when practicing swordsmanship and kendo, your consciousness will become clearer and your ability to comprehend will become stronger.

Things that she couldn't figure out in other places will naturally be understood by her when she comes here.

And this is the main reason why she has always practiced in the martial arts field closest to the mountain gate!

In fact, what neither she nor the middle-aged man knew was the reason why her cultivation speed would become significantly faster the closer she was to the Spirit Gathering Stone.

It is indeed because of this spirit-gathering stone tablet.

Of course, to be precise, it is the consciousness in the spirit-gathering stone tablet, which is Li Yue.

For Li Yue, when he practices alone, he naturally feels a little lonely.

Therefore, when the girl was practicing nearby, he consciously mobilized the essence of the earth veins in the mountains and continuously integrated it into the girl's body.

And with the nourishment of the essence of earth veins, the girl's cultivation speed has naturally improved significantly.

Even the physical aptitude of the girl is increasing every moment.

After all, the girl's physical aptitudes were very ordinary. It was Li Yue who mobilized the essence of the earth's veins in the mountains and integrated them into her body to create such a physique with such incredible aptitudes.

In a certain sense, the girl's physique at this time has the same origin as this mountain range.

Even if Li Yue does not consciously mobilize the earth vein essence to integrate into the girl's body, as long as she is in the mountain range of Chuyu, the earth vein essence will continue to improve her physique.

However, passive improvement is naturally not as effective as Li Yue's active mobilization and integration.

That's why the closer she is to the Spirit Gathering Stone, the faster her cultivation speed will become!

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