Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1281 Terrifying Thunder Tribulation

Of course, the main reason why Li Yue did this was to prevent himself from feeling too lonely while practicing alone.

When practicing, you won’t feel too lonely if you have a pretty girl by your side.

As for the middle-aged man, Li Yue was naturally not so kind to help him.

Therefore, the effect of significantly increasing the speed of cultivation only works on young girls, and does not have much effect on middle-aged people.

Of course, as time continued to pass, Li Yue actually no longer took the initiative to help the girl mobilize the essence of the earth veins to integrate into her body.

Rather, she unconsciously induced the essence of the earth veins in the mountains at her feet to merge into her body.

However, these girls cannot really realize that this is because their physical fitness continues to strengthen and their connection with the mountains becomes closer!

She still only thought that this was the role of the spirit-gathering stone very close to her.

Until now, in the process of practicing, she found that thunder tribulation suddenly condensed in the sky.

Afterwards, a bolt of thunder suddenly landed on the spirit-gathering stone tablet.

This made the girl who thought that the stone tablet had been helping her increase her cultivation speed couldn't help but feel extremely worried about the stone tablet.

Of course, this is not because the girl is worried about the fact that if something unexpected happens to the stone tablet and she continues to practice here, her speed will slow down.

Rather, he was sincerely worried about the spirit-gathering stele that had caused the thunder tribulation for unknown reasons, fearing that it would break into pieces under the baptism of the thunder tribulation.

After all, if you have been helped by someone who is not related to you by blood since you were a child, then in your heart, although he is not your relative, he is definitely better than your relative.

If the other person is terminally ill, if you have any conscience, you will naturally be sincerely worried about him or her.

Instead of worrying that you may never be able to get any help from the other person in the future.

Of course, there are exceptions for some people who have no conscience and no intention of repaying anything. After all, once the number of people exceeds 100 million, there will naturally be a few scum among them.

However, the girl is not a heartless person. Having experienced various hardships since she was a child, she is more grateful than ordinary people.

So at this moment, she felt extremely worried about the spirit-gathering stone tablet that had been of great help to her.

It's a pity that now that her strength is only in the late stage of Jindan, she has no way to do this. Even if she wants to help, she can't do anything.

Because judging from the terrifying momentum caused by the thunderstorm just now, she might not be able to withstand even one thunderbolt.

However, when she felt extremely worried about the Spirit Gathering Stone Tablet and was a little overwhelmed, the thunder calamity brewing in the sky once again dropped a second, more terrifying thunder.

Even after the second thunder bombarded the Spirit Gathering Stone Tablet, but still had no effective effect, more powerful thunders fell one after another, continuously bombarding the Spirit Gathering Stone Tablet.

The thunderbolts were so terrifying that even the sky was torn into huge space cracks that had no time to close.

And the Spirit Gathering Stone Tablet, under the bombardment of nine consecutive thunderbolts, flashed with dazzling light, making it impossible for people to see clearly what was going on inside.

After a long time, the terrifying thunder gradually stopped, and the light and smoke dissipated.

A stone tablet that seemed to be intact appeared in the girl's eyes again!

Watching the bright electric light gradually fade away, the girl found it incredible to see the scene before her eyes.

Although there are still countless tiny arcs on the stone tablet, as if densely packed insects are constantly eating the stone tablet.

But from the scene at this time, it is not difficult to see that the terrifying thunder that fell in the sky before did not cause any essential damage to the stone tablet.

It may not even have penetrated its surface.

Not to mention directly destroying its interior.

However, the situation at this time seemed to the girl to be a very incredible thing.

In the girl's impression, the spirit-gathering stone tablet is a precious treasure that may only exist in the entire cultivation world.

But she also knew that the hardness of this stone tablet was not much harder than ordinary stones.

The several lightning bolts that fell from the sky before, even the first and weakest lightning bolt, contained infinite energy.

If the target of that thunderbolt was a girl, I am afraid that she would no longer be able to stand here intact at this time.

The terrifying thunder might tear her body apart in an instant.

Even if she has reached the late stage of the Golden Core and her spiritual power has turned into Gang Qi to protect herself, the result will not change.

What should be clear is that the physical fitness of the girl who has reached the late stage of Jindan at this time is already very terrifying.

The physical body is as hard as stone or even steel.

If coupled with the spiritual energy she releases to protect her body, her defense ability is even enough to withstand the attacks of ordinary Nascent Soul realm experts.

As for those who are strong in the Nascent Soul Realm, even a casual blow can be enough to wipe out half of the mountain in an instant.

And the attack power and destructive power of a thunderbolt that can kill a girl with such a strong defense in one blow can also be imagined.

In short, the power of that thunderbolt would have shattered an ordinary stone. If it had hit this mountain range, it would probably have left a deep crater hundreds of meters above the mountain range.

However, such terrifying thunder seemed to have no effect at all when it hit the spirit-gathering stone tablet.

The terrifying power of thunder even seemed to be resolved by some inexplicable force.

In fact, nine thunderbolts fell in succession, each one more powerful than the last, without causing any damage to the stone tablet.

This naturally made the girl who saw all this feel extremely incredible.

However, after being extremely unbelievable, I felt extremely lucky for a moment.

Originally, she was very worried about the stone tablet that was struck by lightning.

But now that she saw such a terrifying thunderstorm that could not harm the stone tablet at all, she naturally felt extremely lucky.

However, her rejoicing was obviously premature.

Because after nine thunderbolts fell in succession, they still did not harm the target.

This seemed to instantly anger the thunder in the sky.

After nine terrifying thunder tribulations broke out in a short period of time, the thunder tribulation seemed to have weakened, but at this moment it seemed that a new round of brewing had begun.

The momentum of the thunder tribulation this time was much more terrifying than the last time.

The dense dark clouds that were originally pitch black were slowly turning towards light blue.

It was as if from this moment on, the calamity clouds in the sky seemed to have consciousness.

Incomparably terrifying momentum and energy are gathering at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that an even more terrifying power of thunder is brewing!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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