Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1282 Thunder Tribulation Changes

The calamity cloud, which was originally pitch black, now seemed to have absorbed the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, containing extremely terrifying energy.

The huge energy caused the color of the robbery cloud to change, as if there was a consciousness capable of thinking in the robbery cloud at this time!

The color of the robbery cloud also changed from the previous pitch black to light blue at this time.

The entire scene in the sky looked a little weird at this time.

The light blue calamity cloud seemed to contain energy countless times more terrifying than before.

The silver electric arc that was constantly flashing in the calamity cloud was also stained with blue at this time.

It is even far more vivid than the blue color shown by Jie Yun, and even seems to be moving closer to lavender!

At this time, the strange phenomenon occurring in the calamity cloud in the sky was naturally noticed by the middle-aged man on the mountain top and the girl at the mountain gate.

The middle-aged man who originally gave up any hope and thought that his apprentice had already been killed by the nine terrifying thunderbolts that just fell one after another, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Turning around, his eyes were full of disbelief as he looked at the calamity clouds in the sky that had undergone tremendous changes.

"Could it be that the nine thunderbolts just now still didn't hurt my apprentice?"

At this moment, even the middle-aged girl master felt a little unsure about her guess.

After all, he had personally experienced the terrifying power of the nine rays just now, and the terrifying thunderbolts that he might not be able to resist fell one after another.

If everything that happened was true, then his apprentice, who might only be in the Nascent Soul realm, would never be able to withstand such a terrifying thunder.

What's more, nine thunderbolts fell continuously, giving no chance to recover at all.

However, the changes in the calamity clouds in the sky at this time were completely seen by the middle-aged man.

If his apprentice had already perished under the previous nine thunder bombardments, then the thunder disaster in the sky should have dispersed directly at this time. Why did this special change occur?

And from the changes at this time, it is not difficult to see that the thunder tribulation at this time has accumulated energy that is several times more terrifying than before.

Under such terrifying energy, not to mention his apprentice, even he might not be able to withstand a thunderbolt.

"Could it be,

In fact, the target of the thunder tribulation is not, as I suspected, my disciple who has not yet broken through the Nascent Soul realm? "

At this moment, an unbelievable situation happened in front of him, and the middle-aged man finally couldn't help but doubt his previous guess.

The target of this thunder tribulation is whether his disciple's guess is accurate!

After all, if his apprentice is able to withstand the previous few thunderbolts, it may be because his apprentice is extremely talented and has incredible qualifications.

However, none of the nine thunderbolts that fell in succession had completely harmed his apprentice. In the eyes of the middle-aged man, this situation was almost completely impossible to happen.

Unless your most basic guesses have been wrong, you can explain what is happening now!

"But, as far as I know, there are only two masters and apprentices living here near this mountain range. It is absolutely possible that there is another person."

"So, besides us, the master and the disciple, are there other options for the target of the thunder tribulation?"

The reason why the middle-aged man was there before was because after confirming that the target of the thunder tribulation was not himself, he guessed that it was his apprentice.

It was entirely because he knew very well that there were only two masters and apprentices living near this mountain range.

So under normal circumstances, if the target of this lightning disaster is not himself, then it can only be his disciple.

For this reason, he even overturned the basic rules of cultivation in his mind. Referring to the ancient books he had read before, he guessed that it was because his disciple's qualifications were too unnatural and he had a powerful physique that should not exist in this world.

Only after achieving the Nascent Soul realm will he be faced with the test of thunder and calamity.

But at this time, it seems that the middle-aged man has already deviated from the correct path at the beginning.

Because he always thought that the target of thunder tribulation could only be their master and disciple.

But he never thought that the target of thunder tribulation might be other people or even other things.

But after discovering such an incredible situation, he finally figured out the key to the problem.

Maybe the target of the thunder tribulation in the sky was not their master and disciple.

So the situation at this time can already be explained.

Perhaps there is some kind of special existence that he doesn't know about, also living in this mountain range.

And now this thunder disaster is actually caused by this unknown existence.

And since the other party has the ability to trigger thunder tribulation, even if he doesn't truly transform into an immortal, he's probably close to it.

Therefore, he is completely unaware of the other party's existence.

Moreover, although the thunder that just fell in the sky was very terrifying, it might be very difficult for him to resist the first thunder.

But in the eyes of the opponent, such a thunder may be easily resisted!

After completely overturning all his previous guesses, the more the middle-aged man thought about it, the more he felt that his idea at this time was correct.

After all, he had never thought before that there was another unknown but extremely terrifying existence among the sect ruins inherited by his family.

But now, since the other party is able to induce thunder tribulation, his strength has naturally far surpassed his own. It is quite normal that he cannot detect the other party's existence.

However, if this is really the case, then it means that his disciple is not the real target of Thunder Tribulation.

And he doesn't need to worry that his apprentice will perish because of the thunder tribulation.

But the next moment, the happy expression of the middle-aged man who felt extremely lucky disappeared completely in an instant.

Because it suddenly occurred to him that now was not the time for him to feel lucky.

After all, although his apprentice may not be the target of the thunder tribulation, he will not die due to the bombardment of the thunder tribulation.

But he did not forget that the area where his apprentice was at this time was within the scope of the thunder tribulation.

Although his apprentice only suffered a disaster, it did not really hinder the idea of ​​​​Thunder Tribulation.

But the thunder tribulation formed by the convergence of the will of heaven will not care whether your original intention is to interfere with the normal order of the thunder tribulation.

Heaven is unfair, but it is fair.

Almost all monks understand that you can observe and learn from others when they are going through a thunder tribulation, and you can even want to seek revenge on the person who has just gone through the thunder tribulation after the thunder tribulation is over.

But before the thunder tribulation ends, if you appear within the scope of the thunder tribulation, no matter what your thoughts are, you will be regarded by the will of heaven as wanting to affect the normal order of the thunder tribulation.

And you will eventually face the punishment of the will of heaven.

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