When the middle-aged man thought of this, he couldn't help but feel more worried about his apprentice.

Because the thunder calamity suddenly appeared above the mountain range just now.

Even if he didn't react, let alone his disciple who didn't know much about this kind of thing.

Maybe the other party didn't even realize what happened when the first thunderbolt fell, and just stood there "stupidly".

Therefore, the moment the thunder tribulation begins, it means that his disciple has been regarded by the thunder tribulation as a person who disrupts the order of heaven.

The next thunder tribulation may not only be aimed at any unknown entity that can cause thunder tribulation.

Perhaps he has also regarded his apprentice as a target that needs to be killed by Thunder Tribulation.

Among the nine thunder tribulations that had just erupted one after another, even the first thunder tribulation was not something that his disciple could withstand.

What's more, the next thunder disaster is obviously going to be even more terrifying.

Perhaps the fate of his apprentice has already been decided the moment the next thunderstorm falls.

How can this not make middle-aged people feel more worried.

Because judging from this situation, although his apprentice may not be the real target of the thunder disaster.

But it may also be impossible to escape the fate of being killed by thunder.

The middle-aged man was extremely worried about himself, but the girl, who was still within the range of the thunder disaster, naturally did not feel it.

However, it was too late for her to feel these things at this time.

Because after she saw the vision of thunder and calamity changing in the sky, she discovered something that made her feel extremely frightened.

That was the thunder disaster in the sky. From the moment the change occurred, it seemed to become more and more terrifying in his eyes.

It was as if from this moment on, she changed from just a tourist going to the zoo to a being in the same "world" as the animals.

As a visitor, you know that animals such as lions and tigers in the zoo have extremely terrifying power and damage capabilities.

But an iron fence separates tourists from the ferocious animals.

It also makes them seem to be in two different worlds.

Outside the iron fence, you can even continue to make extremely provocative moves against extremely ferocious animals, but the animals trapped inside cannot really jump out of the fence and really hurt you.

Naturally you won't feel too much fear.

This is how the girl from before felt when faced with the thunder tribulation in the sky.

Although she could feel the horror of the thunder in the sky, those few thunderbolts did not really fall on her body. Naturally, she could not truly feel the real terror of the thunder that fell in the thunder!

But at this time, after the thunder disaster in the sky changed.

It's as if the barrier between tourists and ferocious animals has been lost.

From this moment on, tourists are already in a "world" with ferocious animals, and can truly feel the creeping fear when directly facing ferocious animals!

But at this moment, what the girl faced was not just a group of ferocious beasts, but a terrifying thunder calamity that could kill even the beings who were about to become immortals!

At this moment, the girl realized for the first time what real fear was.

The girl locked by the thunder in the sky seemed to be completely shrouded in the shadow of death.

The whole world seemed to freeze at this moment.

At this time, it seemed that no matter what she did, she could not resist the terrifying thunderstorm in the sky.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Facing a lightning disaster that was several times more terrifying than before, it was almost impossible for the girl to rely on her own strength to stop it.

But now, it seems that the girl's fate has been sealed.

However, some people don't think so.

"Hey, it's really troublesome!"

At this time, Li Yue, whose soul was in the spirit-gathering stone tablet not far away, felt the situation the girl was facing at this time, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless!

Originally, Li Yue was ready to start condensing the body of the Yang God directly after his soul was strong enough and he had made all the preparations before forming the body of the Yang God.

But what happened was somewhat beyond Li Yue's expectations.

He did not expect that at the moment when he was about to truly condense the body of the Yang God, the will of heaven in this world seemed to be aware of it, and thunder tribulation actually condensed above him.

As a world of immortals, Li Yue naturally expected the existence of thunder tribulation.

After all, cultivators in this world, after reaching a certain level, also need to use the baptism of thunder and calamity to truly transform themselves into immortals.

But what Li Yue never expected was that he, an outsider, could also cause thunder disaster in this world!

Moreover, it is not because his own realm has reached the realm of overcoming tribulation and becoming an immortal.

But just because he was about to condense the body of the Yang God, he triggered the appearance of thunder tribulation.

To be honest, even Li Yue had never thought of achieving the body of the Yang God and being able to trigger the appearance of thunder disasters in this world.

So when Thunder Tribulation first appeared, not to mention the middle-aged and young girls in the mountains, even Li Yue felt a little confused.

It wasn't until the first ray of thunder crashed down on him that he finally realized that the thunder tribulation happened because of him.

Of course, although the appearance of Thunder Tribulation was not expected.

But at this time, Li Yue naturally would not sit still and wait for death, but mobilized his own strength to resist the thunder disaster.

Then he discovered that the power contained in this lightning disaster should actually be limited.

Maybe it hasn't reached the level of thunder tribulation that needs to be overcome when one truly becomes an immortal.

The power of the thunder descended by the thunder calamity was not as great as Li Yue imagined.

Not to mention killing the existence that is about to become an immortal, in Li Yue's view, it is probably very difficult to kill the existence that is in the realm of god transformation.

Therefore, after Li Yue withstood a bolt of thunder, he had the confidence to survive this sudden thunder disaster.

Even after enduring nine thunder tribulations, Li Yue did not pay too much attention to the sudden changes in the thunder tribulations in the sky.

However, what happened next made Li Yue feel a little helpless.

Because he discovered that the girl in a daze not far away was also targeted by the lightning disaster after the sudden change in the sky.

It seems that in the future, the girl will also bear the baptism of thunder and disaster like him!

Li Yue was able to confidently withstand the thunder tribulation because his soul at this time was already powerful enough to condense into the body of the Yang God.

I didn't feel much fear about this weakened thunder catastrophe which was not the real catastrophe of becoming an immortal.

But for the girl who was "in a daze" in the distance, such a thunder disaster was deadly enough.

I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to withstand even a random thunder disaster among them!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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