Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1284 Help before departure

Remember in one second【】

Li Yue still does not feel afraid of the thunder disaster that has mutated in the sky and contains even more terrifying energy.

But for the girl who was suffering from Wuwu's disaster at this time, she was suffering from extremely huge and real fear.

This is almost a huge feeling of fear that only occurs when facing real death.

It was as if she had no chance of surviving the thunderstorm.

At this moment, the girl, who was extremely frightened, felt a little stiff, unable to move her body normally to avoid the thunder in the sky.

Even her consciousness seemed to have become a little frozen, and her mind seemed to have turned into a mush, and she had no idea what to do at this moment.

In fact, the girl not only felt this way, but the situation she faced at this time was also the same.

She has been completely locked into the thunder tribulation in the sky, and is regarded as a person who disrupts the normal order of the thunder tribulation. At this time, she is basically unable to avoid the baptism of the thunder tribulation.

At least, with the abilities and means the girl possesses, it is impossible to avoid the baptism of this thunder in the sky.

If nothing unexpected happens, the girl will have no choice but to accept this fate at this time.

However, at this time, Li Yue was also aware of the plight of the girl.

And in Li Yue's opinion, the reason why the girl encountered this predicament has something to do with him.

After all, the thunder disaster in the sky was caused by himself.

Although at the beginning when the thunder tribulation gathered, the girl still had the opportunity to leave the scope of the thunder tribulation, so that she would not have to face the dilemma at this time.

It's a pity that the girl has only entered the world of cultivation for a short time. Although her strength has surpassed that of many veteran practitioners, her knowledge is still somewhat shallow.

If other well-informed practitioners encountered this situation, I am afraid that at the moment when the thunder tribulation had just begun to brew in the sky, they would have quickly escaped from this place and left the scope of the thunder tribulation.

Because as cultivators, although they have never seen thunder tribulation, they understand the horror of thunder tribulation.

It is even clearer that if after the thunder tribulation has begun, it has not left the scope of the thunder tribulation, the tragic consequences will be.

However, the girl’s reaction after meeting Lei Jie before,

If other cultivators saw it, they would be horrified and would secretly curse "idiot"!

After all, those who encounter such a terrifying thunder disaster and do not run away immediately may not be very smart after all.

In fact, if Li Yue hadn't felt a little confused when Thunder Tribulation first appeared, then I'm afraid Li Yue couldn't help but think that the girl's behavior was really not very smart.

In short, Li Yue was very surprised because he caused the thunder tribulation, so he was a little confused after the thunder tribulation appeared.

But the girl's training time was too short, she had never really been out of the mountain, and she didn't have much practical experience.

Therefore, after facing the appearance of thunder tribulation, he did not realize that the terrifying danger had arrived, and chose to escape quickly.

Instead, he still stayed in place, feeling the thunder tribulation he saw for the first time in the sky with some dullness and curiosity, and missed the best time to escape from the lock of thunder tribulation.

After the thunder tribulation was fully formed and several thunderbolts were dropped, she also became the target of the thunder tribulation.

If no unexpected situation occurs at this time, her next fate will eventually be to die under the bombardment of thunder.

After all, even the strongest cultivator in the world at this time may not be able to successfully survive the thunder catastrophe after the sudden change in the sky, and the terrifying energy contained in it.

What's more, it's a girl who is only in the late stage of Jindan.

"Forget it, let's save her. After all, her current predicament is actually indirectly related to me."

Feeling that the girl was facing huge fear and was at a loss what to do, Li Yue finally made some helpless choices and prepared to help her get through this dilemma.

After all, if he had not caused the thunder disaster, the girl would not have suffered such a disaster.

"Furthermore, if I successfully survive this thunderstorm, my consciousness may also leave this world, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to see me again in the future."

"This time of help, let's treat it as the last goodbye before leaving!"

Moreover, Li Yue himself had a little sympathy for this girl who had a tragic life experience and experienced many tragic situations when she was young.

And at this time, Li Yue was about to condense the body of Yang Shen.

The successful condensation of the body of the Yang God means that Li Yue's main consciousness will also leave this world and return to the previous reincarnation space after the condensation of the body of the Yang God is completed.

In Li Yue's opinion, this time's help should be regarded as his last farewell gift to help her.

Although, with the girl's own ability, it may not be easy or even almost impossible to avoid the baptism of thunder when she is completely locked by thunder.

But for Li Yue, it is still possible to get the girl out of the scope of the thunder tribulation and avoid the bombardment of the thunder tribulation.

Even at this time, Li Yue himself, as the main target of the thunder tribulation, seemed to be "unsafe".

But since Li Yue decided to help the girl solve the crisis at this time, there was naturally a way to solve it.

After all, for Li Yue, although the thunder disaster at this time can be regarded as a quite severe test, it actually does not pose much of a threat to him.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

He will not be like other immortal cultivators. When faced with the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, he must be cautious in order to survive the thunder tribulation.

At this time, although Li Yue did not have a physical body, only his soul body could resist the thunder tribulation.

But with the strength of his soul at this time, it is enough to easily protect himself from the thunder disaster.

Therefore, in the process of overcoming the tribulation, it is not too difficult to protect a girl who is also targeted by the thunder tribulation.

And now that a decision has been made, Li Yue will naturally not hesitate any longer.

After all, the thunder tribulation in the sky is in the process of mutation at this time, and is constantly accumulating and brewing more terrifying power.

If you don't seize the time, the thunder disaster that has been brewing may fall suddenly just like before.

Therefore, if you want to protect the girl targeted by the thunder tribulation at this time, you must hurry up to avoid unexpected situations!

Then, while the terrifying thunder disaster was brewing in the sky, it had not yet fallen.

Li Yue's soul condensed and transformed into a golden shadow, slowly flying away from his body at this time!

Facing the lightning tribulation in the sky, the girl who felt extremely real fear also discovered the strange phenomenon that appeared on the spirit-gathering stone tablet.

A very staring golden shadow suddenly appeared above the Spirit Gathering Stone Stele!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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