Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1299 Body Forged by Thunder

Buzz buzz...

The golden giant sword kept trembling in the sky, and the shadows of the giant sword continued to appear on top of the trembling golden giant sword.

The shadow that originally appeared due to constant tremors gradually became solid at this moment.

It seems that there is an inexplicable force that is transforming and condensing into a larger golden sword, wrapping the real golden sword in it.

And a terrifying aura, just like the thunder calamity in the sky that was just slashed with one sword, is also rising from the golden giant sword, and a terrifying sword force is gradually taking shape.

Under the concentration of the sword's power, the surrounding void seemed to be unable to withstand such terrifying power and momentum, and gradually became distorted.

Ripples appeared in the space one after another, as if a powerful force was exerting strong pressure on the space, making the surrounding space unbearable.

While the sword power gradually gathered.

The lightning disaster in the sky did not stop the rapid dissipation process.

As the thunder calamity further dissipated, only a small half of the thunder dragon's body appeared in the sky, but now it gradually became more perfect and complete!

The purple thunderclouds condensed by the thunder calamity slowly dissipated until they almost completely disappeared from the sky.

A huge thunder dragon completely condensed from the purple thunder law completely emerged in the sky!

The condensed body of purple thunder is constantly producing thunderous explosions, as if the thunder dragon is roaring continuously.

An extremely terrifying aura, as if it could no longer be suppressed at this moment, was violently released from the Thunder Dragon!

Under the influence of the extremely terrifying aura, the sky that had just had a ray of sunshine seemed to have returned to darkness again.

But it's because of such a terrifying momentum that it seems to be able to completely block the sunlight from shining on the earth!

The thunder tribulation dissipated, and the world had returned to peace.

But the emergence of the Brontosaurus seems to have once again plunged the entire world into monstrous danger!

However, facing the terrifying thunder dragon in the sky that cut off the sunlight with a terrifying aura, causing the entire land to be washed away into darkness.

The golden giant sword that was trembling in the void suddenly calmed down.

The golden giant sword, which was originally only a dozen feet long, once again increased in size several times.

It actually doesn't look much different from the body of the thunder dragon in the sky, which is over a hundred feet tall.

However, although the size has increased dramatically at this moment, the energy surrounding the golden sword seems a bit illusory.

It seems to be condensed from an insubstantial energy.

And this is the special sword body formed by the condensed sword power.

It was like a bright sword light shrouded around the golden giant sword, and as the sword energy was inhaled, an extremely sharp aura rose up.

The surrounding space became distorted under the pressure of the constantly surging sword energy.

It was as if the giant sword was burning with a flame of colorless color.

The thunder dragon in the sky kept roaring with overwhelming force.

The golden giant sword in the void has condensed its sword power, and the sword energy it exhales is sharp and sharp.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still again.

Everything else between heaven and earth once again lost its color.

Only the Thunder Dragon and the Golden Giant Sword faced each other from a distance, forming a confrontation with each other!

However, at the next moment, the huge Brontosaurus suddenly swooped down!

The thunder that keeps exploding is like the roar and roar of a thunder dragon, full of the oppressive feeling of strong thunder at this moment!

But the golden giant sword that had condensed into a terrifying sword power also did not flinch at this moment.

The bright golden sword light suddenly bloomed from the golden giant sword, and instantly slashed towards the thunder dragon's body in the sky.


The thunder dragon roared, and in the process of diving downwards, the purple thunder-transformed dragon claws were raised, facing the bright sword light slashed by the golden giant sword, and shot it directly.

It seemed as if he wanted to use the dragon claws condensed with purple thunder to completely suppress the bright sword light.

For a moment, the thunder dragon transformed from the purple thunder seemed to have truly become a divine dragon flying in the nine heavens!

Not only does it have the shape of a real thunder dragon, it even seems to contain the charm of a real dragon.

Whether it is the body of the thunder dragon that is swooping down, or whether it is raising the dragon's claws to suppress the bright sword light, every move is like a real divine dragon coming to the world.

Under the roar of the thunder dragon formed by the continuous explosion of thunder.

The raised claws of the Thunder Dragon flashed a deep purple light, which was breathtaking.

In an instant, the golden giant sword was released, and the giant sword that quickly slashed at the Thunder Dragon's body had already arrived in front of the Thunder Dragon.

And at this moment, the Thunder Dragon's claws were violently photographed!

In an instant, the deep purple thunder and the bright golden sword light suddenly touched together, and a burst of earth-shaking terrifying energy exploded!


A loud noise was like thunder, exploding suddenly in the sky!

The next moment, a terrifying explosion formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye, causing ripples in the sky and spreading rapidly into the distance.

In the entire sky, after the thunderstorm dissipated, the few spiritual energy clouds that had just been condensed were not spared.

Sweeping under such a terrifying shock wave, he was instantly shaken away.

Soon, the light dissipated.

But looking at the area where the two energies had just collided, we found that the space around it seemed to be directly shattered by such a terrifying energy explosion.

The area that had just exploded instantly turned into a scene of nothingness.

Even the dragon claws that the Thunder Dragon had just struck at the bright sword light had completely disappeared at this time!

A huge space crack was created out of thin air, but it was quickly being repaired and perfected by space energy over time.

But after the space crack disappeared, including the bright sword light and the thunder dragon's claws that hit the sword light, they did not reappear at this time.

It seemed as if it had completely disappeared at this moment.

However, facing the breakage and disappearance of the dragon's claws, the thunder dragon swooping down in the sky seemed to have no feeling at all.

He was still swooping down rapidly, as if he didn't care at all about the disappearance of his dragon claws.

However, as the Thunder Dragon continued to swoop, the purple thunder in its body began to flow towards the area of ​​the dragon claw that had disappeared before, and gradually condensed a brand new dragon claw again.

It was as if the dragon claw just now had never disappeared at all.

However, if someone has strong perception ability, they will find that part of the thunder law that condenses the thunder dragon has disappeared.

And this new dragon claw is actually re-condensed from the power of the rest of the Thunder Law.

However, even so, the results at this time are equally shocking.

The sword light just released by the golden giant sword was so terrifying that it could even kill Lei Jie with one sword.

At this time, it only cut off one of the thunder dragon's claws, and it seemed that its original power was not exerted at all!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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