Although at this moment, the bright sword light released by the golden giant sword can already damage the body of the thunder dragon condensed by the thunder law, and even one of the dragon's claws has been completely cut off and disappeared.

Afterwards, a large amount of Thunder Law was consumed before it was re-condensed into a new dragon claw.

It seems that the power exerted by this bright sword light is already very impressive.

But perhaps only Li Yue understood what this result meant.

With the first burst of condensed sword power, it was even possible to completely cut off the thunder calamity covering the sky with one sword.

But at this time, facing this thunder dragon that was completely condensed by the law of thunder, the brilliant sword energy condensed by the sword power was no longer able to truly kill the thunder dragon with one sword.

Even the damage caused to the Thunder Dragon's body was only to cut off one of its claws.

If the Brontosaurus itself was an entity, such damage might still cause considerable harm to it.

But after all, this thunder dragon is condensed from the power of the Thunder Law, and the entire body is actually an energy body.

Therefore, the dragon's claws were cut off, causing almost no damage to it.

As long as some Thunder Laws are consumed again, the broken dragon claws will be quickly reunited, just like what happened just now.

Generally speaking, this sword power that could have dispersed the thunder tribulation could only cause weak damage to the thunder dragon formed by the thunder law.

As a result, Li Yue's idea of ​​completely crushing the Thunder Dragon became somewhat difficult to realize.

As long as the thunder law that condenses the body of the thunder dragon is not exhausted, then the thunder dragon in the sky will not disappear at all.

Although the sword light struck by Li Yue's control of the golden giant sword in the sky could indeed hurt the Thunder Dragon's body to some extent.

It can even consume the Thunder Law that condenses the Thunder Dragon's body.

From this point of view, if Li Yue kept releasing the sword energy like just now, he would still have a chance to completely annihilate this thunder dragon.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

If Li Yue can really continuously release the sword light like just now, then he can naturally use quantity to make up for the lack of damage ability.

There is a chance that under the continuous consumption of the thunder law that condenses the body of the thunder dragon,

Let the energy of the Thunder Law gradually dissipate, and eventually it will no longer be able to maintain the body of the thunder dragon.

But the fact is that every time he condenses such a bright sword light, Li Yue himself is not without any consumption.

Depending on the power of the condensed sword light, each condensed sword light requires a large amount of Li Yue's soul power.

At this moment, most of Li Yue's soul power has been gathered into the golden giant sword in the sky.

Only a small part of them still maintained the giant body of Li Yue below.

That's why it can be condensed into the bright and powerful sword light just now.

However, the large amount of soul energy consumed to condense the sword light has restricted Li Yue from being able to continuously condense the brilliant sword energy.

Naturally, this also means that Li Yue's plan to completely destroy the Thunder Dragon by condensing a large amount of brilliant sword energy cannot be truly realized.

It is even possible that Li Yue's soul energy has become exhausted before he has completely exhausted the thunder law that condenses the thunder dragon!

However, despite facing great difficulties at this time.

But Li Yue could not choose to give up.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with being able to consume the amount of Thunder Law in the Thunder Dragon's body.

Therefore, Li Yue, who had no other option at this time, could only rely on his strong perseverance and remaining soul energy to continue to condense the dazzling sword energy to continuously consume the thunder law in the thunder dragon's body.

Therefore, the next situation has undergone a huge change!

The golden giant sword in the void was constantly trembling.

After the tremor reached a certain level, a shadow of sword energy gradually solidified.

Then, as a golden light bloomed, the shadow of the sword energy that had just solidified turned into a bright golden sword light, and suddenly slashed towards the thunder dragon above!

At this time, Li Yue was already concentrating his sword power with all his strength, trying to consume the Thunder Law in the Thunder Dragon's body as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the brilliant sword light that Li Yue condensed at this time did not focus on the power of the sword energy. As long as the sword energy could damage the Thunder Dragon's body, Li Yue's goal had been achieved.

Therefore, the speed at which the golden giant sword condenses sword energy is far faster than before.

Almost in just an instant, hundreds of sword energy were released, turning into an extremely bright sword light, like a "Gatling" sword energy, sweeping towards the thunder dragon in the sky.

As for the thunder dragon in the sky, faced with such a large number of sword energy attacks, it initially raised its dragon claws and waved them fiercely, trying to prevent the sword energy from slashing towards its body.

But after the dragon's claws were wiped out by the sword energy several times, and after spending a lot of power of the Thunder Law to re-condensate, the Thunder Dragon seemed to have given up resistance.

He no longer waved meaninglessly with his dragon claws, but simply ignored the sword energy that kept slashing at him.

Let the bright sword light strike his huge body, leaving obvious sword marks.

However, after all, these sword qi were just sword qi that Li Yue quickly condensed and were not very powerful.

Although it could barely break through the Thunder Dragon's defense, it caused damage to the Thunder Dragon's body and left sword marks.

But almost immediately after the sword mark was cut on the Thunder Dragon's body, it was instantly repaired by the huge power of the Thunder Law contained in it.

Therefore, although Li Yue released hundreds of sword energy every moment, turning into bright sword light, like "Gatling", he kept slashing at the body of the thunder dragon.

But the damage caused to the Thunder Dragon was not huge.

Even with the continuous repair of the Thunder Law, it is difficult to see the scars left on the body of the Thunder Dragon caused by the sword energy.

Almost as soon as the sword light was extinguished, leaving a not deep sword mark, the sword mark had been completely repaired, and it was impossible to tell that a scar had been left!

However, even if countless bright sword lights were released one after another, it did not cause irreparable damage to the Thunder Dragon in a real sense.

However, Li Yue discovered that as he continued to repair the scars caused by the sword energy, the thunder dragon's originally extremely solid body, like a solid body, was gradually becoming illusory.

The body that originally showed a dark purple color gradually became darker at this time.

This shows that Li Yue's plan to quickly release a large amount of sword light at this time was not completely ineffective.

At least, the Thunder Law in the Thunder Dragon's body is being continuously consumed.

If this situation can be maintained, it may not take more than a minute for Li Yue to completely consume all the thunder laws contained in the body of the thunder dragon!

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