Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1309 Controlling Thunder

Therefore, having the opportunity to control the power of thunder during the subsequent body tempering process is the greatest reward for Li Yue!

However, in the end, what Li Yue received was actually far more incredibly rich than the reward expected by the will of heaven.

Because Li Yue was in the process of condensing the body of the Yang God, he used the Thunder Law reward as a reward to help him temper his body.

Therefore, Li Yue finally not only mastered the power of ordinary thunder, but also successfully mastered the power of thunder countless times stronger than the power of ordinary thunder in the process of condensing the body of Yang Shen with Li Yue's intention. law.

Even later, he successfully integrated his latest control of the Thunder Law into the body of the Yang God that he had just condensed.

This approach also made Li Yue's newly condensed Yang Shen body not only composed of all the power of Li Yue's soul, but also contained the power of the Thunder Law that Li Yue had just controlled.

Later, when Li Yue emerged from his cocoon, he was able to use and manipulate the power of the Thunder Law at will.

Transforming it into purple clothes and wearing it is the reason why he has completely mastered the power of the Thunder Law and can manipulate the Thunder Law at will.

Even Li Yue was extremely surprised by such a harvest.

Condensing the body of the Yang God can only allow Li Yue to break the shackles of this world and return to the world of reincarnation.

In order to avoid being in a very helpless situation, I can only choose to forcibly end this reincarnation experience and then return to the reincarnation space.

This is the goal Li Yue set from the beginning, and it is also what Li Yue must do his best.

However, in the process of achieving this goal, he experienced such a strange situation, and even experienced the test of thunder tribulation for the first time. In fact, even Li Yue himself did not expect such a wonderful experience!

What he didn't even expect was that in this special reincarnation experience, he would be able to gain such unexpected and huge gains!

The power of the Thunder Law, if not lucky enough to defy the heavens, may not be encountered by some people in several lifetimes.

What's more, he has the opportunity to control the Thunder Law, and even successfully controls the Thunder Law.

Even Li Yue didn't expect all this!

However, no matter how much Li Yue felt unbelievable about his harvest this time.

But from his feelings about his new body, he was completely sure that these were real situations.

Li Yue indeed succeeded in creating a miracle even when it seemed absolutely impossible.

Not only did he successfully survive the terrifying thunderstorm that almost led to no life or death.

He also used the rewards from heaven after surviving the thunder tribulation to successfully condense a new body of the Yang God.

Originally, Li Yue's plan to condense the body of the Yang God was just for him to successfully break the shackles of this reincarnation world with his own strength and persistence.

Return to the reincarnation space.

However, in Li Yue's plan, even if everything was completed smoothly, the body of the Yang God condensed in this world would lose its role when he returned to the reincarnation space and his consciousness returned to the main consciousness.

After all, even Li Yue in the reincarnation space is just a conscious clone created by his body at will.

But it is far more powerful than the body of the Yang God that Li Yue finally created and condensed after decades of practice in this world of reincarnation.

Therefore, after breaking the shackles of this world with the body of the Yang God, the original body of the Yang God has no other function.

Waiting for its end, it is to be re-decomposed into soul energy by Li Yue, and then integrated into the body of the main consciousness in the reincarnation space.

Perhaps these decades of practice will not be wasted and can add some energy to Li Yue's main consciousness.

Of course, this was just Li Yue's original plan.

But the plan was completely unable to keep up with the changes.

With Li Yue's newly condensed body of the Yang God, he was extremely lucky to control the power of the Thunder Law.

That means that Li Yue must pay attention to this newly fused Yang Shen body no matter what.

At least, it cannot be dealt with at will as Li Yue planned before.

After all, the energy contained in this body of the Yang God is completely incomparable to Li Yue's own strength.

However, just the ability to control the Thunder Law instantly changed Li Yue's attitude towards this Yang God body.

In any case, after leaving this world, Li Yue must reintegrate it with the avatar of his main consciousness in the reincarnation space.

Li Yue still doesn't pay too much attention to the energy contained in it.

But the ability to control the power of the Thunder Law must be passed on to the main consciousness clone.

Moreover, not only that, when Li Yue completely ended this special experience, he also needed to re-integrate this consciousness clone that was separated from the ontology.

After all, this conscious clone has gained a lot of benefits from this special experience.

Even for Li Yue himself, it is an extremely important gain.

Naturally, Li Yue couldn't just let a clone control such important abilities.

Of course, these are Li Yue's simple plans for the future.

Of course, perhaps in this experience that has not really ended yet, Li Yue may receive even more unexpected surprises.

So it's still a little early to make full plans for the future.

Now, after successfully achieving the body of the Yang God, the most important thing Li Yue needs to do is to leave this world and return to the reincarnation space.

However, he still had a few things to do before leaving this world.

"At this time, let's reduce my eye-catching huge body to normal human size first!"

At this time, the first thing Li Yue had to do was to shrink his giant body, which was hundreds of feet tall, down to the size of an ordinary person.

After all, maintaining such a huge body would not have any impact on Li Yue, but Li Yue felt that it was still too ostentatious after all.

What's more, Li Yue is not used to looking at the world from a giant's perspective.

Fortunately, although this body of the Yang God had just been condensed and emerged from the cocoon.

But Li Yue has been able to control everything in this body freely.

This naturally also includes the ability to freely reduce the size of one's own body.

Therefore, just the moment Li Yue wanted to shrink his body, his body that was over a hundred feet tall began to shrink continuously in an instant.

In just a moment, it shrank to the size of a normal person.

The next moment, Li Yue couldn't help but look down, at the stone body where he was reincarnated into this world.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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