Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1310 Release the Soul

It has been decades since Li Yue was reincarnated into this world.

Because of the very special circumstances he experienced after his reincarnation, Li Yue could only exist in this world as a stone!

Soon, decades passed.

In these decades, Li Yue spent most of his time in that stone.

Because stones cannot move freely like other creatures, Li Yue made a plan to condense his soul body to get rid of the shackles of the stone body and travel around the world freely.

Condensing the body of the soul, Li Yue has successfully done it!

And now, Li Yue has finally completed the last goal in his plan and successfully condensed the body of Yang Shen.

Now, as long as Li Yue thinks about it, he can directly rely on the body of the Yang God that he has just achieved to break the shackles of this world and return to the world of reincarnation.

However, before he is about to break the shackles of the world and leave this world, Li Yue still has some things that must be completed.

For example, after I leave, what should I do with the stone that I once lived in?

Of course, Li Yue already had a plan for this matter!

That is, before Li Yue left, he left a consciousness clone to control this stone body.

After all, after decades of practice, the stone itself has become very active under Li Yue's constant nourishment.

Among them, a special active space has been born, which can even be used to store souls.

"By the way, I almost forgot that the girl's soul is still in the active space inside the stone tablet!"

Thinking of the active space in the stele, Li Yue suddenly thought that in order to avoid being involved in the thunder disaster, he absorbed the girl's soul into the active space of the stele.

At this time, the thunder tribulation has ended, and it is time for the girl's soul to return to her own body!

Thinking of this, Li Yue no longer hesitated. His body, which had shrunk to the size of an ordinary person, instantly turned into a golden beam and disappeared into the sky.

In just a moment, Li Yue's figure suddenly appeared above the stone monument as if teleporting.

At this time, the surface of this stone tablet was still radiating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and golden halos were constantly flowing in it, as if it was not affected by the thunderstorm just now.

"Fortunately, this stone tablet was not damaged by the lightning disaster, otherwise my next plan may be affected!"

Feeling that the stone tablet had not been damaged in any way by the thunderstorm, Li Yue's heart became more relaxed.

After all, if the stone tablet is damaged by the thunderstorm, Li Yue's next plan to be implemented may also be affected.

Fortunately, the situation at this time seems to be relatively good!

"Now, let's release the girl's soul from the active space first."

However, although Li Yue is ready to implement the next plan at this time, the first thing to do at this time is to release the girl's soul that is still in the active space and let it return to her body. .

Afterwards, Li Yue didn't see any action.

The stone tablet standing there quietly below him suddenly emitted a faint golden light.

And the golden light became stronger and stronger, and soon it became somewhat dazzling.

However, Li and Li Yue seemed to ignore this dazzling golden light, and just watched the scene in front of them quietly with unchanged expression.

Soon, after the golden light became strong to a certain extent, it suddenly dimmed.

In other words, most of the previous light was released outwards, so it made people feel extremely dazzling.

But the light released at this moment suddenly gathered together, naturally making people feel that it was not so dazzling.

The golden light has completely enveloped this huge stone tablet, as if it has been covered with a layer of golden mist!

But the next moment, the golden light shrouding the stone tablet disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a vague-looking golden shadow appeared next to the stone tablet at some unknown time.

Although the shadow looked a little blurry, it was still possible to tell that it was a woman.

However, that figure seemed to have no idea where he was at this time, and his expression was full of confusion.

"It seems that her soul has been away from the body for a long time, even if it is in the active space within the stone tablet, it has become a little weak at this time."

For normal people, the soul leaving the body almost means death.

The souls of some cultivators are stronger than ordinary people and can return to themselves after leaving the body after a period of time.

However, the girl who has just reached the golden elixir stage has not really paid attention to the cultivation of her soul. ,

Therefore, even if the girl's soul is stronger than that of ordinary practitioners due to other reasons, the strength is still very limited.

At this time, being able to leave her body for nearly ten minutes was almost her limit.

Moreover, this is because her soul is not floating in the outside world and exposed to wind and sun.

Being in the active space had a very weak impact on her soul.

Otherwise, it may not take more than a few minutes for her soul to be completely obliterated by the surrounding environment until it completely dissipates.

However, although the impact of active space on the soul is very weak, it still has some impact.

So at this time, she had just returned to the outside world, but she looked a little confused and even a little weak.

Fortunately, this is not a serious matter for Li Yue!

Li Yue waved his hand casually, and a touch of golden energy suddenly appeared in the air, instantly shooting towards the girl's weak soul.

Almost instantly, the golden energy hit the girl's soul, and then merged directly into it.

Immediately afterwards, the girl's originally ignorant eyes suddenly became more alert, as if her consciousness had returned.

Moreover, she looked very weak, and even her somewhat illusory soul instantly became more solid due to the integration of that golden energy.

The originally illusory figure no longer looks so illusory now.

"Forget it, it's better not to let her know about my existence!"

Seeing that the trace of soul energy she released casually had an effect, the girl seemed to have woken up from her confusion.

Li Yue quickly waved his hand again.

The next moment, a breeze suddenly appeared out of thin air and blew toward the girl's soul.

And although this breeze feels very weak, you can't even feel it.

But it seemed to have a huge impact on the girl's soul.

The moment the breeze blew by, the girl's soul was blown away!

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