Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1437 The most beautiful “painting” in the world

Use the power of different laws as your pen and the world as your canvas.

Li Yue used a very special technique to create a "painting" that can surprise everyone.

Of course, this is no ordinary "painting".

Nor will it be regarded as a real "painting" and hung in an exhibition hall for others to appreciate.

However, this special "painting" will be regarded as the most precious existence by Li Yue.

The power of countless laws, pulled by the power of Li Yue's mind, gradually moved closer to each other until they truly came into contact with each other.

It is not like normal situations, when the power of different laws approaches each other, the destructive and terrifying energy of the laws instantly bursts out.

Rather, there was a special fusion between them in some sense.

Even the colors between the power of laws have even undergone colorful changes, looking beautiful and fantastic.

It seems like the most amazing "painting" in the world.

At this moment, the power of many laws began to gradually merge with the power of different laws around them.

Under countless bright and colorful lights.

In the end, the power of many laws completely merged together, forming a huge light group of the power of laws that shone with colorful light.

And in the light group, the power of countless laws seems to return to the uniform energy of laws.

Continuously flowing in the huge light ball of power of law.

The power of countless different laws shuttles through it.

Like a fish swimming happily in the sea.

However, not long after this light group, which gathered the power of more than a hundred laws, took shape.

Waves of strong law energy fluctuations suddenly burst out.

The surrounding dimensional space constructed by Li Yue began to fragment.

The energy of many laws that originally lived in harmony and merged into one ball seemed to be unable to maintain its original peaceful and harmonious state.

The light group of the power of law, which had just shown an almost perfect spherical shape, has begun to gradually distort.

Countless energy was rushing around in the ball of light, like a mad cow running wild after going crazy, trying to break through this situation of being bound together.

Seeing the law energy that is about to be completely integrated, it seems that at this time it wants to forcefully break through the constraints around it and regain freedom.

Seeing that the action of integrating all the powers of law seems to be about to fail.

At this time, Li Yue could only make his last effort.

Li Yue naturally knew long ago that it was almost impossible to completely and perfectly integrate the power of one hundred and eight laws.

However, he still did it, except for his great sense of adventure.

That's because Li Yue has sufficient confidence in his plan.

Li Yue had actually expected the crazy distortion of the power of law now.

After all, even if a group of docile rabbits are forced into a small area, they will not stay there all the time.

There will always be some rabbits who are not satisfied with being constrained in a small space and want to break through the constraints and regain their freedom.

In fact, the power of these laws is the same as that of a rabbit who does not want to be completely bound to a space.

Although Li Yue used the power of his mind as a guide before, he passed on his own information among the powers of many laws, so that the powers of different laws tended to be assimilated.

It is precisely because of the power of Li Yue's mind and the special structure built that these powers of law have the opportunity to touch each other, or even simply merge with each other, without causing a devastating disaster.


The state of simple integration and harmonious coexistence caused by interference from external forces is very short-lived.

It will also inevitably change over time.

Just as what happened at this time, after a brief period of harmonious integration, all the forces of law suddenly became crazy and distorted again.

They want to stay away from the power of other different laws, and also want to break the state of being restrained and free.

This has resulted in the current situation where the power of different laws begins to collide and twist crazily towards the outside.

And Li Yue had already expected this situation.

Naturally, a response plan has already been thought out.

At this moment, without further delay, Li Yue directly followed the plan he had already planned and started the next real integration plan.

Li Yue had long understood that it was only the power of the mind that served as the pulling force to allow the power of many laws to merge.

At best, it can only reach a preliminary fusion state for a short period of time.

And if you want the power of many laws to be integrated together for a long time or even forever, you must build a special link between the powers of different laws.

A link that is almost impossible to break.

Just like everything in the world, even tiny particles have an interaction force that stabilizes the structure.

At this time, Li Yue is also preparing to build a unique interaction force between the powers of different laws to stabilize the structure between different laws.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue only had a small amount of mental power that could be used to build this special interaction force.

For Li Yue, now he can only rely on the last remaining power of his mind to build a special interaction between the powers of many laws.

The power of all laws is firmly brought together to form a stable and indestructible structure.

Without further ado, Li Yue naturally had nothing to hesitate at this time.

The power of law is an intangible and qualityless existence.

It is even different from ordinary energy bodies.

But what would happen if the invisible power of law could be given some substantial form?

Now Li Yue is preparing to do this.

Transform the power of invisible laws into tangible matter.

Even giving it a tangible shape.

into a substance that actually exists.

As Li Yue's thoughts turned.

They were originally entangled together, but due to the violent distortion, they have become an irregular spherical fusion of the power of all laws.

They were entangled with each other, and the power of laws of different colors began to rotate regularly.

The random collision and twisting situation seems to have eased.

The power of the same law began to converge together.

The illusory light originally emitted by the power of law gradually converged, gradually forming a rhombus-shaped crystal with a real feeling.

The power of laws with relatively similar colors gradually arranged in an orderly manner according to a certain special arrangement.

Visible to the naked eye, the originally chaotic state began to undergo huge changes.

The diamond-shaped crystal blocks condensed with the power of laws of different colors fit together closely.

And on the edges of different law power crystals, you can clearly see a thin golden thread mixed in them!

...... American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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