Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1438 Gathering the body

With the power of law, it changes from invisible to tangible state.

Turned into a diamond-shaped crystal.

The flickering light gradually became fainter on the irregular-shaped light group that was originally a fusion of the power of all laws.

However, the original illusion on the surface of the light group is gradually disappearing.

Pieces of diamond-shaped crystals of the power of law of different colors fit together tightly.

When all the power of laws is turned into a diamond-shaped crystal, it is combined with the power of other laws.

Gradually, a round sphere like a crystal cast was formed.

The spherical crystal sphere slowly rotates in the void. Each diamond-shaped crystal is different in color and exudes colorful brilliance.

And among them, there are also traces of shimmering golden threads, tightly linking all the diamond-shaped crystal blocks of the power of law.

At this moment, the dazzling sphere formed by the fusion of all the powers of law makes people look very bright and dreamy.

However, this is not the end of everything.

Although the power of all laws is integrated in a unique way.

But Li Yue's real purpose has not been completely achieved.

Li Yue wanted to use the power of many laws to condense a new body.

Instead of just condensing into a very bright-looking luminous sphere like this.

Therefore, at the next moment, Li Yue directly controlled the golden mind energy that linked all the powers of law and gathered them together, and began to cause huge changes in the shape of this spherical fusion of power of laws.

Click, click, click...

There were crisp sounds, as if the mirror was broken and folded by someone using some special force.

The fusion of the power of law, which was originally in the shape of a sphere, seemed to have undergone a huge change at this time.

In less than a few seconds, a sphere composed of luminous rhombus crystals gradually underwent huge changes.

First, it was stretched by some special force, and like a ball of living liquid, it began to undergo huge changes in shape.

Moreover, after being elongated in shape, the overall change does not seem to be over.

Gradually, more changes are taking place.

In less than ten seconds, the combined power of all the laws was completely different from before.

And if someone can see the change in shape at this time, they will find that it seems to be gradually changing from the shape of a ball to the shape of a human body.

Because after a simple change in shape, human legs began to gradually extend from it, followed by human hands, and finally a human head.

At this moment, although the details cannot be accurately confirmed, this is a real human body.

But just looking at the general shape, one can easily feel that this is the shape of a human body.

However, at this time, neither the details of the human face nor the skin are fully presented.

There is only a rough outline of a human body, making it impossible to truly identify the face and identity of this human being.

However, the changes at this moment are still not completely over.

Although the general outline seems to have been fixed, there will no longer be any drastic changes.

But the details are still changing.

First, the hands and legs became clearer. Five fingers slowly extended from each hand and foot, which was almost indistinguishable from a real human body.

Becoming more real, more like a real human body.

Then the face on the head gradually began to undergo subtle adjustments.

Originally, the face looked very blurry, as if it was covered with a layer of black cloth, and the outline of the face could not be seen clearly.

But soon, this layer of black cloth seemed to be removed instantly, and facial features that were completely consistent with human beings began to slowly emerge.

In less than a minute.

The form in which all the powers of law come together has undergone great changes.

From a shining luminous sphere, it transformed into a human body.

However, although in terms of shape, there is almost no difference from the human body.

However, the feeling that the surface of the body was made up of pieces of rhombus crystals did not disappear with the overall change.

So at this moment, even if we look at it as a whole, it is no longer much different from the real human body.

But judging from the lines formed by the golden silk threads on the surface, there are still huge differences that cannot be confused with the normal human body.

Anyone who sees the clear lines formed by the arrangement of these diamond-shaped crystals can tell that this is not a real human body.

It's more like a beautiful work created by an artist.

Because it is not only shining with light of various colors.

It is also mixed with traces of golden threads, making it look very wonderful, as if it is a statue carved from a piece of crystal.

In short, at this time, although this body is pieced together by the power of tangible laws, it is not much different from a real human being in terms of general outline and even details.

But because of the various colors of light flashing on its surface, people can still find out at a glance that it is not a real human body.

And the most important thing is, apart from the gorgeous color on the surface, it is extremely different from normal humans.

That is this body, which looks more like a dead thing at this moment.

And not a living human being.

There seems to be no human consciousness at all, and the whole thing looks lifeless, like a soulless robot.

Of course, the reason for this situation is entirely because at this moment, Li Yue's consciousness and mind have not yet truly integrated into this body formed by the power of law.

Although the power of his mind participated in the important process of condensing this body, it was even the key to splicing and condensing all the embodied laws of power together.

However, his consciousness has not truly become the master of this body at this time.

In other words, Li Yue's consciousness has not truly taken over the absolute control of this body.

However, what Li Yue did was naturally not just to create a simple work of art for himself.

No matter how gorgeous this body looks at this moment, if there is no real control over this body, it is completely meaningless.

Therefore, the most important thing next is to truly inject your soul and consciousness into this new body of law.

Take over all operational authority of this body.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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