Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 558 Hell Bat Armor

The whole body of the armor shone with silver light, like a bright moon shining in the sky.

The silver-white metallic luster shone on the surface, as if it was made of some kind of peculiar metal.

The angular battle armor looks like bulging muscles.

The cloak behind him is like the wings of a demon, slowly unfolding, and it is nearly ten meters wide.

Batman wearing this armor exudes a powerful and mysterious atmosphere.

What surprised Li Yue the most was that the appearance of this armor made him feel a little familiar, but he couldn't be sure.

The next moment, he suddenly felt again that the atmosphere of the gamified world just now burst out from Batman's body, and then instantly enveloped him and Batman in it.

Li Yue was very surprised to feel that what he could not do no matter what he tried just now, it was only a moment, and it was constructed and completed by a special existence.

A whole new universe re-emerged, filled with countless stars and galaxies.

It seems that this universe has been born for a very long time.

Li Yue was amazed by the ability to evolve a universe in an instant.

And changing the basic rules of this universe has made it a world that seems to be gamified, which makes Li Yue even more incredible.

However, things happened in an instant, so that Li Yue couldn't even notice how the other party did it.

However, this space has just been born, and all kinds of things seem to be very fragile.

Li Yue even felt that he could do it, breaking the space barriers of this world with one punch.

Moreover, Li Yue, who already had a certain amount of control over this space at this time, could do it completely, and waved away this kind of invasion of the gamified space.

However, Li Yue did not do so directly.

Because in Li Yue's view, the gamification space appears again, so it is likely to be the key to finding out the guy hidden in the dark.

However, the failure to forcibly get rid of the shackles of this gamified space also caused Li Yue himself to enter the state of being gamified again.

However, the power he can exert in this space at this time is completely different from before.

At this time, he can completely use his full strength to fight.

Because of his control over this space, he has allowed him to ignore most of the rules in this space.

He can even rely on these to detect the current state of Batman, who is also shrouded in the gamified space.

And this also includes the information of the armor he is wearing at this time.

The name of this armor also made some Li Yue, who is not familiar with DC, feel very familiar and also very surprised.

"Hellbat armor? But shouldn't this armor be black? Why is it white now?"

The name of this set of silver-white battle armor appeared in his mind, and Li Yue realized why he felt familiar with this set of battle armor before, but he couldn't think of which set of battle armor it was.

It turned out to be because of the earth-shaking changes in the color of the armor.

"However, why did this armor appear here?"

What makes Li Yue even more curious is why this set of armor appears here? This set of armor from the comics, in this world, should have not appeared before, right!


Hellbat armor.

A set of armor that has appeared in the comics world, and in the comics, this armor has only appeared and been used twice.

This armor is very powerful, and it is remarkable that although the armor was designed by Bruce Wayne, Batman himself, he was not made by himself.

Because the craftsmanship required to create this armor is too demanding, the crafting of various parts of the armor is done with the help of other members of the Justice League.

Superman helps forge shells on stars.

Wonder Woman helps enchant the armor at Olympus.

Cyborg and his father, Dr. Stone, help perfect the electronic engineering systems inside the Warframe.

The Flash also helped this armor to connect to the speed force.

Sea King quenched and condensed this armor in the deep sea.

Green Lantern helped cast the cape of this armor, so that it has the same function as the Green Lantern Ring. According to the user's will and imagination, various shapes can be transformed, and even separated.

And the battle armor created by all the members of the Justice League is of course very powerful.

In the comics, Batman once wore this armor to brave the Apocalypse ruled by Darkseid, and had a short battle with Uncle Da without losing the wind.

And some Batman fans even praised the ability of this armor to the sky, saying that Batman wearing this armor can completely beat Uncle Da to show the power of this armor.

However, although this is a bit exaggerated, in fact, this armor is indeed very powerful.

Although he can't really defeat Uncle Da, he can fight back and forth with a powerful god like Uncle Da in a short period of time.

And it is precisely because of this that Batman fans praise Batman as "the body of a mortal, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods"!


The strength of this armor is indeed so powerful, with the most advanced electronic technology equipment, and can achieve supersonic flight like Superman.

And the user will gain strength and stamina not inferior to Superman, as well as the super-speed ability of the Flash.

The shell and cloak can change shape at will according to the user's will like a green light ring, or even separate, and have the ability to emit energy and be invisible at the same time.

However, such a powerful armor naturally also has a very fatal weakness.

Although the armor itself has an energy reserve, once the energy is exhausted, the armor will begin to absorb the user's own metabolism to provide power for it. Long-term use will corrode the user's body and even kill the user.

It can be said that this armor will absorb the life of the user, and when the armor energy is exhausted, the user will drive it at the cost of life.

Therefore, the number of appearances of this armor is limited. After Batman returned safely from Apocalypse, he suffered a heavy blow from Uncle Da and the energy of the Chaos Gem, and finally collapsed like a flash in the pan.

In the second appearance, the user is not Batman, but Superman's wife Lois Lane.

As an ordinary person, in order to protect herself and Superman's son, she finally wears this armor to fight against the Annihilators who slaughtered the Kryptonians.

"I don't know, whether the ability of this armor to appear at this time is the same as in the comics."

Li Yue recalled what he had learned about this armor set on the Internet before, and there was even a hint of expectation in his heart.


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