Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 559 Batman being manipulated

Although Li Yue doesn't know much about the DC universe, it is limited to the level shown in the movie.

But the fans of Batman used it to elevate the status of Batman, and after hearing about his myth of this famous armor, Li Yue couldn't help his inner curiosity, and went to the Internet to check the details of this armor. Ins and outs.

At the beginning, Li Yue, who was just an ordinary person without any strength, could only sigh sincerely in his heart after a brief understanding of it, "cow criticism"!

At that time, he never thought that he would have the opportunity to see the products in this fantasy world really appear in front of him.

Moreover, he has the opportunity to fight Batman wearing this armor.

At this moment, even Li Yue, who had gained great power and looked at everything relatively lightly, felt a little excited in his heart.

He was looking forward to fighting Batman in this armor.

Of course, with the strength he possesses at this time, even if he confronts Darkseid head-on, he can easily defeat him.

Therefore, even Batman wearing this armor is not enough to pose any threat to him.

However, this is not what Li Yue cares about.

As for how strong the real power of this armor can be, it is not something Li Yue cares about at all.

He is more concerned about the process of fighting Batman wearing this armor.

This is estimated to be an experience that some fans dream of in that world.

However, at this time, Li Yue really had a chance to achieve this wish.

Although he is not a fan of Batman, it is enough to mobilize the satisfaction in his heart.


And when Li Yue sighed about this, Batman, who was wearing a silver-white armor, finally woke up suddenly from a coma.

The originally closed eyes opened instantly.

The wrapped head also spurted two scarlet rays of light, strange and mysterious, cold and cruel.

Armor whose overall color has been changed,

The color of the eyes did not change.

At the same time, the silver-white armor worn by Batman suddenly shone with a red light, embellishing the armor.

On the chest of the armor, a bat-shaped logo composed of red light represents his identity.

After Batman woke up from a coma, he didn't seem to feel any changes in his body.

He stared straight at Li Yue on the ground.

Li Yue can feel that Batman at this time is different from the previous state.

Although the previous Batman has been brainwashed by the blackened Clark, he still maintains some sanity.

But now, he seems to be just a robot, with no autonomous thoughts of his own at all.

To put it simply, it is the previous Batman. Although there is not much emotional expression, all actions are still under his control.

At this time, Batman is just a puppet who is controlled by others and can do whatever he wants.

"So, is it the guy who is hiding in the dark who controls Batman's body at this time?"

Almost subconsciously, Li Yue thought of who was in control of Batman's body at this time.

It is the guy who hides in the dark but can control everything in this space.

Moreover, Li Yue also suddenly understood that the hell bat armor worn by Batman was probably generated out of thin air by the energy gathered by that guy.

As for how the other party did it, Li Yue couldn't figure it out for the time being.

However, as long as you can keep it under control.

So how exactly does it manipulate this space into a gamified state, and how to create a set of armor that did not exist out of thin air, it can be solved.

Of course, all these basic conditions require that Li Yue be able to pull this guy out from the shadows.


The two sides stared at each other for dozens of seconds, and neither of them made any movement during that time.

Finally, still in the sky, it was in control of Batman's body and couldn't wait any longer.

After all, even if it is absorbed into the special space created by oneself, the other party's plundering of the control of this space is still going on all the time.

And in less than a minute, his control was once again deprived of a lot.

This situation makes it feel extremely angry, but it has nothing to do. It can only prepare to kill the culprit who made itself extremely angry as soon as possible, so as to stop the other party's behavior.

And now, this armor is created out of thin air with energy, so that Batman, who is only a mortal, has the power strong enough to fight against the gods.

Although, it doesn't know what "god" is, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can defeat that damn human.

The next moment, Batman, who was floating in the sky, took the lead in attacking.

The wings, which were nearly ten meters long, suddenly trembled as if they were like devil wings.

The originally silver-white wings also suddenly changed.

As if infected by the power of darkness, it slowly changed from white to black.



There was a sudden explosion in the air, as if the air had been torn apart by some kind of huge force.

The next moment, its body was like a huge bat, rushing towards Li Yue on the ground quickly.

While rushing towards Li Yue, the wings behind him had already turned completely black.

And in the command of the rushing wings, it collapsed in an instant.

However, the broken wings did not disappear, but turned into black bats, like a dark cloud, accompanying Batman.

A cloud of black mist shrouded Batman's body and rushed towards Li Yue.

At the moment of approaching Li Yue, all the bats accelerated instantly and attacked Li Yue at the first moment.

clap la la...

The swarm of bats that fluttered and took off made a chaotic sound.


The loud and sharp chirping made the eardrums tingle.

It seems that a certain resonance frequency has been reached, and there are sound waves visible to the naked eye in the air.

And this time the bat swarm is not like the last time, it's just a special effect attached to Batman's attack.

The densely packed bats seem to be real and have entities.

At close range, Li Yue could even smell the blood on the bat.

"Fuck, stay away from me!"

Li Yue suddenly became a little excited, as if these bats were real demons.

The next moment, he did not hesitate at all, and directly adjusted the energy in his body, converging into two fiery rays, and suddenly released from his eyes.

chi chi chi...

The high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees made any bats that came into contact with them instantly turn into a cloud of black mist, and then they were directly washed away.

But Batman seemed to have expected it long ago, avoiding Li Yue's attack in advance.

And taking advantage of the opportunity, he rushed directly to Li Yue.

The silver armor on his arm instantly transformed into a blade with a flickering cold glow, slashing towards Li Yue!


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