Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 824 The ambition to give birth to life

In Li Yue's cognition, it seems that every universe with fantastic power has some kind of powerful object that defies the sky enough to change the reality of the universe.

Possessing these heaven-defying items is almost equivalent to possessing omnipotent artifacts.

For example, in the Marvel world, the most famous cosmic artifact is undoubtedly the six infinite gems that can control the basic energy of the universe.

Possessing any one of the six gems gives the user complete control of a powerful and almost inexhaustible special energy.

Even, if a person can collect all six Infinity Stones, he can even destroy the reality of the entire universe in one thought.

With such a powerful ability and power, it is no exaggeration to call the Infinity Stones the heaven-defying artifact of the Marvel Universe.

However, the name of the Infinity Stones is known because of their appearance in the more widely circulated Marvel movies.

The powerful ability it shows also makes the audience watching the movie feel extremely shocked, and I wish I could also have an Infinity Stone.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Therefore, everyone who has watched Marvel movies can know something about the Infinity Stones.

However, in fact, the Infinity Stones are not the most powerful and heaven-defying artifact in the Marvel Universe.

In the comics, there are also some god-defying artifacts that are more powerful than the infinite gems.

Like the universe cube!

In the movie, its function was severely weakened, and it became a vessel for holding space gems. In the end, it was crushed directly by Thanos with his bare hands.

But in the comics, the Cosmic Cube itself is an artifact that is no weaker than the Infinity Stones.

The Cosmic Cube can alter reality and make those who hold it incredibly powerful. With the help of the energy of the universe cube, you can turn your desires into reality, ranging from manipulating elements to manipulating stars and space-time energy.

Of course, in addition to this, there are many anti-sky artifacts in Marvel comics, but in addition to the Infinity Stones, the more familiar one is the artifact called the Heart of the Universe.

In the comics, Thanos not only collected all six Infinity Stones, he even obtained and owned the Marvel Artifact Universe Heart.

The tyrant with the heart of the universe, his power has crossed multiple levels from the original heavenly father level in an instant, and has directly reached the level of the almighty universe, surpassing the limit of the multiverse.

The tyrant who has obtained the heart of the universe has more power than the five gods? Even the court of life.

He easily destroyed the universe he was in? Turning the entire universe into a place of nothingness.

Then, faced with nothingness? When he felt bored? He used the power of the heart of the universe to bring the reality of the entire universe back to the time when it was prosperous.

From this, we can see how powerful Thanos, who has the heart of the universe, has reached a certain level.

Almost everyone in the Marvel Universe? Only under OAA, the creator of the Marvel Universe.

Of course? This is not the most heaven-defying artifact obtained by Thanos.

The worst time he ever had was when he obtained an artifact called a reality controller.

This is an artifact even more powerful than the Heart of the Universe, capable of controlling the entire reality of the Marvel Universe at will.

It is said to be a device used by the OAA to control the Marvel Universe.

And the tyrant who got it, even has the powerful power of OAA, the creator of the Marvel universe.


Of course? All of the above? These are just plots that appear in the Marvel Universe comics.

And it's just a plot created with Thanos as the protagonist.

Even the Thanos who got the reality controller is not officially recognized by Marvel.

As for Li Yue, it is not clear at this time whether the Marvel world he went to before has the existence of powerful artifacts such as the Reality Controller and the Heart of the Universe.

However, does this artifact really exist? It is not very important to Li Yue at this moment.

Because regardless of whether such a powerful artifact exists in the Marvel Universe, Li Yue has already decided what he is about to do.

Create an artifact "Heart of the Universe" that can control and control the entire universe? At the same time, place this artifact that can control everything in this universe at will? Place it in the center of the universe.

Of course? Although the heart of the universe? has a powerful force that can control everything in this universe, and can even easily rewrite the rules of the entire universe.

But for Li Yue, its role has little appeal.

After all, the heart of the universe was created by Li Yue himself, and although it possesses powerful abilities, it was given by Li Yue.

And Li Yue, naturally controls far more powerful ability than it.

Not to mention controlling the universe constructed by his own body cells, Li Yue can even easily destroy everything in this universe.

Of course, if there is no need, Li Yue will not choose to do so.

He still has to rely on the billions of universes just born in his body to make his strength grow rapidly.


However, the reason for making such a heaven-defying artifact that can control everything in the entire universe is that Li Yue wants it to act as the center of the universe and guide the operation of the entire universe.

In fact, of course, he also has an idea that can almost be called fantasy.

Perhaps, in the near future, when billions of years have passed in the universe created by oneself, the universe has grown into an infinite number of galaxies.

At that time, perhaps in a certain galaxy in this universe, on an ordinary planet, a kind of intelligent life will be born.

When intelligent beings are born in a universe, then the universe is truly perfect.

Li Yue has created billions of universes in his body, although the main purpose is to make his own strength stronger.

But if he has no ambition at all, and wants to truly give birth to intelligent life in the universe he created, then it is naturally impossible.

Although, even Li Yue felt that the probability of such a situation occurring was pitifully small. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

After all, these universes are in his body, I am afraid that no matter how perfect the rules of the universe are, it is difficult for intelligent life to be born in them.

However, no matter what the final result is, Li Yue's expectations will not change.

The universe he created for himself was even more fantastic, with some fantastic powers. Naturally, when Li Yue created the universe, he also created such an artifact that could control the entire universe.

At that time, if there is an unexpected situation, intelligent life will really be born in this universe, and even their own intelligent civilizations will be born in countless galaxies.

At that time, Li Yue is looking forward to seeing the expression of the first person who discovered that the center of the universe has a universe heart that can control everything in the universe!


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