Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 825: The Heart of the Universe Returns

Chapter 836 The Heart of the Universe Returns

Just as some people fantasize about whether there is a God who created the universe and the earth outside the world they live in, who is observing the development of mankind with his eyes.

Or, the human civilization is just a creature created by God when he is bored, in order to satisfy some of his desires.

Even darker, the birth of man is the object of God's experimentation and observation.

And Li Yue, at this time, is naturally looking forward to the moment when life really appears in the universe in his body.

With the birth of life, in the long-term development, they can definitely control some kind of power similar to technology or fantasy.

Relying on special power to support them to reach the center of the universe, and discovering that what supports the operation of the universe, turned out to be the heart of the universe created by Li Yue, will eventually appear.

At this time, Li Yue was looking forward to that situation, and he was even more looking forward to what kind of creature he would be if someone could really get the Heart of the Universe.

Of course, these are just some unrealistic fantasies in Li Yue's heart at this time.

As for whether it will really happen in the future, at this moment, it is still an almost impossible unknown.

However, Li Yue's act of creating the Heart of the Universe had already begun at this time.

Moreover, he has communicated all the energies of the entire universe, even the rules, and merged part of the control power into this heart of the universe that looks like a golden gem!

The golden gem the size of an egg is now emitting a palpitating light because it absorbs the energy that can control the entire universe.

The golden light is not very dazzling, but it contains a special power that is almost impossible to look directly at.

Even the surface of the golden gemstone, with the rays of light blooming, ripples like water waves appeared around the heart of the universe, shrouding it.

At this time, the heart of the universe is not always shining with golden light, but like a beating heart, the light is flickering and flickering.

The flickering light is sometimes strong, sometimes more subtle.

As if the golden gem was not a dead thing,

Rather, it is a life that has life, and is even breathing with some rhythm.


"Yes, this kind of appearance is more in line with the force that an artifact should have."

Li Yue was very satisfied with the state of the Heart of the Universe he created at this time.

Although Li Yue came abruptly because of the idea of ​​​​creating the Heart of the Universe, he didn't know what to create the Heart of the Universe.

In the end, only in accordance with the infinite gems of the Marvel universe, a gem-like cosmic heart was created.

But at this time, the Heart of the Universe, which was given the authority to control the entire universe, even exceeded Li Yue's expectations, showing a completely different appearance from the Infinity Stones.

The Heart of the Universe at this time, there is no doubt that just relying on observation, you can feel that it is more powerful and mysterious than the Infinity Stones.

After all, the Infinity Stones can only control the single basic energy of the Marvel universe, but the heart of the universe created by Li Yue can control everything in the entire universe, even including the rules in the universe.

The abilities of the two are naturally incomparable and difficult to compare.

Perhaps, because the universe has just been created at this time, the role that the heart of the universe can achieve at this moment, as well as the energy contained in it, cannot be compared with any infinity gem in the Marvel universe.

However, as the universe continues to grow, the Heart of the Universe will eventually surpass the Infinity Stones and grow into an artifact of the same level as the Heart of the Universe in the Marvel Universe.

In this regard, Li Yue said that he was very much looking forward to seeing that moment.

Because this also indicates that at that moment, the universe in Li Yue's body has grown to the same level as the Marvel universe.

And how powerful will Li Yue become at that time? It's almost an unimaginable thing.

At least, Li Yue felt that at that moment, it would take an unpredictable long time!


Soon, Li Yue put away these messy thoughts in his heart.

Because although the heart of the universe has been created by him, this matter is not completely over.

Holding the heart of the universe in his hand, Li Yue could clearly feel that even if he was not the creator of this universe, he could easily change everything in this universe.

This ability to control everything is definitely the goal that everyone wants to pursue in a lifetime.

Of course, this is also limited to the universe in which he currently lives.

As the "God" who created this universe, Li Yue naturally has no pursuit of this ability.

Therefore, the next moment, Li Yue directly waved his hand gently, and threw the egg-sized golden gem directly to the front.

Following Li Yue's movements, the golden gem slowly flew forward at a slow speed.

At this moment, it seems that the time of the entire universe has suddenly stopped. The universe, which was in a state of chaos because of the disappearance of the huge stars, suddenly stopped at this moment.

At this moment, if there is someone here, then his eyes will definitely be looking at the golden gem that is slowly advancing.

Because at this moment, it seems that there is an irresistible power in that gem.

Even the entire universe cannot resist the appearance of golden gems.

The flying speed of the golden gem seems to be very slow, but in just an instant, it has come to the place where the stars disappeared before, which is the most central area of ​​the entire universe.

Immediately afterwards, the golden gem stopped instantly, and it didn't look abrupt at all, as if the gem should have been in that position.

The golden gem that stopped at the very center of the universe instantly burst into a golden light that shone to the extreme, as if it could illuminate the entire universe.

At the same time, along with the blooming of the golden light, a wave of golden energy visible to the naked eye instantly swept away towards the surroundings.

Wherever it went, everything went back to normal in an instant.

And those cracks that appeared in the void due to the absorption of a lot of energy were also instantly smoothed out by this golden energy ripple.

The entire universe, at this moment, seems to be returning to its natural state.

The entire universe, at the moment when the heart of the universe belongs, returned to its normal state of operation.

At this time, the heart of the universe, when the dazzling light disappeared, has returned to its previous calm state.

It is like a gem shining with a warm light, quietly floating in the center of the universe, and even slowly rotating with a special law!

And around the golden gem, the golden energy ripples continued to spread and flicker outwards.

The heart of the universe, at this moment, seems to have become the heart of the entire universe!


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