Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 859 Entering the Dream World

However, Li Yue didn't want to pull Batman's consciousness directly from the dream world he was experiencing at this time.

That's why he went to the dream world where Batman was in a mental state to see what Batman had experienced, so that he, who was calm and calm in the face of everything, could be lost in it.

When using this ability, if Li Yue does not interfere subjectively, then the dream world constructed by each person with his own subconscious will be different.

Just as there are no two identical leaves in the world, there is no such thing as the exact same thing in the dream world of someone.

Under normal circumstances, in the constructed dream world, the things that will happen in it are not closely related to the person who constructed the dream world.

Because some people's subconscious is not very strong, the impact on the generation of the dream world is almost minimal.

Of course, there are no absolutes, and it is not that no one can affect the generation of the dream world.

Only a few times, when some people's subconscious hides something that has been buried for many years.

Even when some things are about to become a demon that I can't get through, the dream world will change because of these things buried in people's subconscious.

Or the thing that someone fears the most, or the thing that he most looks forward to happening, or the thing that he most wants to change in his life!

If the intensity of this desire exceeds a certain limit, it can affect the construction of the dream world, thereby creating a dream that is closely related to what he thinks in his subconscious mind.

Today, although Li Yue has not fully experienced Batman's dream, he already has a feeling in his heart.

Perhaps, the very few situations that can affect the construction of the dream world may just happen to Batman.

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When this thought occurred in his heart, Li Yue just thought for a moment, and the more he felt that this situation really happened.

Because, if other people's subconsciousness is not enough to influence the establishment of the dream world, it is natural to say the past.

But Batman is likely to have the ability to influence the establishment of the dream world.

After all, as a very personal character in comics, what Batman has experienced in his life is not comparable to ordinary people at all. First Release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

Among them, if some things have been buried in Batman's heart, and after many years, they have not come out of the shadow of those things until today, naturally it is very likely to happen.

Especially since he had just experienced the Black Super Crisis, perhaps for other people, after such an experience, they would not think about other things in their minds.

But Batman's character makes him think about all possible things, and even has a strong anxiety.

If we say that Batman at this time has some crises that may occur in the future, he has a subconscious like a nightmare.

Then it should probably be able to affect the establishment of the dream world.

Perhaps, at this time, Batman is in the dream world, constantly dealing with various crises that may occur on Earth in the future in his subconscious.

"Perhaps, that's probably what happened,

The establishment of the dream world is affected by the strong concern about the earth in the subconscious. "

"Let Batman have to face the situation he least wants to happen in the fantasy dreamland he experiences, and deal with countless crises that may occur on Earth."

"I'm afraid that with Batman's will, even if he hasn't been lost in such a dream world, he probably won't be able to leave here easily."

After just entering the dream world experienced by Batman, Li Yue is almost certain of this situation.

Batman is probably lost in the situation he least wants to see at this time.

When the earth is facing various serious crises, I am afraid that even if Batman knows this is not a real world, he will not choose to stand by.

And Batman chooses to help the earth in the dream world to deal with the crisis, so he naturally cannot leave this dream world voluntarily.

Perhaps, until Batman sees through everything and emerges from this almost morbid state, it will be possible to face everything with ease.

Then leave this place that is not the real world and return to the real world.


With this thought in his heart, Li Yue began to officially go deep into the dream world experienced by Batman.

When he first came to this dream world, Li Yue appeared in a bright starry sky.

As if there is a complete galaxy in front of him, it exudes a beautiful and magnificent, but also very mysterious atmosphere.

However, in this case, for Li Yue, it will not happen that Batman was shocked by this cosmic scene at the beginning.

After all, Li Yue has already experienced the existence of creating the universe himself, and he is no longer too shocked by the mystery of the universe.

Therefore, Li Yue is now directly ignoring the CG-like scene, and directly plunges into the galaxy in front of him with his spiritual body.

The dream world can be established because Li Yue provides the golden energy in himself.

Therefore, the created dream world, in a certain way, is no different from the world created by Li Yue himself.

He can completely manipulate this dream world at will, and even destroying this dream world directly is not difficult.

At this moment, Li Yue naturally did not choose to destroy this dream world, but wanted to go deep into it and find Batman who was "trapped" in it.

And because he can control the world at will, he can find the place in this vast galaxy in a short period of time to truly stage the dream plot.

In the dazzling starry sky, one after another starlight kept flashing in front of Li Yue's eyes.

It seems that only a moment has passed, and it seems that decades have passed.

When countless stars flashed in front of Li Yue.

Finally, a planet that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar appeared in front of Li Yue!

It feels familiar because Li Yue can determine from the appearance that this planet is undoubtedly the Earth in the dream world.

The reason why it feels a little strange is because this planet, which is almost identical to the earth, has a situation that Li Yue has never seen before.

The entire earth, as if in the central area, was divided into two distinct areas by an invisible dividing line.

In one of the areas, the sun is shining, the blue sky and white clouds are a harmonious scene.

In another area, it seems that the sun has not been seen for countless years, and even the clouds above the sky have always been black clouds!


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