Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 860 Absurd Dreamland

Two completely different areas, two completely different scenes, this planet that is the same as the earth in Li Yue's impression, in Li Yue's eyes at this moment, looks really weird.

He would naturally be unfamiliar with such an earth, because he had almost never seen such an earth.

I don't know why, there are two completely different situations.

However, although I felt very strange about this in my heart, I was also very curious at the same time.

But Li Yue knows that in the dream world, anything can happen, and any situation can happen!

Therefore, such a strange situation will not surprise Li Yue too much.

However, Li Yue still had a strong interest in such an earth in his heart.

At this moment, he still really wants to see with his own eyes what the situation is on the strange earth in front of him.

At the same time, I also want to explore why this happens.

And, more importantly, Li Yue is here to find the lost Batman.

With this idea in mind, Li Yue directly covered the surface of this strange earth with his own mental power, and carried out a general search and observation.

Afterwards, after Li Yue's search, he easily enveloped the entire earth in his spiritual power.

And what was happening above was all felt in Li Yue's heart.

However, after putting aside some meaningless situations and excluding some things that are irrelevant to Li Yue, the remaining ones are what Li Yue found.

At this moment, let's not talk about Batman, but Li Yue was very surprised by what happened in two completely different areas on this earth.

This earth, not only as if the weather conditions are divided into two completely different conditions.

Even the living conditions of human beings in the region are divided into two distinct situations.


In the sunny area, everything is very harmonious, and the humans living in it are all very kind.

It seems that nothing evil will happen in the whole area, and the carefree life of people is completely a happy place comparable to a real paradise on earth.

I am afraid that this area can already be regarded as a paradise that humans dream of in the real world.

Of course, although the dream world is as real as possible as it is in reality, it is still a dream world after all, just a special different dimension space.

It doesn't even count as a real space, and it will even collapse directly with the departure of the dream owner, and eventually disappear completely.

In such a world, no matter how close everything is to reality, people in reality will find the unreality in it.

And Li Yue has now observed and discovered many situations that will never occur in the real world.

For example, when people here live, they don't need food at all, and they don't even know how to eat or sleep.

Even, they don't need to go to work, they just wander in the dream world according to a certain rule every day.

It is like an NPC in the game world, as if it has no thoughts of its own at all, it is just a kind of intelligent procedural generation.

And such a situation is almost a common occurrence in the entire dream world on Earth.

Of course, if you, as the master of the dream, live in this world and experience your dream plot, you will never find that this situation is any different from reality.

This is why some people wake up from a dream and then think back to what happened in the dream, and they feel very absurd.

But I still feel puzzled, why can't I find such a thing when I'm dreaming is extremely absurd, and it's impossible to happen at all?

Now, Li Yue seems to be looking at the absurd plot of the dream world from the perspective of a normal person after waking up from a dream.

Therefore, the dream world at this time, no matter how close it is to reality, cannot become a real reality in Li Yue's eyes!

But even so, Li Yue would not pay too much attention to some loopholes in the dream world.

What he is more concerned about is that in this dream world, the earth will be divided into two completely different forms.

And soon, Li Yue found the possible correct answer on this earth.


When Li Yue was exploring this special world with his spiritual power, he noticed that this world has special circumstances that are far different from the real world.

Also discovered where Batman's consciousness lies.

However, when Li Yue discovered what happened to Batman at this time, it made him feel even more curious.

Because Li Yue discovered the existence of Batman in two completely different areas.

There are two Batmans on this earth.

Of course, to be more precise, there is an ordinary man Bruce Wayne, and there is a Dark Knight Batman Bruce Wayne.

Two Bruce's coexist on this earth.

However, there are some differences between them.

For example, in the area that is always sunny and looks like paradise on earth, there is only Bruce Wayne, an ordinary person without special abilities, he has not become Batman who guards the city.

Although his life is different from other people in this dream world, it is not too different.

However, what surprised Li Yue the most was that Bruce Wayne in this area, his parents did not die when he was young.

To this day, Bruce Wayne's parents are still alive.

Moreover, compared with other people in this dream world, his parents are undoubtedly much more normal, and they are almost no different from normal people.

They can eat, chat... They can do almost anything normal people in the real world can do in this world.

In Li Yue's view, the reason for this difference should be that this dream world was created by Batman's subconscious.

And what feels important and familiar to Batman, in the fantasy world will be more like a real person.

And if Batman doesn't have any impression, or even those people who don't have any intersection, they are just like ordinary NPCs in the game world.

Their lives basically maintain a fixed form.

And they basically won't come into contact with the Batman who lives here, so their existence will basically have no impact on the Batman in this world!

And Li Yue, in this world, in addition to feeling the existence of an ordinary man Bruce Wayne in that harmonious area.

Even in another area, I felt another Bruce Wayne who became Batman!


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