In this fantastic dream world, on the same earth, there are actually completely different situations like two worlds.

And in these two completely different worlds, there are actually two completely different Bruce Wayne.

Among them, Bruce Wayne, who lives in a harmonious area, his parents are alive, and he himself is just an ordinary rich man in charge of the family business.

And Bruce Wayne, who lives in another chaotic world, lost his parents when he was young, and his life trajectory is not much different from the Batman growth history that Li Yue is familiar with.

In this world, Bruce Wayne became the guardian of the city after he became an adult, and became a hero who only punished evil and evil in the dark of night.

However, what made Li Yue feel weirder was that.

In that chaotic world, life seems to be all wicked.

Almost everyone does something evil.

This also led to chaos and evil being played out almost every moment in the region of that world.

It seems that in the whole world, only Batman is righteous.

However, no matter how powerful Batman is, it cannot change the fact that he is just an ordinary person.

When most of the human beings on the earth are criminals, and there is only one person who wants to change the chaotic world and bring the world back to peace, how can it be possible to truly make the whole world peaceful.

This is almost a completely impossible thing to do.

When the turbidity in the world becomes the norm, the only sober person becomes a sinful existence.

And the same is true in this world.

Batman, who is committed to changing the world and making the world peaceful, is not respected by everyone.

Not even the few who agreed with his approach.

In this world, Batman is fighting against the evil and chaos of the whole world almost by himself.


And the result of this can be imagined, even if Batman's justice still affects some people around him.

It made some people around him seem to have woken up from their previous state and reached an agreement with Batman.

However, Batman's influence is completely negligible for a chaotic world that covers half of the earth.

Therefore, even though Batman has almost no time to rest, and is carrying out punishment and evil all the time, the chaos in this area has hardly decreased.

Even because of the appearance of Batman, there is an intensified situation.

The dark clouds shrouded in the sky over the whole world are even more common, like a doomsday shadow, shrouding the world all the time.

Perhaps, the darkness that shrouded the entire world was formed because of what people in this world did.

And Batman is like a ray of hope that wants to dispel the darkness.

However, the light of candles cannot illuminate the entire dark world after all.

Therefore, Batman's behavior did not achieve the effect he wanted.

However, Batman did not choose to give up, until Li Yue felt him, he was still in the city, wearing a dark bat armor, driving a bat chariot, saving the world.

I also hope that my actions will one day awaken the human beings in this world.


Such a choice is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to do.

In the face of the situation where the whole world is against him, Batman can still not give up his responsibility, which is definitely a brave man who dares to face difficulties.

However, in this dream world, there should be its own special rules of operation.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The earth is divided into two completely different worlds, but everyone in these two worlds is unaware of the existence of the other world.

It's as if people from two worlds live together on one earth, but they haven't discovered the existence of people from the other world at all.

And two extreme worlds appear on the same earth. If someone can observe the situation of these two worlds like Li Yue, I am afraid it will be very unbelievable.

Even Li Yue was suddenly full of interest in this dream world at this time.

Because, in his feelings, the situation of this world after it was originally constructed may not be what it is today.

I'm afraid it was when Batman's consciousness entered here that this huge change appeared.

The whole world is divided into two, two completely different worlds full of extremes.

Even Batman himself has been split into two, and one has become an ordinary man in a harmonious world, Bruce Wayne.

The other became the Batman in the chaotic world, Bruce Wayne.

However, no matter what world, Bruce's thoughts are full of justice.

However, Bruce Wayne in the harmonious world did not choose to use his justice to change the world.

In the chaotic world, Batman wants to use his righteous heart to change the chaotic scene of this world.

Perhaps, with his own strength, I am afraid that he will not be able to achieve his goal with all his life.

However, he used his actual actions to prove to the world that a righteous heart will never be corrupted, even if he faced a world full of chaos and disaster.


At this time, Li Yue could not help but be infected by Batman's righteous heart in the chaotic world.

At the same time, there is some understanding in my heart. Perhaps it is precisely because of this awareness of wanting to change the chaotic world that Batman's own consciousness has been trapped here for such a long time.

What makes Li Yue even more curious is why the world has become what it is now because of the appearance of Batman?

Although, this dream world is a special world created by Batman's inner subconscious.

But the control and manipulation of the entire world is not controlled by Batman himself.

Although he can do a lot of things in this world.

But wanting a complete world to be divided into two completely different worlds is not what Batman should be able to do at all.

"Maybe now, only in the past, when Batman just came to this world, to find the answer to this question!"

Li Yue, who is curious about the changes in the world, is ready to find answers to his inner doubts.

And soon, Li Yue thought of a good way.

That is going back in time, back to the moment when Batman came into the world.

Let's see how Batman, who just came to this dream world, has changed this dream world.


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