Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 865: The Night of Origin

As Batman suddenly changed the direction of his gaze, Li Yue couldn't help but also look towards the place where Batman was looking.

The entrance is just a very remote street, and even on this street, there are no pedestrians at all.

However, Li Yue felt that things were not so simple. Especially at this time, Batman's expression made Li Yue feel as if something abnormal happened.

His mental power spread to the end of the remote street in an instant, and he knew everything that happened at this moment.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that Batman will have such a strong will to change the world after this."

When you see what is happening hidden at the end of the street, it can also be said that the plot is being played out.

Li Yue also finally understood why Batman had a strong will after this, and even directly changed the world, dividing the world into two.

Even though Li Yue was on the previous earth, he was not very familiar with the comics of the DC world.

But he is also very familiar with the birth and origin of Batman, the most recognizable superhero in the DC universe.

Bruce Wayne, the future Batman, actually had an unfortunate childhood.

Bruce Wayne was born into the Wayne family, one of the four major families in Gotham City.

When he was a child, his parents brought young Bruce home one night after watching the movie Zorro.

He was robbed by gangsters while passing by a trail.

The thugs shot Bruce's parents in front of him.

Since then, Bruce has developed a strong desire to eradicate evil with his own hands.

In order to prevent others from suffering the same tragedy as himself, with his extraordinary talent, Bruce spent decades traveling around the world, visiting top or legendary fighting masters in the East and the West, and learning various genres of fighting techniques.

After returning to the United States, he used his strong financial resources to manufacture various high-tech equipment.

After that, in the daytime, he was the second-generation brainless rich and playboy in the eyes of others.

And in Gotham City at night, he becomes the dark knight Batman who makes criminals terrified.


That's the origin story of Batman, and even the comics of Batman have multiple versions, and even Batman himself, it wasn't always Bruce Wayne.

But this origin story has almost never changed.

The night that eventually led to the birth of Batman will always appear like an unchangeable nightmare at the beginning of Batman's birth.

At this time, the reason why Li Yue thought of the night of origin that led to the birth of Batman was entirely because it was in his feelings now.

At the end of this back-of-the-way street, the plot that unfolds is this very night of Batman's origins.

And this can explain why Batman who came to this dream world has such a strong desire to change the world.

After all, if anything can linger in Batman's heart and become his lingering nightmare.

Then this night that his parents died in front of him is definitely something that Batman will never forget.

And now, even in the dream world, even if Batman's consciousness is not as clear as in the real world.

But when this incident was repeated in front of him, he might still be unable to restrain the incomparably strong anger in his heart.

After experiencing such a thing, I am afraid that Batman's consciousness will wake up instantly and realize that he should be in an illusory dream.

But maybe Batman can't bear the grief and pain of losing his parents again.

So the first thing he thought of was not to leave this world.

But to change the world.

Moreover, he did not expect that he actually succeeded, successfully changing the reality of this dream world into two completely different worlds.


Although Li Yue has now discovered the reason why things have become the way they are now.

However, he did not leave here immediately, nor did he return to the original timeline of this world, bringing Batman directly back to the real world.

He wanted to see with his own eyes how Batman changed the dream world.

On the other side, although Batman can't see what's happening at the end of the street with his eyes, he can't sense what's happening there with his mental power like Li Yue. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

However, it seemed that there was something in this street that was attracting his attention.

Even attracting him to the past, into this remote street.

Faced with this almost irresistible attraction, Batman didn't even choose to resist.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to that remote street.

It's the place that changed his life.

Because of the inexplicable attraction, there is also an inexplicable feeling deep inside that if he goes late, something bad will happen to him, which makes Batman unconsciously speed up his pace.

Even in the end, he had already started to run, and the speed started to get faster and faster.

But next to Batman who couldn't see it, Li Yue, who followed him, knew in his heart that no matter how fast Batman accelerated at this time, he couldn't change what was about to happen.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Because, this matter seems to be a plot that has been decided, and Batman in the plot can't change anything!

Maybe, he can change, but he can't change so easily.


In fact, this is exactly the case, even if Batman has finally used the fastest running speed he can play.

But when he was about to enter the end of the street, he was still a step too late.


A violent gunshot suddenly sounded, making this silent night seem to have suddenly stopped at this moment.

And this gunshot sounded like a giant hammer, hitting Batman's heart heavily.

At this moment, the calm and calm expression on Batman's face has been maintained, and he has disappeared for a moment.

Instead, there was an expression of disbelief and shock.

He didn't even understand at this time what the gunshot meant.

But he seemed to be able to feel that someone who was very important to him had left him at this moment.

At this moment, Batman seemed to be desperately running towards the street that was only a few dozen meters away from him.

As if trying to stop something from happening.

However, he still did not arrive at this time.


When he just ran to the source of the gunshots, before he could do anything!

The second shot has already sounded.

In the end, Batman only saw the scene of two figures lying in a pool of blood, and one person who turned around and ran away after seeing Batman coming.


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