Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 866 Change the world

In the scene, there was also a child who was only a few years old. He seemed to be frightened by the sight in front of him. His face was full of horror, and he was a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, Batman is no longer in the mood to chase the gangster who escaped, because now, looking at the familiar scene in front of him, he seems to have thought of something in his heart, and he froze in place for a moment.

A familiar memory, scene by scene, appeared in his mind like a movie.

Looking at the little boy who didn't know what was wrong, Batman instantly recalled himself.

This scene is no different from the one he experienced in his memory.

It is almost a reappearance of the original version. The little boy who was at a loss at this time is like a child who saw his parents being killed in front of his eyes and was helpless.

At this moment, Batman has come to understand that he should not be in the original real world at this time.

However, even knowing what is happening in front of you, it may not be the real situation.

But Batman still can't wake up from his inner sadness!

At this moment, Li Yue looked at Batman with a sluggish expression, and felt a little helpless in his heart.

Such bad memories, it is estimated that no one wants to encounter a second time.

Even if he has become Batman, he will still feel endless sadness and anger in his heart after witnessing such a thing again.

At this moment, in fact, Batman's mind is filled with more emotions, but it is a feeling of powerlessness.

Even though this is the second time, he has become Batman, but he still doesn't seem to have the ability to change the situation.

He still couldn't save his parents, he could only watch them being killed by gangsters.

And this is undoubtedly something that no one can accept.

Even at this moment, Batman has realized that this is not a real thing that happens in the real world.

Maybe it's just an illusory scene similar to a dream.

But at this time Batman did not directly wake up and return to the idea of ​​​​the real world.

After the great grief, a very strong emotion appeared in Batman's heart.

Since this is not the real world, and what just happened in front of his eyes is not what really happened.

Then, he will change here, change what just happened, and change the death of his parents.

Even, directly change the world!


When this strong emotion appeared in Batman's mind, it instantly made him linger.

The strong will to change what just happened in front of him instantly flooded Batman's heart.

At this moment, Batman's spirit seemed to be extremely concentrated, and all his emotions turned into some kind of strong will.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to shake slightly at Batman's strong will.

The sky was suddenly enveloped by a dazzling light.

Outside the entire earth, there was a dazzling white light that people could not see directly.

As if it was the holy light that God swayed to the world, the whole world suddenly fell into a state of peace and tranquility.

However, at this time, Batman's strong desire to change the world did not stop because of the changes in the world.

On the contrary, because of the slow passage of time, it does not decrease but increases.

If it is said, Batman knows that his power is limited and cannot change what has happened in the real world.

Then in this illusory world that seems to be a dream, he must not give up easily.

He must change the world,

Change the other self who is still a child, and then lose the tragic life of his parents again.

This strong will seems to be transformed into some special power.

As Batman's inner will continues to intensify, the entire fantasy world has suffered.

Even the earth beneath his feet has begun to undergo tremendous changes.

A dazzling brilliance, like a sharp sword, instantly cut the entire earth from the center and divided it into two different worlds.

In the two different worlds, time seems to be slowly going backwards.

The man who fell to the ground slowly stood up again as time went backwards.

The escaped gangster was also dragged back from a distance by an irresistible force.

A bullet had already been fired in his hand, and a flame suddenly began to appear at the muzzle of the gun, which was still filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Then the flame began to slowly retract into the barrel of the gun in an unreasonable situation, and a copper-yellow bullet returned to the muzzle.

The light of the flame disappeared, and the gun in the gangster's hand had regained the appearance of not firing bullets.

At the same time, a middle-aged couple who had fallen to the ground had come back to life.

Even their faces were still full of fear after seeing the gangsters.

But at this moment, Batman, who was not far away, had a confident smile on his face.

"At this moment, I will not let you leave him again."

Slowly, time is frozen at this moment.


Time is suddenly reversed, and the entire dream world has undergone tremendous changes because of Batman's strong will.

It's just that I don't know if it's because Batman's ability can only change half of the world, or because of some special circumstances.

In short, when the world is divided into two different worlds.

This situation is playing out together in two different worlds.

However, in this world, there is a Batman who firmly wants to change the world and change the outcome of this matter.

In another world, nothing so lucky happened.

At this time, the gangster also felt that something was not right. He vaguely remembered that he had just shot and killed the couple in front of him.

And he has already run away with the stolen jewelry and cash.

Why did he suddenly come back here in a blink of an eye?

Moreover, the couple in front of them seemed to have just seen themselves, and their expressions were full of panic.

The gangster didn't know what was going on at the moment.

However, he didn't think much about it, he just thought that he had just drank too much and had hallucinations.

For such people, even if they encounter strange things, their reaction will not be too strong.

What's more, this is the time when a big business comes to the door.

Looking at the couple in front of them wearing elegant clothes, like a nobleman.

He knew very well in his heart that such a person was definitely a big business.

Feeling the cold pistol in his hand, his heart was filled with cruelty.

He didn't want to delay any longer, and was going to shoot the two men directly, lest they have some troublesome resistance.

It's just that when he held a gun in his hand and aimed at the two people in front of him, he was about to kill them directly and brutally.

"This time, you won't be able to take their lives!"

A deep voice suddenly entered his ears, and he couldn't help but feel a heart-pounding feeling in an instant!


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