Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 889 1 Everything is possible

Although this is just an illusory dream world, when the will of the world is truly born in this world.

It means that this world is no longer just an ordinary illusory world at this time.

The emergence of world will also gives this world some basic conditions for a normal world.

Although everything in this world is still just an illusion.

However, as long as some conditions are met, this world can continue to exist just like the real world, but it only exists in a very special dimension that almost no one can discover and find.

The most critical condition for the continued survival of this world is that Batman's consciousness cannot leave this world.

And it is precisely because of this condition that the world consciousness in this world behaves as it did before towards Batman's consciousness.

This dream world is constructed by Batman's subconscious!

The fundamental reason why this world can exist is because Batman's consciousness is still new to this world.

However, if Batman's consciousness leaves this world, then the world will collapse directly because of his departure, and the entire world will turn into nothingness in an instant.

If, in this illusory world, there is no will to create a world, then the world will not react in any way until it collapses.

However, some things are just so unpredictable.

Who would have thought that a world that was born only a few decades ago, and only lasted for about ten minutes in the outside world, would still be an illusory world similar to a dream.

In this world, many world wills can appear that do not appear in the real world.

Moreover, the world will that appears is still in a waking and active state, not a sleeping state.

Therefore, maybe when the world consciousness here first appeared, it already felt the "death crisis" it was about to face.

If it represents the key to the existence of this world, Batman finally chooses to leave this world because he is satisfied.

Then the world will collapse instantly and disappear in the long river of history.

Faced with death and disappearance, it is as if the situation never existed.

Almost no ordinary person can face such a thing calmly.

Even in a world, the will of the world that is born will not be an exception when facing such a situation.

It is also afraid of "death", the same fear of disappearing, and the same fear that it will no longer exist.

Therefore, when faced with the huge fear of disappearing, even the will of the world without much wisdom made its own desperate behavior.

It began to gather the power of half the world to oppress Batman's soul consciousness, making it impossible for him to leave this body in this world on his own.

To ensure that Batman's consciousness can stay here forever and cannot return to the real world.

Only in this way, and only if Batman remains in its world, can its world avoid disappearing and avoid the final collapse.

Under normal circumstances, this dream world is located in a dimension that almost no one can discover.

And what the will of this world does will not be discovered by anyone.

As long as Batman's consciousness remains in its world permanently, its world will never disappear.

However, as the real creator of this world, Li Yue is an exception.

He can easily come into this world without even needing the consent of the world's newly born will.

If possible, Li Yue could easily destroy this fragile illusory world.

And Li Yue's appearance finally led to the current results.

Batman, who was bound by the will of the world with most of the world's power and could not leave this body, was finally dragged out of this body by Li Yue.

Even in the end,

In order to fight against Li Yue, the will of the world has been desperate and has devoted all the power of the world, as if it is a desperate attempt to stop Li Yue.

But in the end, he still couldn't fight against the powerful Li Yue.

Even at the moment of failure, most of the world collapsed, and the entire world was almost destroyed at that time.

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Fortunately, the will of this world has just been born after all. Except when facing a life and death crisis, it can follow instinct and desperately want to prevent something.

When what it did finally failed, it did not feel angry or angry like a truly intelligent creature.

But at this critical moment, do what you should do.

Constantly self-repairing this world that is about to collapse.

These situations were all guessed by Li Yue.

However, Li Yue could also feel that his guess should be close to the real situation.

After all, at this time, although he has not truly discovered the existence of world will in this world.

But as he used his mental power to carefully experience the world, he finally discovered some differences.

Li Yue had almost never thought that a real will to the world could be born in such a newly born illusory world.

After all, this is a situation that is even more rare than the emergence of special intelligent creatures in a deserted world.

Moreover, as far as Li Yue knows, worlds that can give birth to world will usually have very perfect rules.

Even if there is no extraordinary power among them, there are definitely people who have touched the threshold of extraordinary power.

Only in such a world can a world will appear that can control the rules of the world.

So Li Yue had almost never thought about it like this before!

However, when something really made him feel that something was wrong, he finally discovered that in this world, such a rare situation really existed.

"This is really surprising. I didn't expect to see the birth of the will of the world in such a world!"

“The world is so big and full of wonders!”

"The universe is so vast that it's really impossible to experience everything with the cognition of ordinary humans!"

A newly born world will appeared in front of him, and Li Yue couldn't help but sigh, the universe is so big, it is really full of wonders.

Nothing can be viewed from an absolute perspective.

"However, this seems to be normal. As long as the probability of one thing happening is not completely zero, then it will eventually happen."

Although some things will exceed your expectations, the probability of happening is infinitely close to zero.

But as long as this probability is not truly zero, it is still possible.

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