Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 890 Li Yue’s understanding

After being surprised, Li Yue also began to think about the matter itself again.

The newly born will of the world does not understand right and wrong at all!

It can basically only make choices based on its own instincts.

And facing the fact that he was about to disappear just after he was born, I am afraid that no one can face it calmly.

And the same is true for this newly born world will.

Therefore, being ignorant, it can only act according to its own instinct when faced with the crisis of imminent disappearance.

It will not examine what impact it will have on Batman himself if he leaves Batman's consciousness in his own world forever.

It doesn't even care about Batman's own choices, or whether his actions go against Batman's own wishes.

It only knows that as long as Batman does not leave his world, his world will always exist.

As long as your own world has always existed, you can always exist.

In a certain situation, the actions of this world's will were to use all the power of the world to fight against Li Yue.

Such behavior can already be regarded as Li Yue's enemy.

If you are facing a real person, or even some creatures with simple wisdom, you are confronting yourself like this.

Li Yue will naturally regard the other party as his enemy.

Li Yue has never been kind to his enemies.

Only a truly dead enemy can make Li Yue let go of his hatred.

However, at this time, Li Yue had a very different emotion in his heart than before.

Everything the world's will did did not make Li Yue feel too much anger.

Even if it were not for Li Yue, its actions would probably keep Batman in this world forever.

And Batman in the outside world will also become a vegetable-like existence.

Maybe in another world, Batman in the outside world will die directly because his soul consciousness has not returned for a long time.

This is definitely not a good result, nor is it what Li Yue wants to see.

And the reason why Batman came to this world is because of Li Yue.

So he couldn't stand this happening even more.

But having said that, Li Yue couldn't find anything wrong with what the world's will did.

In other words, when an ignorant being with little wisdom makes an almost desperate act based on his own instincts and his strong desire to continue to survive.

This couldn't make Li Yue feel hatred, and even made him feel a sense of identity.

Because he couldn't guarantee that if it were him, when he was about to die, he would care whether what he did was correct and whether it represented justice.

It's like, when a person is about to die, someone suddenly tells him that as long as he decides to sacrifice someone who has nothing to do with him, he can continue to live.

Faced with such a situation, I am afraid that most ordinary people will choose to sacrifice another person who has nothing to do with them.

And this is also a willful and instinctive choice.

In the face of a real death crisis, not many people can still insist on the absolute justice in their hearts.

There is nothing wrong with making some choices that go against justice in order to survive.

Even Li Yue himself cannot completely guarantee whether he can make an absolutely righteous choice when facing death.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue had almost no chance to face such a difficult choice.

However, this does not mean that Li Yue cannot understand the decisions made by others when faced with such difficult choices.

What's more, it is a world will that has just been born, and its wisdom is not as good as that of a human baby.

It just makes the best choice for itself based on its own instincts and desire for survival.

Therefore, Li Yue could not feel much hatred towards it at this time!

It's like some classic movies that Li Yue has watched. Although the villains in them have done many things that violate justice.

But Li Yue didn't feel very disgusted with them.

At this time, the newly born world will in this world is just for itself to continue to exist, just for its own world to continue to exist.

In a certain situation, Li Yue cannot say that it was wrong to do so.

For its part, he was just trying to live.

But for Batman, it means that he will not be able to leave this world, this illusory dream world.

This is naturally unfair to Batman.

Fortunately, Li Yue's arrival helped Batman get out of a crisis situation that might stay in this world forever!

However, this also means that if Batman's consciousness leaves this world and returns to the real world.

This illusory world, which is like a dream world, will also collapse accordingly.

And by that time, the will of the world that was just born in this world will also completely dissipate with the collapse of the world.

This is a very unfair thing for a newly born world will, just like a baby that has died before it has experienced the wonders of the world!

However, there is never anything absolutely fair in this world!

It is precisely because of this that Li Yue admires Li Yue's behavior in this world where the will relies on instinct and has to fight against fate.

"Perhaps, I can also try to change the fate of this newly born world will."

A special thought suddenly appeared in Li Yue's heart.

Since, if Batman leaves this world, it will cause the world to collapse directly, and it will also end the short life of the world will that was just born.

As for the collapse of this world, although Li Yue has no way to completely solve it, he doesn't have the energy to solve it!

After all, the essence of this world is just an illusory world similar to a dream world.

A person can construct a fantastic dream world while sleeping.

However, just like a flash in the pan, this dream world will eventually collapse and dissipate when the creator wakes up.

But wanting to keep this dream world from collapsing is not something that ordinary people can do.

Even gods with the ability to control rules may not necessarily have the ability to preserve the dream world.

Even Li Yue at this time has no way to completely guarantee the existence of the dream world.

It is easy to destroy a world. Although it is difficult to create a world, it can be done.

But it is very difficult to protect a dream world from collapse!

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