Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 892 Looking for another “self”

"No need to thank me, this is what I should do."

Li Yue also felt very strange about Batman who could not show any emotions at this time.

However, Li Yue could still feel the other party's heartfelt gratitude.

But in fact, Li Yue felt that he could not easily accept the other party's thanks.

After all, the cause of the incident was originally caused by him unintentionally.

Therefore, helping Batman now is exactly what he should do.

Naturally, he could not accept the other party's gratitude with peace of mind.

"Besides, I think you should regain your ability to control your emotions first before thanking me. It's really weird for you to say thank you without any expression on your face!"

Although Li Yue had another idea in his mind, he naturally did not say it directly. Instead, he half-jokingly led the topic to continue helping Batman find the ability to control his emotions.

"Then we will have to trouble Mr. Li Yue for the next thing!"

Batman can also imagine how weird and strange it would be for a person to face himself who is now unable to express emotions.

Therefore, he very much wants to regain his lost ability to control and feel emotions at this moment.

After all, not only would other people feel very strange looking at him with an expressionless face, but even he himself, who was unable to express emotions normally, would also feel very strange about this situation.

Moreover, he naturally cannot accept his ability to maintain such inexpressible emotions.

However, he himself did not understand how he lost his ability to feel and control emotions.

Not to mention how to get this ability back.

Therefore, having Li Yue's help at this time is naturally a very fortunate thing for Batman.

Otherwise, in the future, he may only be able to continue in this state.

Even if we return to reality, nothing will change.

Even though Batman's face has always seemed to lack the ability to express emotion.

But in fact, Batman didn't want to, he couldn't express his emotions at all.

Since they have decided to help Batman regain his lost control and ability to feel emotions, Li Yue and Batman are naturally not in a hurry to return to the real world directly!

"I remember you just said that you can feel the existence of another self in this world, right?"

However, Li Yue did not take direct action, but asked Batman a seemingly insignificant question.

"Yes, Mr. Li Yue, my feelings were not very clear before, but after I was completely separated from that body, I felt the existence of my other self more clearly."

"Moreover, I even seem to feel that my other self, as if it was once a part of my body, was separated from me for unknown reasons!"

"Now, I even feel that an inexplicable force is driving me, and I can't wait to find the other person!"

Hearing Li Yue's question, Batman answered without any hesitation.

Originally, when he was trapped in that body, he was not very clear about the existence of another self in this world. He only had a vague feeling.

But at this moment, after his spiritual consciousness was completely freed from the shackles of that body, his feeling about the possible existence of himself instantly became clearer!

And it seemed like an inexplicable force was guiding him, driving him, making him eager to find the other party!

In fact,

Even Batman himself doesn't know why he feels this way.

But he knew very well in his heart that no matter what happened to the other self he felt, it was very important to him.

You must find him.

"Presumably, you should also be aware that the person who has a strong connection with you is the other you!"

"It's just that although you can feel his presence, you can't really find him!"

Li Yue naturally knew that the other person Batman felt was the mental power he had dispersed before.

At this time, that part of the mental power has been integrated into another world, another little Bruce's body.

And what Batman secretly feels is another Bruce who has become Batman in another world.

Perhaps, because they are both spiritual powers derived from Batman's spirit, there is an inexplicable connection between them.

This inexplicable connection allows them to feel each other's existence even though they are in two worlds.

However, because they are each bound in a body, although they can feel each other, it is not very clear.

And this feeling is not clear, and they can't help but feel that it is their own illusion.

But at this moment, when Batman's soul consciousness finally left this body, he was finally able to clearly feel the other party's existence.

This feeling of attraction to him makes Batman eager to go find him.

"Mr. Li Yue, do you know what is going on?"

Hearing Li Yue's words, Batman could feel that Li Yue seemed to know something about his other self.

This also makes Batman very curious. What is going on with this other self who is so attracted to him and seems to be closely related to him!

"What you think is not wrong, I do know something!"

"Besides, your feeling is not wrong!"

Li Yue is not stingy about Batman's curiosity.

"You may already know that this is an illusory world, and nothing here is real!"

"However, you may not know that when your mental power was integrated into your body as a child in this world, your mental power was dispersed!"

"And your previous actions of saving your parents also caused a strong change in the world!"

"This illusory dream world has been divided from one into two!"

"And the mental power you dispersed is also divided into two parts, each entering two worlds!"

"I guess it is precisely because your mental power was divided into two parts that you are now unable to control your emotions!"

"Perhaps, as long as you regain that part of your lost mental power, you can regain your normal ability to control your emotions!"

Li Yue briefly analyzed Batman.

"Is this true? It turns out to be a part of my spiritual consciousness. No wonder it has such a strong attraction to me!"

Batman was also in disbelief at this time. He didn't expect that what attracted him was actually part of his own mental power!

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