Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 893 Ultimate Chaos

Although Batman was very surprised that the other self who had a strong attraction to him was a dispersed part of his mental power, he was able to accept it.

But when he learned that his previous actions had changed the world from one to two, Batman felt a little unbelievable.

I didn't expect that just a simple action of my own would have such a huge impact on the world.

Another parallel world with a different timeline was actually created.

Although, in Batman's perception, this world is just an illusion.

However, he doesn't want to destroy a world because of his actions.

But at this time, Batman is more concerned about getting back another part of his lost mental power.

Because if you regain the part of your lost mental power, it means that you are likely to be able to regain your lost ability to control and perceive emotions.

For Batman, this is something he can't wait to do!

"Of course, the above are just my guesses. Whether recovering another part of your mental power can truly regain your ability to control your emotions is still something that cannot be 100% certain!"

"However, I think there is still a high chance!"

Li Yue couldn't guarantee that his guess was completely correct, but he still had great confidence that his guess had a high chance of being correct!

Of course, when there are no more surprises in this world, for example, in this world that has just been born, the will of the world is awakened. This is something Li Yue has never thought of before!

"However, I can also feel that you may be a little impatient now, so let's go back to the other part of your spiritual consciousness without further ado!"

Hearing Li Yue's words, Batman didn't seem to care too much!

But this is normal. After all, no matter what, part of the spiritual power he lost must be recovered!

After that, Li Yue did not hesitate.

The moment their thoughts turned, they came directly to another world.

In just the blink of an eye, Batman realized that the scene around him had changed!

Batman has seen Li Yue's ability to take him to another place in an instant!

However, even though he has experienced it personally many times, Batman can't help but be surprised by this powerful ability every time!

Of course, at this time, he no longer had the extra mood to marvel at Li Yue's powerful abilities!

At this time, he was feeling and observing the new environment around him.

If everything Li Yue said is true, then this is another world created because he couldn't help but save his parents before.

Li Yue did not describe in detail the huge differences between this world and the world he was in before.

But Batman's heart is naturally full of imagination about the situation in this world.

However, when he really came to this world and felt the conditions of this world, all the illusions in Batman's heart about this world collapsed at this moment!

He had never seen such a world, and had almost never imagined that a world could be so chaotic!

This is the ultimate chaos.

The entire world was shrouded in a strong and thick haze. Even in broad daylight, the brilliance of the sun could not completely illuminate the world.

He raised his head and looked around. Above the sky were endless dark clouds, like a huge dark curtain, completely covering the sky that he could see.

Moreover, this situation seems to naturally produce a very depressing feeling for the people above the ground.

Moreover, this world seems to be filled with an uncomfortable atmosphere, which is affecting everyone's mind.

It is very easy for people to become irritable and irritable.

Within a few seconds of Batman's arrival in this world, he could feel an irritable mood in his heart due to various circumstances.

Although, with Batman's strong willpower, this influence will not have a serious impact on his behavior in a short period of time.

But Batman could imagine that if he lived in such a depressing world for a long time, even he might not be able to maintain complete inner peace.

Not to mention those ordinary people, they are likely to have strong and violent emotions involuntarily because of such an environment.

And if everyone in this world is like this, then this world will be a world full of violence and chaos!

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"Is this another world created because of my previous actions?"

In fact, Batman was truly shocked by the situation in the world at this time!

I don't know whether it was because of the strong shock, or because coming to this world and being closer to another part of his mental power allowed him to regain some ability to control his emotions.

In short, due to the situation in this world, Batman's originally calm expression has undergone some slight changes at this moment!

At this time, Batman, even if he doesn't feel it specifically, can still feel the chaos happening around him almost all the time!

In a street that should have been very prosperous, it was now full of chaos!

Countless people, for unknown reasons, were beating each other violently.

Fortunately, due to imperfect rules in this world, it seems that there are no powerful thermal weapons and firearms.

Therefore, the people who were fighting were just holding some sticks as weapons.

However, although they did not have powerful thermal weapons and firearms in their hands, the chaos caused by thousands of people beating each other was still shocking!

Even if you have seen the chaos in Gotham City, which is known as the most chaotic city in the entire real world!

But at this time, Batman was still shocked by what he saw.

He never thought that a city truly full of chaos could be so chaotic.

In Gotham City, even after the Dark Knight showed up, chaos didn't completely disappear.

But in Gotham City, although chaos occurs frequently, there are still good people and good citizens who abide by the law.

Therefore, although Gotham City is full of chaos, it is still a city with law and order.

However, this city now makes Batman feel that it is a truly chaotic city in which there is no order or law at all!

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