Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 896 The leap-forward development of the world

The reason why Batman is able to create black technology equipment in his own memory in this world with imperfect rules.

It's entirely because this world seems to be constantly evolving, and some of the scientific and technological information and principles in his memory cannot be realized in this world.

But as time progresses, Batman discovers that some of the essence of this world is gradually getting closer to reality.

Some scientific and technological materials and principles that were completely impossible to realize before have gradually become able to be realized normally as time goes by.

Because of this situation, Batman created black technology equipment that was far beyond the knowledge of people in this world.

However, Batman's actions not only allowed him to do anything unscrupulously in this world, but also inadvertently changed the world.

Although the humans in this world were initially just like NPCs in games, they were illusory products without much wisdom.

However, the black technology created by Batman seemed to open the door to another world for them.

Just like the awakening of intelligence, in this world, some people who can think for themselves are actually born.

Their thoughts and behaviors no longer seem to follow certain established rules as they did before.

They began to learn to think.

And from the moment they can think, it means that the world has changed!

They began to shift their focus from Batman himself to his equipment that far exceeded their understanding.

They first began to think about what exactly were these items that Batman drove and used?

And why, Batman can use these items to "run" quickly and even fly into the sky!

They began to think about questions that were almost beyond their comprehension.

Of course, under normal circumstances, even if Batman's high-tech equipment arouses their attention and curiosity, it is absolutely impossible for the world to change drastically in just a few decades.

It's like a civilization with interstellar navigation capabilities comes to a planet where only primitive people exist. The high-tech items they use make any behavior beyond the understanding of these primitive people.

These primitive people may regard them as miracles and pass them on to future generations in their own way.

Maybe they didn't even know at the time that the miracles they saw with their own eyes would still be unattainable in the eyes of people thousands of years later.

And because they cannot be realized and have not been seen with their own eyes, these miracles that have been handed down are regarded as fabricated myths, and almost no one believes them.

This situation shows that the development of a civilization needs to be gradual without making huge jumps.

The development of every civilization needs to start from a low-level civilization. Through the continuous development of basic science, step by step accumulation and breakthroughs, mastering higher science and technology, it can finally grow into a high-level civilization.

However, in this dream world, this is not the case.

Although the rules here are not as perfect as in the real world, almost everything in the world is illusory, as if it does not exist at all!

But in this world, there are indeed some things that are just like dreams and cannot be understood.

For example, after becoming a person in this world, learning to think, and becoming curious about Batman's black technology equipment.

The things they can do are completely dreamlike in the real world.


He actually relied on his own thinking and some special circumstances to make a civilization that was not much different from primitive people make a huge progress that seemed to cross domains.

In this world, science began to develop slowly, and the speed of development was far beyond anyone's expectations.

Of course, this huge development is not perfect and is also a very "unhealthy" state.

It's like a civilization that can carry out interstellar migration. The most destructive weapon in its hands is just a flintlock gun.

Because the development of such civilization and technology is not healthy, it will lead to the fact that even if they are very advanced, they can travel through the stars, conduct interstellar navigation, go to another galaxy, and come to another planet.

But if they come to the earth in the real world, they will still be beaten by the human civilization that is on the earth and cannot leave the earth!

Of course, this situation is not absolute.

Because this is the normal development direction of civilization based on the civilization and technology known to mankind.

However, what if the unhealthy development of civilization is actually human beings themselves?

The nuclear weapons with huge destructive power that humans have mastered are actually higher technologies that even civilizations capable of interstellar navigation cannot master.

Thinking about it this way, the plots in some Hollywood science fiction blockbusters seem understandable.

Why are high-tech alien civilizations that can come to Earth always eventually killed by human nuclear bombs?

Of course, what we have to consider at this time is the illusory civilization in this dream world and the extremely abnormal technological progress.

In this world, because of the black technology equipment created by Batman, the technological process of this world has undergone huge changes.

In this world, there is no country or government, but there are many technology companies.

Of course, because people in this world are full of evil and darkness in their hearts, the ultimate goal of these technology companies is to rule the entire world.

These technology companies are not only trying their best to copy the technological equipment used by Batman, but they are even conducting some unknown technological experiments.

Although, in this world, there is no technology company that can completely replicate Batman's equipment.

But because of the extremely special characteristics of this world, many special technologies have appeared in this world.

Among them, the most representative one is the earliest established technology company called "Dark Will".

The purpose of this technology company is to revere darkness. They believe that the sky that the world is completely shrouded in darkness represents that darkness is the master of the world.

They believe that darkness will eventually completely envelope the entire world, and they will become the messengers of darkness and replace the master of darkness to rule and manage the world.

Perhaps, because in this world, everyone's heart is full of evil and darkness.

Therefore, no one is hostile to this company whose main goal is to dominate the world, and there are even countless people who want to join it and contribute their own strength to the "darkness".

And the little trouble behind Batman in this world comes from this special technology company!

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