Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 897 The role of “dark” energy

Perhaps because of the particularity of this world, the technology companies that appear in this world are also not very normal, or it can be said to be very unusual.

This dark will company actually believes in "darkness". They admire darkness and attempt to rule the entire world.

However, their ultimate goal of ruling the world is to use their own power to create real darkness, so that the real darkness can completely envelope the entire world, so that the entire world no longer has any light.

They believe that only the power of darkness is the most powerful force in the entire universe and can surpass everything, even the power of light.

Perhaps, light and darkness will always exist in opposition.

Light is the nemesis of darkness and can drive away darkness. However, if the darkness is extremely dense, it can also cover the light and even absorb the light!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, light and darkness can hardly coexist.

In this world, the power of light is obviously weaker than that of darkness.

Because the whole world seemed to be shrouded in thick dark clouds, the world was almost filled with darkness.

Therefore, darkness almost completely dominates this world.

In fact, the situation in this world is not just that.

It’s not just that the whole world is shrouded in dark clouds, it’s not just that the whole world is in darkness.

The truth of this strange and illusory world derived from a certain special situation is not just that.

And this technology company that believes in darkness is not only working hard on research, but also wants to copy the black technology equipment used by Batman.

He is even still researching and wants to control the dark power above the sky of this world and covering the entire world.

And after decades of research, they actually discovered some "truths" about the world!

And, they truly found a way to "control" the darkness!

When Li Yue browsed the timeline of this dream world before, he knew that these two derived worlds had the characteristics of being able to absorb different energies.

In a world where Batman's parents are successfully rescued, he will continue to absorb the positive energy in the world, such as kindness, friendliness, harmony, light, etc.

In another world where Batman's parents are still dead, more negative energy will continue to be absorbed as time goes by.

Such as evil, tyranny, chaos, darkness, etc.

The gathering of relatively positive energy can have a very positive impact on the entire world, making the entire world become more and more harmonious.

However, when all the evil energy is gathered together, it can also have a very negative impact on the entire world.

For example, the world that Li Yue and others came to at this time had almost gathered all the negative energy in the past ten years.

And these negative energies, although they are single, cannot present a real energy state, and are almost invisible to people.

However, when countless kinds of negative energy gather together and continue to accumulate and increase over time, essential changes will occur.

All the negative energy is intertwined to form a physical state that can be observed with the naked eye like a dark cloud.

In this world, the thick "dark clouds" that cover the sky and cover the light from shining on the earth are actually formed by the gathering of all negative energy!

Therefore, these "dark clouds" that are extremely large in number and volume are not real dark clouds. They do not contain much water molecules and electrical energy, nor do they produce rain, thunder and lightning.

The most important characteristic of these "dark clouds" composed of almost all negative energies that exist in the world is that they can corrode people's hearts.

The reason why the whole world is full of chaos and the hearts of people in the whole world are full of evil is precisely because they are affected by being enveloped by this collection of negative energy for a long time.

Of course, even if Li Yue felt the essence of this negative energy collection at the beginning, he did not have much interest in it, nor was he curious to feel and understand this energy carefully.

However, in this world, those who admire darkness and regard darkness as their own will, those who have acquired the ability to think for themselves, are not like Li Yue, who have no interest in this special energy.

On the contrary, they are extremely interested in these energies.

Moreover, what is completely unexpected is that when they really develop a strong interest in this "darkness" and study it with awe.

They actually had a completely unexpected receipt.

They discovered that this energy could actually be absorbed into their bodies.

However, people who absorb this energy will have serious side effects.

For example, the whole person's temperament becomes more violent, almost no one recognizes his relatives, and there seems to be only violent emotions in his heart.

The whole person becomes very irritable and will constantly destroy everything around him, even his own kind.

Although violence and chaos have become the norm in this world, if one day there is no chaos in this world for one minute, then it will be the real "end of the world" for them!

However, when a person is almost completely crazy and completely reduced to a machine that only knows killing, as if he wants to destroy everything he sees.

Even people in this world cannot fully accept this situation.

Although their hearts are full of violence and evil, they have not lost the emotions and desires that originally existed in their hearts as human beings.

They will also be full of affection towards their relatives.

Therefore, such a situation is called a "side effect" of absorbing dark energy!

Of course, absorbing dark energy has such serious side effects on them, and at the same time, it will naturally produce many good effects accordingly.

For example, just absorbing a little bit of dark energy can greatly enhance their physique.

In terms of strength, it allows them to exert dozens or even hundreds of times their previous strength.

This can almost transform them from an ordinary person to a superhuman being.

Any material seems to be vulnerable in front of them who have absorbed the dark energy. Whether it is rock or steel, they can be blasted into pieces with one punch.

Even as their physiques increase, they will also gain many superpowers that they never had before.

Their bodies heal quickly from injuries they receive, and their bodies can even regenerate quickly.

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