Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 907 Give up obsession

Although he has lived in this illusory world for decades, for Batman, the memories of the real world are still very clearly imprinted in his brain.

Therefore, normally speaking, although he had not seen Li Yue for decades, the shock that Li Yue gave him before was still engraved in his heart.

And, in fact, the Batman in this world doesn't know that this world is just an illusion, and his own experience seems to be just a meaningless dream.

However, for a certain obsession in his heart and to change the world, he still chose to stay in this world and wanted to rely on his own efforts to change this world full of chaos.

However, the results were unsatisfactory.

Batman also knows better than anyone in his heart that it is really difficult, even almost impossible, to change a world by himself.

However, he didn't want to give up and retreat.

However, he also knew very well that there was not much time left for him to stay in this world and change it.

After all, even though the time flow rate in this world is very different from the real world.

But after spending several decades in this world, I am afraid that time has also passed continuously in the real world.

Batman knows very well that if he does not return to the real world for a long time, he will definitely attract the attention of other people in the real world.

In the end, they will definitely find a way to come to this world and "save" themselves out.

Of course, in Batman's impression, the only one who can do this is Li Yue, who has powerful abilities.

At this time, if a real person really comes to this world, then it is very likely that it is Li Yue.

"It seems that maybe I won't be able to change the world on my own after all!"

Decades of hard work in this world are almost completely useless. Even Batman, who is extremely determined, has thought about giving up several times.

However, in the end he persisted with his strong will until today.

However, when he feels the attraction that seems to come from his soul and the arrival of another self, Batman can also feel that it may be time to give up and return to reality!

"In that case, we'd better rush there as soon as possible!"

Although, after working hard for decades, he still has to give up in the end, which makes Batman feel a little reluctant in his heart.

But he also knows that what has supported him until now is his strong perseverance.

At the same time, he also fully understood that it was almost impossible to change the current situation of the world by himself.

Therefore, sometimes, helpless compromise is also a last resort.

However, as long as you have tried your best, that is enough.

It's not that Batman can't get rid of his obsession, it's just that he doesn't want to in his heart.

Now that he has reached this situation, he naturally has no other choice. It is a wise choice to give up his meaningless obsession.

Thinking of this, Batman no longer hesitated and stopped caring about the experimental subject that was following closely behind him and was about to be taken out of the city.

He directly changed the flight direction of the aircraft and headed towards the city center again, toward the place that strongly attracted him, and flew over at his fastest speed.

Batman's sudden change of direction did not make the experimental subject following him feel anything wrong.

After all, the experimental subject at this time had long lost the ability to think and had become a completely irrational monster.

In his eyes, he only knew that Batman had hurt him, and that Batman had caused him intense anger.

Therefore, in his eyes, no matter what Batman does at this time, he will just follow him and vent his strong anger.

Batman's sudden change of direction did not cause the experimental subject behind him to change his pursuit target.

He was still chasing Batman quickly.

However, their direction of progress has changed from moving from the city to the suburbs to moving from the suburbs to the center of the city.

At this time, Batman in this world was driving an aircraft, followed by a strange monster that kept jumping and whose arms could turn into black tentacles when in the air, and was heading towards the central area of ​​the city.

Part of the soul consciousness of Li Yue and Batman also felt the Batman of this world that was constantly approaching them.

As for Batman, because he does not have as strong mental power as Li Yue, he can only feel the other part of his soul consciousness that is constantly approaching him, but he does not feel the consciousness following him at all. Although the appearance looks normal, it has already Monsters that can no longer be called human beings.

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And Li Yue, because he has a strong mental power that can see everything, can naturally feel the situation that Batman is facing in this world at this time.

At this time, although Batman can rely on flexible flight to avoid attacks from experimental subjects from behind.

However, his flying speed was not enough to allow him to completely escape the pursuit of the experimental subjects.

Because the experimental subject's power allows him to jump faster than an aircraft!

Although the impact and speed caused by this powerful jumping force are short-lived, it is enough for the experimental subject to achieve a speed that can surpass Batman's aircraft in an instant.

Therefore, even though Batman has controlled the aircraft to fly at full speed, he still cannot completely escape the pursuit of the experimental subject.

Of course, Batman doesn't really care about this.

After all, as long as you get to the place that attracts you as soon as possible, the trouble behind you can be easily solved.

Of course, even so, Batman knows that he cannot take it lightly at this time.

After all, if he is not careful at this time and is attacked by the experimental subject behind him, he may be injured enough to cause the aircraft to crash.

After all, the experimental subject behind him has a strength that is dozens of times stronger than that of an ordinary person and has tens of tons of strength. This is no joke!

Although my aircraft is made of a special alloy, I'm afraid it won't be able to defend against this monster's full blow.

In this way, Batman concentrated on controlling the aircraft, while avoiding the constant sudden attacks from behind, he quickly flew towards Li Yue's location.

And Li Yue also completely saw all this.

However, what caught his intense attention was the experimental subject behind Batman.

Or it can be said that it is the special dark energy filled in the experimental subject!

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