Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 908 Special “World Will”

Although Batman's situation seemed a bit precarious, Li Yue understood that as long as nothing unexpected happened to him, he would not be chased by the experimental subjects behind him.

So Li Yue was not worried about Batman.

He focused almost entirely on the experimental subject behind him.

This experimental body, the dark energy in the body, Li Yue has basically understood its specific structure and composition.

In fact, if this energy hadn't appeared in this virtual world that was no different from a dream, it would have been almost impossible to attract Li Yue's attention.

Just because the composition of this energy is special and the way it grows is also special.

The situation that appeared in this world was even more special, which attracted Li Yue's attention.

After all, in this newly born world, this special energy can appear at the same time as it awakens the will of the world.

Naturally, this is a very rare situation.

Although Li Yue is powerful, he has seen a lot of things, and he has even seen top energies in universes like Marvel and DC.

However, after encountering this difficult situation, Li Yue also became interested.

However, the problem itself is not this particular dark energy.

In a special way, various negative emotions generated by human creatures in the world are gathered and merged into a special energy.

Although this method is very clever, it also has great merits.

But it didn't arouse Li Yue's strong curiosity and surprise.

The reason why Li Yue was a little surprised was the special ability displayed by the world will that was just born in this world.

Although Li Yue has not carefully understood the world will, he does not understand what kind of rules a world will needs to follow.

However, Li Yue can also fully imagine what the world will born can do.

The emergence of world will can completely represent the transformation of a world from the ordinary to the extraordinary stage.

A world with a will to the world is basically a world with powerful extraordinary abilities.

In this dream world, Li Yue was very surprised that the will of the world could be born.

But now, the will of the world, which was born not long ago, has already begun to lay out the whole world, wanting to make the whole world evolve according to its own layout.

Even in the process of world evolution, in a certain world, in an ingenious way, a power was created that could transform ordinary people into extraordinary beings.

If this is something done by a top-level world will that has been born for hundreds or thousands of years and has awakened powerful wisdom, it will be easier for Li Yue to accept.

However, a person who was born less than a hundred years ago, and even relied on instinct to influence the development of the world, did such a thing, but Li Yue was naturally surprised!

At the same time, Li Yue couldn't help but wonder in his heart that there might be something special about the will of this world.

Perhaps, it might have mastered some very special ability the moment it was born.

After all, being born with a golden key does not only happen to rich second-generation families in the real world.

Some special creatures born from heaven and earth often possess special abilities that are even more incredible.

This is something that even Li Yue can't compare to, and can only express his envy.

For example, the newly born world will that Li Yue encountered at this time probably had some special abilities.

Only then can it be just born,

You can significantly affect the world you live in, and even control the development direction of the world.

Therefore, the situation at this time made Li Yue very surprised by the ability of this newly born world will.

If possible, Li Yue would even like to take a closer look at what kind of special abilities this world's will has to do these things!

However, Li Yue understood at this time that it was not the time to focus on the will of the world in this world, but to reintegrate the two parts of Batman's mental power in this world at this time, and then Take him back to reality.

And when the time comes, perhaps Li Yue will consider helping the world will born in this world, and not letting him disappear with the collapse of this dream world.

Soon, the Batman in this world, in the midst of a thrilling chase, safely arrived at where Li Yue and the two were.

"Sure enough, he has come to this world now!"

As the attraction from the soul becomes stronger and stronger, Batman also knows that he is about to reach his destination.

Flying in the air also gives Batman a wider field of vision.

Although he hasn't really arrived in front of Li Yue yet, Batman in the air has already seen Li Yue standing there, seeming to be looking at him as well.

He sighed inwardly. Sure enough, with Li Yue's powerful ability, he could indeed enter this special world easily.

Even in Batman's view, perhaps the birth of this illusory world and his arrival are inseparable from Li Yue.

However, although Batman was suspicious, he didn't know what Li Yue's purpose was.

In other words, what is the special significance of bringing himself into this world?

Unable to figure this out for the time being, Batman didn't think about it any further.

Soon, his aircraft arrived in the sky above Li Yue, slowly floating and preparing to land in front of Li Yue.

But the experimental subjects following Batman did not stop just because Batman stopped.

Not far from here, the experimental subject once again used all its strength to suddenly jump tens of meters into the air.

Then, his hands turned into two black tentacles, which extended and became longer, sticking to the two tall buildings on both sides of him.

The next moment, the lengthened black tentacles suddenly retracted like springs.

The sudden retraction also caused the experimental body, which originally jumped with strong impact and strong speed, to suddenly increase its speed by a few points.

At the same time, with the help of the black tentacles transformed from the two arms, the experimental subject has changed its direction.

He was completely pitch black, with strange eyes without whites, staring intently at the aircraft that was about to land in the sky.

Even though a long time has passed, he has chased Batman for dozens of kilometers.

But his anger towards Batman has not diminished at all.

Instead, it only became angrier as he was never able to catch Batman.

At this moment, he felt that he finally had a chance to catch up with Batman in front of him, and he instantly released all the anger squeezed in his heart.

Prepare to use your greatest strength to tear Batman's aircraft into pieces!

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