Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 913 Browsing Memory

Batman could feel that an energy that made him feel very comfortable suddenly merged into his soul body, which was still a little raw after the successful fusion.

The integration of this energy also made his soul body, which was feeling raw and full of impurities at this time, very comfortable.

Such a situation naturally made Batman think of Li Yue beside him.

I am afraid that only Li Yue can help him at this moment, so he can help him perfect his newly merged soul so easily.

At the same time, Batman could also feel that Li Yue's help not only helped him solve the fusion problem in the new soul.

Moreover, in this short period of time, his soul underwent great changes.

The strength of his soul has increased tremendously compared to before.

At this time, he even felt that his soul had the ability to freely perceive external scenes.

This feeling is as if your brain is connected to a camera that can observe the surrounding situation, and it is also a holographic camera.

Even if he doesn't use his eyes to perceive the surrounding scene, he can still clearly perceive everything within a radius of tens of meters.

It can be as big as the tall buildings surrounding it or as small as the ants crawling on the ground.

He could feel everything within a radius of tens of meters very clearly at this moment.

This is the first time Batman has felt such a special feeling.

However, he is not very unfamiliar with this situation.

He knows that some people have such special abilities because their mental strength is different from ordinary people.

The strong mental power has caused a great transformation in their physical senses. Even if they close their eyes, they can use their powerful perception to sense the situation in the surrounding area.

Of course, although I know that someone has such an ability, and I also have some understanding of this special ability that is like a super power.

But it was Batman's first time in his life to truly perceive and use this strange ability.

So, this feeling makes Batman feel very obsessed.

Fortunately, Batman is not an ordinary person, and he will not completely fall into this strange feeling and be unable to extricate himself!

He quickly woke up and knew that now was not the time to indulge in this strange feeling.

After the fusion, the soul also gains another memory of itself living in this world.

At this time, although these memories have been integrated into the new soul, they are like a past that has been dusted by himself and needs Batman to browse by himself.

At this time, Batman is of course also curious about what the other part of his mental power has experienced in this world.

Therefore, in the process of continuous soul fusion, Batman simply browsed that part of the dust-covered memory.

As he continues to browse, Batman also fully understands everything he has experienced in this world.

At the same time, he also learned something about the world.

Understand, this is a special world full of chaos, and everyone's heart is full of violent emotions.

In this world, everything has become very chaotic, as if the whole world is full of evil and chaos.

This is a world that makes Batman feel an inexplicable fear in his heart.

Of course, Batman also fully understands that the other self in this world, even if he tries his best, wants to rely on his own power to change the current situation of the world.

If, after my consciousness was separated, I came to this world full of chaos, I believe that I would also make the same choice as my other self.

Use your own power to change the world, change everyone in this world, and awaken the justice and kindness in their hearts.

This is the most correct and courageous choice made by a person with a sense of justice in his heart, facing such a chaotic world.

Because when they made this choice, they already understood,

Facing the whole world with only one's own strength is a choice that is overestimating one's own capabilities.

It is simply unrealistic to want to change the status quo of the entire world by yourself.

But the justice and bravery in their hearts made them make such a choice without hesitation.

After viewing everything he has experienced in this world, Batman has a very complicated feeling in his heart.

After the two people's consciousnesses merged again, it also meant that they had completely merged together and became the same person again.

At this moment, they are already part of each other, and the two consciousnesses have re-fused into a common consciousness, and this consciousness is Batman from the real world.

Even everything they had experienced before seemed like something they had experienced personally before.

And even though it was just browsing another memory of his own experience, to Batman at this moment, it was no different than experiencing it all in person.

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Therefore, Batman at this time has very real feelings.

Although, he knows that everything that happens in this world is illusory!

Including the world full of harmony and kindness before, and the world covered by darkness and full of evil and chaos.

Although it is an illusory world, the experience in it is extremely real to Batman at this time.

It was so real that he could express his true emotions for such an experience.

"This special journey may be the most unique and memorable experience in my life."

After feeling everything, Batman couldn't help but have such an idea in his heart.

The special experience in this world can definitely become the most special experience in Batman's life.

Moreover, everything he felt in this illusory world also left a deep memory for Batman, which he may never forget in his lifetime.

"However, although this experience is very special to me, everything will eventually end!"

"And now, it's time to break away from illusion and return to reality!"

All experiences in this imaginary world are deeply memorable for Batman.

Here, he enjoyed the happy moments of having his parents in his childhood, making up for the regret of losing his parents' company in childhood in the real world.

And not only that, he also experienced a very special world, full of evil and darkness.

Two completely different life experiences, which he would have never experienced under normal circumstances.

But in this illusory world, he could feel two different experiences at the same time.

In the real world, it is likely that only tens of minutes have passed.

A few dozen minutes was only a brief moment that occupied nearly a hundred years of his life in the real world.

But in this world, it is almost half a life experience of two people!

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