Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 914 The last thing

Although the experience in the imaginary world left Batman with a deep memory.

But he knew completely in his heart that no matter what happened here, the real world where he lived would not change at all.

And he will eventually leave this illusory world, return to the real world where he lives, and face everything he needs to face in the real world again.

So, Batman quickly restrained all his inner emotions.

Feeling that the soul body has been completely integrated and is stronger than ever because of Li Yue's help.

Batman gradually takes control of his new soul.

And because of Li Yue's help, at this moment he no longer felt any awkwardness in controlling this newly fused soul body.

Moreover, he also gained some special abilities due to the enhancement of his soul.

"Thank you, Mr. Li Yue!"

Batman naturally understood that this was all due to Li Yue's help.

Therefore, the moment he controlled his new soul body and opened his eyes, he directly expressed his gratitude to Li Yue next to him.

Moreover, at this time, his face also showed corresponding emotional expressions.

"You're welcome, these are just a piece of cake for me!"

Looking at Batman who had "awakened", Li Yue said there was no need to be so polite.

At the same time, Li Yue waved his right hand gently.

In an instant, a golden light separated from Batman's solidified soul, and then flew towards Li Yue at extremely fast speeds.

The golden light flashed, as if crossing time and space in an instant, and came to Li Yue in an instant.

But Li Yue seemed to have expected it, and his raised right hand just caught the golden light that flew towards him.

The next moment, the golden light disappeared, as if it had melted into Li Yue's palm.

"Besides, you should have regained your ability to control and feel your emotions by now!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Yue withdrew the energy he had released to help Batman fuse his soul.

At the same time, I also noticed that Batman's face was no longer the same as before, facing everything without any trouble.

Naturally, he was very sure in his heart that at this time, Batman had regained his ability to control and perceive emotions.

"Yes, Mr. Li Yue, I am indeed able to regain control of my emotions now!"

"However, I still have to thank you for your help, otherwise I don't know when it will take me to regain my ability to control my emotions!"

Hearing Li Yue's inquiry, Batman showed a smile on his face and said to Li Yue with gratitude!

The smile that naturally appears on Batman's face is naturally the best confirmation that he has regained the ability to control his emotions!

"Is there anything else you need to accomplish in this world?"

Now that Batman has found another him, and at the same time regained his lost ability to control and perceive emotions, Li Yue is naturally ready to leave this world and return to reality with Batman's soul and consciousness.

However, before leaving, Li Yue still asked Batman if he had any regrets in this world.

"Mr. Li Yue, I..."

Hearing Li Yue's words, Batman immediately understood that Li Yue was ready to take him out of this illusory world.

However, upon hearing Li Yue's inquiry, Batman hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Li Yue, there is nothing else I want to do in this world. Let's go back to the real world as soon as possible!"

Batman, who was hesitant to speak before,

The expression on his face suddenly became calm again, and he spoke to Li Yue very calmly.

"In that case, let's get out of here!"

Li Yue naturally saw Batman's hesitant expression, but Li Yue seemed not to notice it and spoke to Batman.

Then, he made a show of taking Batman out of this world and back to reality.

"Forget it, after all, this is all an illusion!"

And seeing that Li Yue didn't seem to notice that he was hesitant to speak just now, and he was already making a move to take him away.

Batman couldn't help but feel a little regretful at this moment.

But soon, he comforted himself in his heart that this world was just an illusion.

"By the way, although you don't have anything to do, I do have one thing to do!"

"So, please wait a moment!"

However, while Batman was waiting for Li Yue to take him away, Li Yue seemed to suddenly remember something and said!

"I'm not used to this world."

"Though after we leave, this place will cease to exist."

"But I still feel that I need to change the status quo of this chaotic world before I leave!"

Li Yue spoke slowly, as if he had decided to do something meaningful.

"Mr. Li Yue, what do you mean..."

Batman was surprised by what Li Yue suddenly said.

He already felt that what Li Yue wanted to do at this time and what he wanted to do in his heart should be the same thing.

In fact, when Li Yue asked him what regrets he had in this world, Batman thought of the thing that his other self had been insisting on before merging with himself.

The desire to single-handedly change the current situation of the world.

Perhaps, this wish will not come true until I leave here and return to the real world.

Because, compared to a world, his power is still limited after all.

He doesn't have the power to change the world.

But before Li Yue was about to take him away from here and return to the real world, he wanted to ask Li Yue to help him complete this matter.

However, in the end, he did not say anything and could only comfort himself in his heart. This world was just an illusion. Even if he changed the current situation of the world with Li Yue's help, it would not make much sense.

However, Batman did not expect that when he was about to leave, Li Yuequ suddenly made a decision to change the world.

Batman believes that he has no ability to change the world, but he knows that Li Yue has the powerful ability to change the world.

Now, Li Yue decided to change the world on his own, which naturally surprised Batman, and at the same time he had a little expectation in his heart.

Even though he had just comforted himself, this was just an illusory world.

But if he really has the ability to change the world, even if it is just an illusion, then why should he leave regrets for himself.

At this moment, although I am not changing the world myself, as long as I can witness with my own eyes that the world has changed from the chaos at this time, it is enough!

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