Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 915 Li Yue’s choice

He lived in this chaotic world for decades, and until he merged with the consciousness of another Batman, he still focused on changing this world full of chaos.

However, at this moment, his wish is about to come true, and Li Yue will personally take action to change the reality that the world is now full of chaos.

In this regard, the fused Batman soul is naturally looking forward to this.

He watched Li Yue's actions almost intently, waiting for what Li Yue was about to do.

At this time, Li Yue looked equally focused, with a strange look in his eyes as he slowly scanned the entire world.

At this time, the world has not changed because of the integration of Batman.

The whole world is still functioning normally as before.

The people here are also full of evil in their hearts.

Nothing seems to have changed at all.

The disappearance of Batman, who wanted to change the world on his own, didn't seem to have the slightest impact on the world.

I have to say, this kind of thing seems a bit sad.

A person can devote his whole life to this world, but until the moment he completely disappears, he is not recognized by the people of this world!

At this time, what Li Yue wants to do is to completely change the world.

Of course, he also understands that this world is just an illusory world.

Therefore, even if he completely changes the world at this moment, it will not be of much use at all.

What's more, he knew in his heart that the world would collapse directly because of Batman's departure, and eventually disappear completely and cease to exist.

Therefore, what Li Yue did at this time seemed to have no meaning!

But in fact, Li Yue naturally cannot do such meaningless things!

And the reason why Li Yue decided to spend his energy to change the current situation of the world is naturally because doing so can not only make up for Batman's regrets.

It can also allow Li Yue to reap some very special benefits!

For example, in this world, there is a huge amount of special dark energy formed by the fusion of negative emotions.

For Li Yue, such special energy has no great effect because the level is not very high.

But it is enough to meet some of Li Yue's needs.

What's more, the purpose of Li Yue's collection of these dark energies is not just for research!

This dark energy, which is a fusion of multiple negative emotions, has more effects on Li Yue.

For example, it can be used to fill in some gaps in the cellular universe formed in his body.

Although the rules of the cellular universe in Li Yue's body have been relatively complete, it is not much different from the real universe.

But there are still many things missing.

Li Yue didn't care about this before, and he didn't realize this lack of emotion.

It wasn't until he came to this special dream world that Li Yue truly realized that the components of a world are not just the main factors such as space and time!

There are many more special factors like this negative emotion that are almost unnoticed but exist completely in the real world.

Perhaps, only by completely gathering these special factors can a world truly become "alive" from death!

Therefore, when Li Yue saw the dark energy composed of various negative emotions in this dream world, he had already made up his mind about them.

Moreover, in fact, the reason why Li Yue did this was because of another more important reason!

After decades of continuous gathering, almost all the negative emotions in the entire dream world have been concentrated in the sky above this world.

They gathered together to form a scene like dark clouds pressing over a city, covering the entire world.

Moreover, being affected by such a large amount of dark energy,

Let the human beings in this world be filled with evil and violence.

They can continue to generate a variety of negative emotions almost continuously, which are then absorbed by the dark clouds of dark energy above their heads.

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Finally, the dark energy in the sky continues to grow almost every moment.

Over the past few decades, the dark energy gathered in this world has reached an unimaginable state.

And this world will eventually collapse after Batman's consciousness leaves.

The collapse of the dream world will not have any impact on the real world where Batman lives, because this dream world and the real world are not in the same dimension.

However, the dark energy that exists in this dream world has become real energy.

The world that contained him suddenly collapsed, and these dark energies no longer had a world to restrain them, so they would naturally find a new "place to stay".

If all this dark energy poured into the real world where Batman lives, it would probably make his earth instantly turn into a scene like this world!

This may be something that Batman can't accept at all, and it's also something Li Yue doesn't want to see.

Of course, this is only the most serious case.

After all, the two worlds are not in the same dimension. Even if these dark energies lose their restraints, they may just flow into another different dimension.

The chance of entering the real world where Batman lives is almost smaller than the chance of winning the lottery.

However, nothing is absolute. Perhaps, these dark energies will flow into a special dimension, and in this dimension, there happens to be life.

And these dark energies are enough to cause a devastating blow to the life civilization in this dimension.

And, most importantly, when leaving with Batman, you need to open the channel that connects this dimension to the real world dimension.

Even Li Yue cannot guarantee whether these dark energies will flow into the real world where Batman lives along this dimensional channel.

Therefore, whether it is for the real world where Batman lives, or for the life civilization that exists in an unknown special dimension.

Regarding these dark energies, Li Yue felt that it was best to collect them all by himself to prevent them from having unnecessary impacts on the world in other dimensions.

Of course, Li Yue is not too noble and will not worry about civilizations he does not know.

The biggest reason why he chose to do this is that he really needs this dark energy composed of a variety of negative emotions to fill some gaps in the cellular universe in his body!

At this time, Li Yue, who had decided to do this, naturally had nothing to hesitate.

Under Batman's attention, Li Yue's aura suddenly continued to rise!

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