Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 928 Multiverse Channel

"Bruce, have you seen that planet that glows light blue?"

Suddenly, just when Batman was in disbelief about his inner feelings, Batman heard Li Yue say to him.

"Is that the one you're talking about?"

Batman didn't know why Li Yue said that, but he quickly found the planet Li Yue said.

The planet exudes a light blue light and looks very mysterious.

The reason why Batman was able to find the planet Li Yue mentioned so quickly was entirely because Batman had a very special feeling for this planet.

It seems that this planet is constantly attracting itself closer.

"Yes, it seems you have found it."

Li Yue spoke slowly, with a very calm tone.

"Then, you can go there by yourself first, I still have some things to finish."

But then, Li Yue suddenly used the excuse that he had something to do and asked Batman to go to the direction of the planet ahead.

Although Batman was in a special space-time channel, he could not accurately observe how far away the planet was from him.

However, it doesn't seem very far away.

At least, it's still within his reach!

If Li Yue really didn't go with him, he should be able to reach the vicinity of the planet without any accidents by himself.

"This...Mr. Li Yue, what else do you have to do? Do you need my help..."

Batman was hesitant. He didn't know why Li Yue suddenly wanted to do other things at this time.

Just when he wanted to ask Li Yue if he needed his help, he suddenly thought that with Li Yue's current strength, if he wanted to do something, he would naturally not need his help at all.

Therefore, he stopped his inquiry with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry, what I'm doing is very simple and can be completed quickly. You'd better go back alone now!"

"There will not be any danger in this passage, you can rest assured."

"However, what you need to remember is that you must not get close to other planets and go straight to the planet I told you about."

"Once you get near that planet, you don't need to worry anymore. You will naturally return to the real world!"

Li Yue answered in a very calm voice, as if he didn't feel the embarrassment shown by Batman.

At the same time, Li Yue did not forget to give instructions to Batman.

Especially when he told him not to get close to other planets, his tone became serious.

Even Batman can feel that if he doesn't follow Li Yue's instructions, very serious consequences may occur.

"I understand, Mr. Li Yue, I will definitely pay attention!"

In the end, Batman was curious about what Li Yue was going to do if he stayed alone in this time and space channel.

But he also knew that since Li Yue had allowed himself to return to reality first, he naturally had special things to deal with.

Therefore, Batman didn't ask any more questions and directly told Li Yue that he understood.

"Then, Mr. Li Yue, I'll go over first."

Afterwards, Batman no longer hesitated and headed directly towards the planet Li Yue mentioned.

In this space-time passage, it seems that the rules and reality are different.

The speed of progress here is completely different from that in the real world.

Batman felt like he was just moving forward at a normal speed.

But the speed he showed made him a little unbelievable.

Almost after walking for a few seconds, he realized that Li Yue, who had stayed where he was, was already very far away from him.

And the planet that I am aiming for is already very close to me, as if I am very close!

After traveling for a short time, Batman had arrived completely near the planet that was emitting light blue light.

At this moment, he can also feel that this planet's vague attraction to him is getting stronger and stronger!

It seems that as he gets closer, this attraction is constantly increasing.

Although Batman felt strange about this, he had no scruples.

She was still approaching the planet ahead.

Until, he had arrived near the planet, and he could even feel that the planet seemed to be a life-like planet.

He suddenly felt a very huge gravitational attraction, and his whole body was attracted almost uncontrollably.

The next moment, his body instantly merged into the planet and completely disappeared into this time and space channel!

Let’s not mention Batman’s situation for now.

But he said that Li Yue was still in the time and space channel at this time.

At this time, after watching Batman being absorbed into the distant planet emitting light blue light, Li Yue was completely relieved.

Although, nothing dangerous will happen in the time and space channel he constructed that connects many multiverses.

However, if Batman did not do exactly what he said, in the process of returning to reality, he would approach other radiating planets in this passage.

Then it is very likely to be absorbed into it.

But being absorbed into other planets that emit light would be very troublesome.

Because the space-time channel Li Yue built at this time was different from the space-time channel he had built before using space energy.

In the past, Li Yue used space energy to construct a space-time channel by himself. He could only travel freely within the universe where he was located, but could not travel between multiverses at all.

The passage that can travel through various universes was not actually built by Li Yue with his own abilities, but with the original power of space in his mind.

At this time, Li Yue used the newly obtained golden energy after his strength increased to construct a time and space channel.

Not only does it have the ability to travel freely in its universe, it also has the powerful ability to travel through the multiverse.

It is completely an upgraded version of the space-time channel that Li Yue built before!

At this time, in this channel, those light balls emitting different colors actually represent a multiverse.

Therefore, if you are attracted by one of the light balls, it means that you have entered that multiverse.

For Li Yue, straying into these multiverses will naturally not cause much trouble.

But for Batman, it would be very troublesome if he strayed into these multiverses.

Therefore, Li Yue specifically told him not to get close to other light balls to prevent Batman from being absorbed into other multiverses.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened in the end, and Batman didn't have too much curiosity.

The kind of plot that often appears in movies occurs. The more Li doesn't let him do something, the more he will do it.

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