Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 929 Shrouded in both darkness and light

The pale blue light ball that Batman was sucked into before represents the real world he was in before.

It is also one of the many multiverses in the DC universe.

In this space-time channel, other spheres emitting various lights represent other multiverses.

And this space-time channel constructed by Li Yue can freely shuttle between various multiverses in the DC universe.

This is Li Yue's latest ability that only appeared after he obtained golden energy or his strength reached the level of the multiverse.

He can directly open the space-time channel connecting the multiverse.

And such a channel is much more convenient than the Flash's Speed ​​Force channel.

After all, the Flash's Speed ​​Force channel can also allow him to travel through the multiverse and go to another multiverse.

However, just like in The Flash TV series, his first trip to the multiverse where Supergirl lives happened because of an accident.

This can also show that although the channels built by the Speed ​​Force also have the ability to connect to the multiverse, they are not very accurate.

You may be able to travel to another multiverse due to unexpected circumstances.

Only after mastering the Speed ​​Force can one freely and accurately travel through other multiverses.

This is a process of continuous enrichment of experience.

But in the multiverse channel constructed by Li Yue, it won't be so troublesome.

Here, he could see with his own eyes the blobs of light that represented the many multiverses.

The colors emitted by these light clusters are each unique in the universe, because they represent a unique multiverse!

Moreover, just by looking at it, you can feel certain situations in this multiverse.

For example, when Batman was just sucked in, the light group that represented the reality he was in before was emitting light blue light.

However, Batman just now did not completely see this light group emitting light blue light, and there was also a light of darkness that seemed to be dissipating.

Here, blue represents hope and peace.

Most of the light groups emit light blue light, which also represents that the multiverse is in a state of hope and peace.

The gleam of darkness hidden in the light group represents the dark moments that this world has experienced before.

At this moment, the darkness has lost its support and is quickly dissipating.

These are the specific manifestations of the blackening crisis of Superman that occurred before this multiverse!

At this moment, the black super crisis has ended, and the dark light representing chaos has naturally begun to dissipate.

However, the darkness will not disappear completely, so at this moment, although the light of darkness is thin, it is still hidden in it.

Perhaps one day, darkness will return.

However, Li Yue naturally did not pay too much attention to this kind of thing.

It was also the first time that he personally came to the multiverse channel he built.

Therefore, at this moment, he was also observing the surrounding situation with great interest.

He naturally knew that each of the surrounding light clusters emitting different rays represented a multiverse.

Moreover, there are also some multiverses that are being enveloped by strong dark energy.

Dark energy has almost completely invaded the entire multiverse.

This means that the multiverse is in an absolute dark moment.

Li Yue didn't know what was happening in this multiverse.

He didn't have much interest in entering it to explore these.

Therefore, his attention only stayed for a moment on this multiverse that had been almost completely eroded by darkness, and then continued to observe other nearby multiverses.

And soon, Li Yue's attention had swept across most of the light groups representing the multiverse.

As the master of constructing the multiverse channel, Li Yue naturally has greater authority than others.

In other words, this in itself is the ability that he should have if he has the strength of a strong man in the multiverse.

He is able to sense simple situations in these multiverses through his senses.

Moreover, one can also perceive the order and serial number of these multiverses.

Li Yue didn't know why these multiverses were arranged in order.

It is as if these multiverses have been stamped with a unique serial number by a powerful being.

Or, these serial numbers represent the time when these multiverses were born!

Li Yue was not completely clear about this at this time.

However, he was also full of some interest in it, but unfortunately he didn't know where to go to answer his doubts.

Therefore, he did not dwell too much on this at this time.

His eyes continued to scan the multiverse light group that he had not yet observed.

There are almost countless multiverse light groups here.

Even Li Yue simply observed the light groups around him.

However, the serial numbers of the imprints in the light clusters near Li Yue are not arranged in order.

The order is confusing.

For example, a planet is branded as a multiverse with serial number 32, but the closest one to it is a multiverse with serial number 358.

Li Yue didn't pay too much attention to this kind of thing.

Until, when he was about to briefly understand all the multiverses near him, his eyes suddenly stopped.

Li Yue's attention suddenly stopped on a multiverse light ball that made him feel very special!

This multiverse light group gave Li Yue a very special feeling.

At first glance, this light group representing a multiverse is completely enveloped by an extremely rich dark power.

This is a dark power that makes Li Yue feel a little frightened. The full text of the full text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

This rich dark energy seems to represent the absolute darkness in the world.

In terms of energy level, it even exceeds the dark energy in the dark dimension where Dormammu is located that Li Yue has experienced in the Marvel Universe.

This was something that made Li Yue feel a little incredible.

In the Marvel Universe, Dormammu, as the lord of the dark dimension, has very powerful power.

The dark energy that dominates the dark dimension is naturally the highest level in the Marvel Universe.

However, at this time, Li Yue saw that the dark energy shrouding the multiverse seemed to be superior in level.

This means that in this multiverse, there is an existence that is more powerful than Dormammu and represents darkness.

However, this is not the situation that surprises Li Yue the most in this multiverse.

Because, at first glance, this multiverse is shrouded in dark power with a very high energy level.

The next moment, Li Yue discovered that the power of darkness above had completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of holy white energy.

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