Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 930 Multiverse “Six Hundred and Sixty Six”?

This white energy gave Li Yue a very pure feeling, and its level was not lower than the dark energy just now.

Moreover, what made Li Yue even more strange was that he could feel that this energy was full of holiness and holiness.

It's as if just feeling the presence of this energy can purify your soul.

This extremely pure white energy seems to be a power that only God can control.

"What is going on in this multiverse?"

In his own mental experience, Li Yue did not feel that there was anything he could ignore.

But almost in an instant, the rich dark energy that originally shrouded the multiverse disappeared in an instant and was replaced by an extremely holy energy.

But Li Yue seemed not to notice anything abnormal, as if this multiverse was normal.

However, Li Yue knew very well that this was abnormal.

It is almost impossible for a world, or even a universe, to suddenly transform from absolute darkness to absolute light in an instant like this. A genius can remember 噺バ一中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/ in one second

But in this multiverse, something like this happened, which makes people feel very incredible.

However, the next moment when Li Yuezheng was surprised by this, the sacred white energy, which represented absolute brightness, disappeared suddenly again.

The next moment, the absolute dark energy that had just disappeared enveloped the multiverse again.

Darkness alternates, as if day and night exchange, but it is completed in an absolute instant.

This made Li Yue feel very surprised at this time.

Li Yue has seen a lot of worlds completely shrouded in darkness.

Li Yue has also seen a lot of worlds completely shrouded in light.

Li Yue has also seen the world where light and darkness coexist.

But this was the first time Li Yue had seen the multiverse world that was constantly switching between absolute darkness and absolute light.

"Why is this multiverse so special? Powerful dark energy and absolute light energy coexist, but do not affect each other. This is indeed an incredible thing."

Li Yue also had to admit that at this time, he was very interested in this very special multiverse.

He even had the urge to enter it and see what was going on.

However, Li Yue quickly suppressed this impulse.

Because, in such a world, there are often things beyond his control.

Moreover, just from the feeling, Li Yue could feel the power of dark energy and light energy shrouded in this multiverse.

The levels are so high that they are the two highest levels of energy that Li Yue has seen so far.

Even compared to Li Yue's own space source energy and the golden energy he recently controlled, he still doesn't give in.

This means that in this multiverse, there are existences that can threaten Li Yue.

Moreover, there are at least two such existences.

One controls absolute dark energy, and the other controls absolute light energy.

Although Li Yue believed that he was already very powerful at this time.

But he fully understands that there is a sky outside the sky.

The truth is that there are people outside.

He knows that there are many more powerful beings than himself in the DC universe.

Therefore, sometimes he can be carefree, but sometimes he has to be extremely cautious.

Otherwise, if you are careless, you may attract the attention of those beings whose strength far exceeds your own.

And in this special multiverse, if nothing else happens, there will definitely be someone who surpasses Li Yue's current strength.

And if Li Yue really enters this multiverse realm, he will definitely be able to detect it.

It would be best if the other party doesn't care about your arrival, but if the other party has already regarded this multiverse as its own territory. The full text of the full text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Then your intrusion will definitely make the other party extremely angry.

This is not something Li Yue wants to face.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Yuesheng suppressed his inner curiosity and inner impulse.

However, although I am wary of the powerful people that may exist in this multiverse.

But Li Yue was naturally not completely frightened by them. He became extremely frightened even before he saw them.

Li Yue was even confident that one day, sooner or later, he would be so powerful that he would not be afraid of any existence.

But for now, it's better not to enter this multiverse full of unknown dangers.

"However, although I choose not to enter it now, it does not mean that I will not enter it in the future."

"Existences of this level not only make me feel very scared, but also make me feel a special kind of excitement in my heart."

"Perhaps, when the cellular universe in my body is completely perfected and my strength becomes stronger, I will come here again."

"At that time, I will no longer have any fear and directly enter this multiverse to see what is going on in it!"

Li Yue has decided in his heart that when he becomes stronger, he must enter this strange multiverse to see what is going on in it.

Why was this multiverse shrouded in absolute darkness in an instant.

Then in the next moment, it will be enveloped in absolute light.

Moreover, the two conflicting energies of light and dark will not affect each other.

It's as if darkness and light coexist in this multiverse.

It is very easy for Li Yue to come here again. He only needs to build the channel to the multiverse again.

However, in order to find this special multiverse more easily next time, Li Yue planned to write down the special serial number that was imprinted on this multiverse.

And because he was surprised by what this multiverse showed just now, Li Yue subconsciously forgot to check the serial number of this multiverse.

However, it is naturally not too late to check again at this time.

Li Yue did not hesitate and continued to use his perception to carefully feel this special multiverse.

Perhaps it's because of the special nature of this multiverse.

At this time, Li Yue could not perceive the serial number imprinted on this multiverse as easily as before.

However, Li Yue naturally would not give up so easily.

He gradually increased his perception and used stronger mental power to perceive this special multiverse.

Finally, as Li Yue continued to increase his mental perception, he gradually understood certain situations in this multiverse.

Finally, a numerical sequence that made Li Yue feel a little weird appeared in Li Yue's mind!

"666? The serial number of this universe is really..."

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