Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 945 Conscious Space

In order to find out, the will of this world was in the form of darkness at the beginning of its birth.

It was because the world changed later and was contaminated by the dark energy born in this world that it became this dark form.

Li Yue's spiritual consciousness has now entered the body of the world's will along with the huge spiritual power he has released.

And then, Li Yue witnessed everything in the world's will body with his own eyes.

First of all, the first feeling that Li Yue felt inside the body of this world will was that it was completely different from the body structure of normal humans.

No, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the body structure is different from that of normal creatures.

There is no trace of flesh and blood inside the body of this world's will.

Its body also seems to be completely different from the flesh and blood of a normal creature.

Li Yue couldn't even find accurate words to describe the internal structure of the world's will body for a while.

In Li Yue's mind, the moment his huge spiritual power entered the body of the world's will.

He could feel as if he had left his original world and came to a special dimension.

In this "special dimension", everything does not seem to exist like normal matter.

The entire dimension looks like an endless illusory scene.

In this illusory dimension, there seems to be no real affairs, only masses of mist-like energy.

They gather together in groups, like countless planets in the universe, and they also seem to be similar to various cells in living organisms.

In short, everything inside the body of this world's will is different from what Li Yue originally imagined.

After he came here, he could already determine that the will of the world was not some special creature.

Because its body is not composed of any substantial structure at all.

It’s like a huge space of spiritual consciousness,

It is filled with all kinds of energy.

However, if the will of the world is really like this, then people can't help but wonder why the inside of the body is a form similar to the space of spiritual consciousness.

But in the real world, can world consciousness manifest a body like a normal creature?

This was also the strongest question Li Yue felt at this time.

He also couldn't quite figure out what was going on.

"However, since this world's will can indeed reveal a normal body shape like a living thing in the real world, it means that there are some things that I haven't noticed yet."

"Perhaps, this is a special situation that only exists in this kind of world consciousness. After all, as the world will that controls the power and rules of a world, it has some special abilities that ordinary people cannot recognize, which is more understandable. Accepted.”

"It's just that now, this question can be carefully considered in the future. It's more important to get the business done first."

Li Yue was also curious about the fact that the inside of the body is a space of spiritual consciousness, but it can appear as if it is a physical body in the real world.

However, at this time, Li Yue had no intention of asking the question to the end.

After all, he has more important things to do at this time, which is to determine whether the will of this world was a source of darkness that can produce dark energy at the beginning of its birth, or whether it was later invaded by dark energy and finally became like this. .

For Li Yue, it is an extremely important thing.

If it is the latter, then he can completely rely on his own power to make the world's will get rid of the invasion of dark energy and return to its original appearance when it was just born.

Of course, doing this will naturally have huge benefits for Li Yue.

That is, after Li Yue dispels the dark energy in the world's will, he can use it normally to help him control all the cellular universes in his body.

By then, even if he initially gains control over all the cells and universes inside Li Yue's body, it may have a very strong impact on the will of the world.

The power it controls may become countless times more powerful than before.

After all, although the cellular universe in Li Yue's body has not been completely perfected, not even a single intelligent creature has been born in it.

However, after all, this is a special cellular universe that Li Yue spent all his strength to build.

Although it is not comparable to the real universe at this time, it is naturally much better than the illusory dream world controlled by the will of this world before.

What's more, don't forget that the number of cell universes in Li Yue's body reaches hundreds of millions.

The combined power of all the cellular universes is definitely a powerful force that even gods cannot ignore.

If the will of the world can really simply control this power, it will have many wonderful benefits for itself and Li Yue himself.

Li Yue naturally also knew very well that if there was a world will to help him control the billions of cell universes in his body, it would not only be more convenient to concentrate the power of all the cell universes and let him exert it.

It can even continuously accelerate the evolution and perfection of the cellular universe within the body.

This is definitely the best of both worlds.

However, in order to truly achieve the best of both worlds, what Li Yue needs to do most at this moment is to figure out the specific situation of this world's will.

Is its original energy this dark power that looks very evil, or is it just affected by the world in which it was born, and can only control the dark energy for its own use?

Faced with this crucial issue, Li Yue was not in the mood to think about other things at this time.

The huge mental power he released, almost the moment it was integrated into the body of the world's will, was like a strong wind that could sweep everything, "raging" in the spiritual consciousness space of the body of the world's will.

In order to understand the nature of will in this world as quickly as possible.

However, the spiritual consciousness space in this world's will is almost beyond Li Yue's imagination.

It even seemed like a boundless special space. Li Yue's mental power seemed to be unable to completely explore this place in a short period of time.

In fact, Li Yue seemed to be unable to find the direction at all, and should mainly let his mental power explore.

It's like a person has lost his way in the fog, and no matter which direction he walks, he can't get out of the fog.

This special situation seemed to make Li Yue lose his target in an instant, and he didn't know how to start.

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