Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 946 Special Discovery

However, this is the spiritual consciousness space in the world's will. Although it is extremely huge, it seems to have no boundaries, making it difficult to distinguish the direction, let alone how to find the answer you want.

But for Li Yue, it is not an unsolvable situation.

"The size of the consciousness space may be related to the master's spiritual consciousness. The stronger the master's spiritual power, the larger the spiritual consciousness space will naturally be."

"But now, it's not just because my consciousness space is too huge. After all, after my simple exploration, I can feel that this place seems to be an endless space."

"This is not in line with normal circumstances, but if you consider that the owner of this space is a world will that can control all the rules of the world, such a thing may be easy to understand."

Li Yue was only surprised for a moment by the fact that his consciousness was larger than he expected and seemed to be boundless, and then he thought about everything clearly.

After all, the owner of this spiritual consciousness space is a world will that can control the rules of the entire world, not just a human or creature with strong mental power.

Therefore, the fact that this space of spiritual consciousness is so huge is understandable and acceptable.

However, although Li Yue understood all the situations he encountered.

I also understand that all of this is quite normal.

But it doesn't mean that there is no obstacle to what Li Yue wants to do now.

After all, although Li Yue's mental power is very huge, if he releases it with all his strength, he can easily cover most of the galaxy in a short period of time.

However, despite such a huge mental power, there is still a limit range after all, and it is impossible to have no limit at all. Just like the consciousness space possessed by the consciousness of this world, it is almost boundless.

Therefore, if Li Yue really wanted to use his mental power to completely cover this conscious space, it would be almost impossible.

Moreover, Li Yue would naturally not be stupid enough to do this.

Even if Li Yue really had no other choice, he would not do this.

What's more, Li Yue didn't have any options at this time.

Yes, in the simple observation just now, Li Yue has discovered some special situation in this spiritual consciousness space.

As mentioned before, this consciousness space seems to contain extremely huge energy.

However, these energies are gathered together to form a strange scene of various sizes, as if there are countless planets in the universe.

However, there is one thing that has not been mentioned before.

Judging from Li Yue's position, the energy clusters around him looked like planets, all of which were dark in color.

It's like black holes, large and small, spread throughout this consciousness space.

And because of the color of these energy groups, it seems that they are made up of countless dark energies.

Therefore, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that at this time, I have come to the conclusion that the interior of this consciousness space is also eroded by dark energy just like the appearance of the world's will.

The conclusion drawn is that nature, which is the will of this world, is indeed a special existence with dark power as its origin.

And if this is really the case, then it means that if Li Yue really continues to let the will of this world control all the cellular universe inside his body.

You must be prepared for all the cellular universe in your body to be eroded by darkness at every moment.


Is this really the case?

Is this world's will really full of darkness from the beginning of its birth, and is it the existence of the origin of darkness?

Did the huge dark energy in the previous dream world come entirely from the will of this world and finally formed?

Perhaps, if that were the case, everything would make perfect sense.

After all, the birth of a world will in an illusory dream world is a very rare situation.

Even if this world will is a world will similar to the origin of darkness, it can make the world where you are in a special world like the dark dimension, which is relatively normal.

At this time, all kinds of situations seem to indicate that the will of this world has indeed been the source of darkness that can be released from the beginning of its birth.

However, Li Yue himself, whose mind was in the space of world will consciousness at this time, didn't think so at all.

Because, he has discovered a rather special situation at this time!

Perhaps, this special situation can help Li Yue prove that the will of this world is the source of darkness from the beginning of its birth.

It was only after he was born that he was eroded by dark energy and became what he is today!

In fact, what Li Yue observed was nothing special.

When he controlled his mental power to explore nearby, he discovered the black energy group formed by the gathering of dark energy in this consciousness space.

There are some subtle differences in the density of energy clusters between the two far apart regions.

Although these differences are very small and almost difficult to detect, for Li Yue, who has huge mental power, he still noticed this situation.

Later, Li Yue naturally conducted a careful investigation because of this situation.

In the end, he discovered that there was not only a slight distance between them, but also a subtle difference in the density of the two masses of energy.

Rather, it is like the energy density gradually changes slightly in one direction.

It's like the density of energy continues to increase with one direction.

This is not something that attracts people's attention.

But Li Yue saw something special in this matter.

The density of energy varies slightly in a certain direction.

This shows that the energy in the entire area of ​​​​this consciousness space is not exactly the same.

Just like using energy density as a distinction, an energy vortex is formed in this consciousness space.

And Li Yue could feel that there might be something special in the center of the vortex with the highest energy density.

And since this thing can affect the energy in space, its density will change.

Then it will naturally have a corresponding impact on this consciousness space, or on the will itself of this world.

Perhaps, this is a breakthrough point for Li Yue to search for whether the essence of this world's will is the source of darkness.

Therefore, Li Yue naturally did not hesitate at this time. His spirit spread forward at an extremely fast speed in the direction of increasing energy density.

He is looking for the initiator of the change in energy density!

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