Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 947 Dark Light Ball

Text Chapter 947 Dark Light Ball

Li Yue's mental power discovered that there is a special and very special situation in this consciousness space that exists inside the body of the world's will.

Here, the density of energy seems to be different, and it is distributed regionally according to some special rules.

It seems that in the central area with the greatest energy density, there is something special that can change the energy density.

Li Yue was naturally extremely curious about this.

Moreover, he had a hunch that this might help him understand the essence of this world will with a consciousness space.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue directly controlled the huge mental power, following the changing direction of the energy density in the consciousness space, spreading towards places with increasing energy density.

As Li Yue's mental power continues to spread in this consciousness space, Li Yue's mind also moves forward in this consciousness space with his mental power.

At this time, Li Yue already had a general understanding of this consciousness space.

He discovered that this consciousness space seemed to be filled with some energy gathered into groups, and nothing else existed.

At least, Li Yue has not yet seen that anything that can attract his attention exists in this consciousness space.

However, as his mental power continued to move forward, Li Yue seemed to be able to feel in his mind that there was something waiting for him that could definitely attract his attention.

Perhaps, in this space, there are indeed some things that can make Li Yue pay attention.

It's just that the location where that thing exists may be the most central location in this consciousness space.

"I don't know, what is there in front of me, waiting for my arrival."

As his mind spread rapidly forward with his mental power, Li Yue couldn't help but wonder what was waiting for him ahead.

As Li Yue's curiosity gradually increased, the speed of the spread of Li Yue's mental power also began to increase.

I don't know if time exists in this space, but Li Yue can clearly feel that the process of moving his mental power forward at the fastest speed has lasted for nearly ten minutes.

If in the real world, Li Yue had maintained such a speed of spiritual power spread, he might have already rushed out of the earth, even skipped the solar system and entered the galaxy.

However, there is no passage of time in this world, and it is not a world similar to the real world, but a special space of consciousness.

Therefore, as long as the owner of this space has strong enough mental power, the size of this space can be even vaster than the normal universe.

Therefore, Li Yue did not pay too much attention to the huge space.

Moreover, only ten minutes have passed, which is nothing to him.

Moreover, in this world, it is almost impossible to feel the existence of the power of time, so no matter how much time passes in this world, it is only a moment in other worlds.

Of course, the most important reason is that Li Yue can already feel that the thing that exists in the center of this consciousness space is waiting for him not far ahead.

Perhaps, it might not take him too long to get to the place where that special thing is.

In fact, it was not what Li Yue expected.

As his mind continued to move forward with his mental power, it continued for several minutes.

Li Yue could clearly feel that the number of energy groups around him began to increase.

The small energy group is only about the size of a fist, while the large energy group even seems to be a huge planet, comparable to the earth's satellite and as huge as the moon.

Countless energy groups all present an extremely black color.

It's like black holes of different sizes floating in this space of consciousness.

And Li Yue, when his mental power swept through these black hole-like energy groups, could clearly feel that the energy density of the energy groups here had approached the maximum level.

If the density becomes even greater, it is very likely that these energy clusters will really turn into real black holes with huge gravity.

This is the most extreme state in which energy can be compressed. If this extreme state is exceeded, a qualitative change will occur.

Of course, it is not that easy to produce qualitative changes.

At least, Li Yue had encountered very few existences that could compress the energy density to the extreme and form a black hole.

Although this consciousness space belongs to a world will that can control the power of the entire world.

But after all, the world controlled by this world's will is just an illusory dream world.

Moreover, this world will was born less than a hundred years ago. For a world will with an almost infinite life, its true age is probably only equivalent to that of a baby that has just spoken for less than a few seconds.

No intelligence has even been born, and it can only act according to instinct.

In short, Li Yue does not believe that the energy group in the consciousness space can break the density limit and condense the energy into a situation similar to a real black hole.

Therefore, if according to normal conditions, Li Yue has reached the area where the density of the surrounding energy groups is close to the limit, then it probably means that Li Yue has entered the most central area of ​​​​this consciousness space.

Although this is just a guess made by Li Yue based on the density of the surrounding energy.

But the following facts directly proved that Li Yue's guess was not wrong.

Because, less than a few minutes after moving forward again in the central area of ​​​​this consciousness space, Li Yue suddenly noticed that there was a very huge black light group in front of him.

This huge black light group was far larger than any black energy group Li Yue had ever seen before.

In fact, even an energy group as huge as a moon is completely incomparable with this huge energy light group at this time.

Just like the sun in the solar system, the gap between it and other planets is extremely huge.

And this huge black light group that appeared in front of Li Yue was like the sun in this consciousness space.

The other black energy groups are the planets surrounding this "sun". All the energy groups together form a special consciousness space like the starry sky and the universe.

"Wait a minute, this black light group that looks like the sun seems to be hollow inside!"

Facing the huge black energy group that suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Yue was still very surprised.

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