Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 963 The huge lotus shadow (Happy New Year to everyone!)

However, although Li Yue was surprised by this situation, he was more excited about this situation.

After all, the faster perfection and evolution of the cellular universe in the body means that Li Yue's strength will develop at a faster rate.

This is naturally a very fortunate thing for Li Yue, who is now very strong and it is very difficult to make even a small amount of progress.

However, Li Yue was not completely immersed in this unexpected situation.

He understood that the most important thing he needed to do now was to completely integrate this golden lotus with the cellular universe in his body.

However, according to Li Yue's prediction, judging from the fact that this lotus flower can resonate strongly with the cellular universe in his body just after it is integrated into his body, it does not seem to be very difficult to perfectly integrate them.

In fact, this was indeed the case. What Li Yue did next proved that this golden lotus seemed to have some extremely special ability.

The most important manifestation of this special ability is that this golden lotus can resonate strongly with the cellular universe in Li Yue's body at the first touch.

Moreover, during the subsequent integration process, there were no unexpected situations that caused rejection.

Li Yue simply controlled this golden lotus and tentatively established a simple connection with all the cellular universes in his body.

But he didn't expect that the process was surprisingly smooth. Just normal and simple operations were enough to complete the most important thing for Li Yue at this time.

What Li Yue did was to release the control of the golden lotus that had been integrated into his body.

The energy film wrapping the golden lotus shattered and dissipated directly.

In the golden lotus, the energy lock controlled by Li Yue that completely stopped all actions of the golden lotus slowly released its hold on the golden lotus.

The moment Li Yue completely released control of the golden lotus, the golden lotus was instantly shrunk from before to only a few centimeters in size, and suddenly grew in size.

In just an instant, the golden lotus flower, which was originally a few centimeters, suddenly grew to a size of dozens of meters, as if it had been injected with growth hormone.

However, at this level, if it were in the outside world, it would definitely be an existence that Li Yue would look up to.

However, at this moment, the place where this golden lotus is located is inside Li Yue's body.

Although Li Yue's body is not considered huge in the eyes of the outside world, it is even a little thinner than some ordinary people.

However, inside Li Yue's body, this was not the case.

At this time, this huge golden lotus returned to its original size and was dozens of meters high.

Inside Li Yue's body, he looked very small.

The inside of Li Yue's body is completely a space of its own at this moment. It does not belong to any dimension or any universe that exists in reality.

But one thing is certain, that is, this space is large enough, so large that it is unimaginable.

At least, the billions of cellular universes that represent the universe are only as small as the shining stars in the night sky in this space.

And in this huge space, even the cellular universe that represents a universe is difficult to attract attention.

What's more, this lotus flower is only tens of meters in size.

It is completely as if it is just a tiny speck of dust in the vast universe, making it difficult for people to notice.

Of course, it's just the size that makes it a little hard to spot.

But if you focus on the golden light emitted by this lotus flower, it will be difficult not to attract people's attention.

Even though this lotus flower is in a "bright starry sky" at this moment, it is surrounded by billions of cell universes that are also shining with golden light, representing huge universes.

But among the special brilliance it exudes,

It seems to contain some kind of strange energy that can attract people's attention.

At this time, although compared to the billions of cellular universe around it, this lotus flower, which is tens of meters tall, seems very small.

But the radiance that shines on it seems to surpass everything around it.

Moreover, as Li Yue activated the energy in all the surrounding cellular universes, he stimulated streaks of shining golden light.

Golden light shot out from the cellular universe like bunches of golden rays, hitting the golden lotus directly and accurately.

The next moment, the already shining golden light of the golden lotus increased countless times.

A golden lotus shadow suddenly appeared in the entire space inside Li Yue's body.

The huge lotus shadow spans all the spaces in Li Yue's body, shining like eternal light on the entire world!

The moment when Li Yue controlled all the cellular universes in his body and initially established a connection with this golden lotus.

The Golden Lotus seems to have completely revealed its own powerful abilities.

The shadow of a golden lotus emerged from its body, reflected in the entire space, and expanded at an extremely fast speed until it completely enveloped the entire world.

At this moment, the special space inside Li Yue's body was completely filled by the huge shadow erupting from the golden lotus.

Even Li Yue's mind was also drawn into this new world.

The huge and dazzling golden lotus is in full bloom, just like the opening of heaven and earth, the moment when all things are reborn.

At this moment, the originally "lonely" space in Li Yue's body seemed to suddenly burst out with intense vitality!

It is as if this world has changed from the previous situation without any life to one filled with the fire of life.

It is these immature fires of life that will eventually give birth to vigorously growing life in the near future.

And the inside of Li Yue's body will eventually grow into a space with real life.

The billions of cellular universes among them will become an infinite multiverse. They exist dependent on each other and each exists independently.

Among them, relatively similar worlds may evolve, or they may evolve into completely different worlds with huge differences.

In short, every multiverse represents a possibility.

In countless multiverses, there are various worlds, either the same or different!

Of course, these will only be realized slowly over time.

But now, all this is just a prototype.

However, Li Yue, who was also shrouded in the shadow of a huge golden lotus, seemed to be able to foresee the near future.

The cellular universe in your body, with its continuous improvement and evolution, is the moment when a life with intelligence is truly born!

That kind of picture is so beautiful that even Li Yue can't help but be fascinated by it!

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