Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 964 Illusive dream?

The golden lotus shadow enveloped all the cell universe and the entire internal space of Li Yue's body.

Likewise, Li Yue's own mind was also shrouded in it.

The golden lotus is in full bloom, just like when the heaven and earth first opened, when a new world was born.

But Li Yue, who was also in it, seemed to have experienced a long-lasting illusion.

It's just that everything he experienced was like a dream, it seemed very false, and it seemed so real that he could not forget it.

But thinking back carefully, Li Yue felt as if he couldn't remember anything at all.

He could only vaguely remember that all the cells in his body seemed to have produced intelligent life like humans in the universe.

Each cellular universe is a world unto itself.

The universe of billions of cells represents countless multiverses, which are interdependent but not affected by other multiverses and become independent.

Countless multiverses form a truly large universe.

But Li Yue himself has become an almost omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent existence in this universe.

Of course, Li Yue did not experience this experience for long before he was brought back to reality.

The next moment, when Li Yue woke up, he found that nothing around him seemed to have changed.

Everything was as usual, not much changed from the cosmic scene in his body before.

The scene where the whole world was enveloped by the shadow of a huge golden lotus just now seemed to have never appeared at all.

The lotus flower was still only a few tens of meters in size and emitted a dazzling golden light.

However, the golden light at this time was far different from what Li Yue felt just now.

This made Li Yue even have some doubts. Did he just have a hallucination?

"Impossible, how could I have hallucinations now?"

But the next moment, Li Yue instantly rejected the idea that he was hallucinating.

After all, Li Yue was still very confident in his own strength at this time.

With his current strong mental power, there is almost no possibility of hallucinations.

His eyes are as powerful as the flaming eyes of the Monkey King, capable of breaking through any illusion.

His will is enough to ensure that he will not be fooled by any illusory scenes.

Therefore, what Li Yue experienced just now cannot be just an illusion.

However, Li Yue felt a little confused immediately. If what he had just experienced was not an illusion, then what was it?

On the one hand, Li Yue was extremely confident in his own strength. He felt that it was completely impossible for him to be enveloped in an illusion so easily and enter an illusory scene without knowing it.

However, self-confidence is self-confidence, but Li Yue could not deny it. Even until the moment he completely came to his senses, he could not be sure whether everything before was a real experience or a dream.

This is the first time Li Yue has encountered such a situation since he gained great strength.

Due to his confidence in his own strength, Li Yue still felt that the scene he had just experienced that was not a deep memory was not an illusion.

However, the calm scene that appeared in front of Li Yue now seemed to be telling that nothing had happened just now.

This made Li Yue feel very confused, but he didn't know how to explain what he had just experienced.

He could truly feel that everything before was not an illusion.

But he didn't understand,

When I came back to my senses, why did I feel like I was waking up from a dream?

Moreover, the surrounding situation was completely as if the scene just now had never happened!

This situation made Li Yue feel very confused and puzzled.

"Although I don't know what happened before, whether the vague scene I experienced is an illusion or reality, I'm afraid it has something to do with this golden lotus!"

However, what Li Yue can be sure of is that whether what he experienced is real or illusory.

But it is definitely directly related to this golden lotus.

And being able to pull Li Yue, who was powerful and extremely tenacious at this time, into a dream-like illusion, it is clear that the origin of this golden lotus is absolutely extraordinary.

In Li Yue's view, the scene just now might not be a false illusion.

However, it should also not be a scene that actually happened.

In Li Yue's guess, the scene he experienced before should be a scene similar to a simulation scene.

Using some special ability of the golden lotus itself, Li Yue fell into a simulated special space.

Although this simulated space is not a real world, it seems to be a scene that will happen in the future, presented at this time.

Although it is not real, it is close to the real scene.

And this is like traveling through time, coming to the future, and seeing the future scenes with your own eyes.

However, this future scene does not require you to travel through time and space, it will appear directly in front of you.

Of course, these are just some speculations by Li Yue. Li Yue is not very clear about the real situation.

But he knew that this illusion-like scene should be this lotus flower, using some special means to intercept some fragments of what might happen in the future and present them in front of Li Yue.

However, perhaps because of the existence of certain rules, even though Li Yue personally experienced certain episodes that might happen in the future, the memories in his mind slowly disappeared after he returned to reality.

Only some insignificant things remained in Li Yue's mind, making him understand that this was not a dream.

Although he didn't know what this situation was, Li Yue guessed that it was all because of this mysterious lotus.

Perhaps, as a special spiritual creature that can survive in the endless void, this lotus flower does have extraordinary abilities.

At this time, allowing Li Yue to encounter certain fragments that may happen in the future is probably one of its own special abilities.

And just now, what appeared in Li Yue's eyes was a scene that might happen in the future.

Although this is a possible scenario in the future, it is not inevitable.

But for Li Yue, it still had a special impact.

Although after waking up from this special scene, it seemed that due to some special rules, Li Yue lost most of his memory.

But there was one situation that Li Yue kept in mind and could hardly forget.

And this matter is also very important to Li Yue.

Because this can be regarded as pointing out a direction for Li Yue's future strength development!

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