Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 966 An almost impossible time travel

Li Yue himself couldn't help but be shocked by this idea.

After all, this is also a very crazy choice for him now.

But soon, Li Yue slowly accepted this form of future.

Because in his opinion, such ideas and choices may seem a bit crazy at first.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is indeed some correct truth.

Treat countless cellular universes as countless parallel universes and establish some unique connection between them so that they will be affected by other universes to some extent.

But each parallel universe exists independently and will not be too greatly affected by the plot in another multiverse!

The huge universe formed by the combination of countless multiverses is a brand new universe.

Similar to the existence of the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe.

Just thinking about what a huge impact this situation would have on his power if it were really perfected under Li Yue's control.

This is something that is extremely shocking.

Even Li Yue himself is no exception.

Only by creating a truly large universe can we truly embark on the path of becoming an omniscient, omnipotent, and almost omnipotent god.

Whether it is the omniscient and omnipotent OAA, the real controller of the Marvel Universe, or the omnipotent God in the DC Universe, they are both so powerful that it is unimaginable.

They created the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe with their own power.

And if Li Yue's plan is really completed as successfully as he experienced in what seemed to be a fragment of the future, then his strength will naturally skyrocket.

Even growing directly to the level of the controller of the Marvel Universe and DC Universe is not impossible!

A brief glimpse into the future gave Li Yue the falsest answer to a question that troubled him.

Although Li Yue had a prototype of such a plan before, because it was too early to make a decision, Li Yue temporarily put it aside.

Now when I really see that in the future I may really follow this plan and use the billions of cell universes in my body to create a big universe with countless parallel universes.

Li Yue also gradually felt that this kind of idea and plan might have a high chance of being successfully realized in the future.

And he has every chance to become a powerful being comparable to the master of the Marvel Universe and DC Universe.

Li Yue even felt a little impatient, wishing that the cellular universe in his body would be perfected immediately, and a life with intelligence like human beings would be born.

In the end, he personally controlled it and created a huge universe composed of countless parallel universes.

However, although the idea is beautiful, it is not something that can be realized in a short time.

Li Yue's cellular universe still doesn't know how long it will take to perfect and evolve before it can give birth to intelligent creatures.

What's more, all these cellular universes should be cultivated into new universes that can serve as flat universes.

This is something that I don’t know how long it will take to achieve.

At least, Li Yue at this time cannot realize such a thing as soon as possible.

However, Li Yue was very happy to be able to determine his future direction and plans.

However, after the joy, huge doubts lingered in Li Yue's heart.

He initially guessed that the scene he had experienced before was probably a fragment taken from some time in the future and presented to him.

However, Li Yue knew very well that such a thing could not be done easily.

Under normal circumstances, as long as you master the power of time, you can freely travel between the past and the future and experience various scenes that you have never experienced before.

This is a convenience that time travelers can enjoy.

Of course, Li Yue can also control some power of time,

Help him to simply travel to the past and future.

However, Li Yue knew very well that the time travel he used to use the power of time and the special ability used by this golden lotus to intercept and present fragments of the future in front of him were two completely different concepts.

Because even if Li Yue has the ability to control time and travel between the past and the future, he still cannot do such a thing like this golden lotus.

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After all, he was in the internal space of Li Yue's body at this time.

Here, time almost does not exist and has no real meaning.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for Li Yue to control the power of time and travel between the past and the future.

What's more, it was inside Li Yue's body at this time.

If Li Yue really manipulates the power of time to merge with himself.

Then he will not be able to travel through the past and the future, but it will happen like in Avengers 4, when Banner, who became Dr. Green, was conducting experiments on traveling through time and space.

What happened to Ant-Man.

Of course, Li Yue's power is destined to prevent him from becoming a baby or an old man just because of the simple power of time.

Even if it is as powerful as the power of time, it cannot change Li Yue's physical appearance at this moment.

However, the power of time still flows in Li Yue's body, unable to allow him to travel through the past and future.

See with your own eyes what the cellular universe in your body will look like after it is fully developed.

Otherwise, Li Yue would probably have been unable to bear it long ago and used this ability to go to the future and experience for himself the completely perfected cellular universe.

Everything said at this time shows that Li Yue cannot rely on the power of time to let himself see with his own eyes what will happen in the future when the cellular universe in his body is completely evolved and perfected.

But at this moment, this golden lotus of unknown origin did it.

Perhaps, like Li Yue, it does not need to control the power of time and travel through time and space.

Perhaps, this kind of thing is a very simple thing for it to do.

It can span the long river of time and freely browse any thing or human being, as well as the past and future of a space.

It can even simply present the future scene it sees in front of people.

Although, this ability seems to have certain limitations, such as Li Yue's sense of unreality after watching it.

And memories that he quickly forgot once he woke up.

However, it is still incredible to be able to see future scenes that have a great relationship with oneself.

At this time, Li Yue became more curious about the origin of this lotus flower.

With such a powerful ability, the origin of this lotus flower cannot be simple.

Even Li Yue couldn't guess its origin after all.

In Li Yue's view, perhaps only the situation he had thought about before, that this lotus flower was a special innate spiritual creature born when the world first opened, could it possess such surprisingly powerful abilities.

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