Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 967 Continue to integrate

However, no matter how amazing the origin of this lotus is, for Li Yue, this lotus is now in his hands.

As the scene that made Li Yue feel a bit dreamy came to an end, the lotus flower had initially established a connection with the cellular universe in Li Yue's body.

As for the illusion-like scene created by the lotus just now, all the energy sources should be the cellular universe in Li Yue's body.

After the two parties established a connection, theoretically, this lotus flower already had the authority to use the cellular universe in Li Yue's body and could mobilize the energy in it.

Of course, this is without Li Yue's intervention.

If Li Yue organizes this lotus flower to mobilize the energy of the cellular universe in his body, then this lotus flower will not be able to mobilize the energy in it.

In other words, although this lotus flower now has the authority to mobilize the energy of the cell universe, the highest authority is still in the hands of Li Yue, and it cannot surpass Li Yue.

Therefore, the lotus flower just intercepted scenes that may happen in the future and reconstructed a new space to present in front of Li Yue.

The huge energy required should come from the cellular universe in Li Yue's body.

Of course, this process is not just about the lotus absorbing the energy in Li Yue's body and then simply releasing it.

Rather, this lotus flower, after absorbing energy into its own body, enhances the energy in some form through some of its original characteristics.

This gives the energy, which was not very powerful originally, the ability to create an illusory world.

Of course, although the energy in the cellular universe in Li Yue's body is involved in all of this, the most important thing is the special ability possessed by this golden lotus.

Although the energy required to build some kind of illusion world is very huge, it is a condition that is easy to meet.

But what plays the most critical role is undoubtedly this golden lotus with this special ability.

However, now Li Yue no longer cares much about the situation he just experienced.

What he needs to do next is to completely control this lotus flower with special abilities.

And only in this way can Li Yue truly establish a corresponding connection with this lotus.

Also get the truth about the mysterious origin of this lotus.

Li Yue, who was extremely curious about the mysterious origin of this lotus, was naturally eager to reveal the truth about the mysterious origin of this lotus.

Therefore, Li Yue put aside his special experience for the time being and continued to perfect the connection between this lotus flower and the cellular universe in his body.

Just before Li Yue fell into some kind of future episode, the lotus in his memory seemed to have established a connection with the cellular universe in his body and received huge energy support. It became extremely huge, enough to cover the entire body of his body. space.

However, when all the scenes disappeared and Li Yue regained consciousness, he found that this scene also disappeared, as if it had never happened at all.

The lotus flower also returned to normal, as if it had never become as huge as Li Yue remembered.

All this caused some confusion for Li Yue, but it also made Li Yue realize that this clip may mean his future.

And what happened may be just some special expression of the lotus flower.

If Li Yue completely controls this lotus, then there will be no need for such trouble. Li Yue can completely control all the information of this lotus very easily.

And it will become very easy to understand the origin of this lotus flower.

Therefore, Li Yue, who was extremely curious about the mysterious origin of this lotus, was naturally eager to completely control this lotus.

Only after Li Yue completely took control of this lotus flower, could he know how this lotus flower with very special abilities was conceived.

And why he lived in an endless void space, and was later introduced into it by the dream world built by Li Yue, and was eventually trapped here.

The answers to these questions need to be revealed by Li Yuelai himself.

In fact, what Li Yue did before has already connected this lotus flower with all the cellular universes in his body.

However, these are just relatively simple connections.

It is not a complete perfect integration with Li Yue.

Therefore, Li Yue was unable to fully obtain all information about the origin and special abilities of this lotus at this time.

However, it is not that difficult to completely integrate this lotus flower with yourself.

Theoretically, the degree of integration between this lotus flower and Li Yue himself will continue to develop over time.

As time goes by, the areas are continuously refined and finally integrated perfectly.

However, the time required to do so is not a small number.

For Li Yue, who is now impatient to know the origin of this lotus, more time means that he will suffer more torture.

For Li Yue, this was definitely something intolerable.

Therefore, Li Yue must take the initiative to speed up this fusion and use his own power to completely control this mysterious lotus in the shortest possible time.

This may be a difficult thing for other people, but for Li Yue, it is not too difficult.

Looking at the golden lotus in front of him, Li Yue did not observe anything unusual in it.

However, Li Yue always felt that this lotus flower seemed to want to express something to him.

Perhaps, not only is the origin of this lotus very mysterious, but perhaps there are some more mysterious special situations on top of this lotus waiting for Li Yue to discover.

In short, this lotus made Li Yue feel impatient to completely integrate it with himself.

And now, Li Yue no longer hesitates.

He had previously mobilized all the cellular universes in his body and released the golden energy in them, like a beam of golden rays, all converging on this lotus.

Huge energy instantly gathered on the golden lotus, but it did not cause the golden lotus to be directly exploded by such huge energy.

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However, the scene that Li Yue experienced before appeared that seemed unreal.

At this time, countless energies are still gathering towards this golden lotus.

Countless golden rays of light are connected to this golden lotus.

And the body of this golden lotus seems to become even more shining due to the incorporation of a large amount of golden energy.

The golden light it emits is like a bright star, illuminating the originally dark space around it.

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