Salomon's method was simple and rough, and did not show much ingenuity, and their enemies were not as difficult to deal with as the guardians of the British Museum.

Of course, this refers to the magical level.

Having said that, the opponent this time is not an easy character to deal with. The descendants of the Puritans who participated in the Salem Witch Trials and the families of the Puritan civil servants who hanged innocent women still control Salem's politics and economy for generations. This is the hereditary system of capitalism.

And Ricky White is a descendant of one of the civil servants' families, and he is a senator from Salem.

Salomon and Master Wang found a coffee shop across the street from the city hall, where they sat and waited for the politician to appear.

"Uh, it tastes like hot mud." Salomon held a cup of coffee with too much milk and sugar in his hand. He has always hated coffee, no matter how much milk and sugar is added, he always feels sour in his mouth.

He squinted at Little Master Wang who was sitting opposite the small white round table, "Senior Brother Wang, is this the first tuna sandwich you have eaten? We are here to monitor, not to eat."

"My father didn't have time to confiscate the living expenses just issued yesterday." Master Wang patted his chubby belly, and he said nonchalantly, "Of course I must seize the opportunity to eat something delicious. Don't you like eating Karma Taj?" Canteen? Which of us didn’t go to the Hong Kong Temple to eat?”

Salomon rolled his eyes. Master Xiao Wang is still optimistic about his body shape. He firmly believes that only by eating more food and gaining weight can he have the strength to survive the arduous training of Karma Taj, at least he can have some buffer when he is punched in the stomach.

It is a good thing to have a broad mind and a fat body, but it is an outlier in the Kama Taj headquarters, which pays attention to penance. The people there are either thin or strong, and you are a fat man with a ninety-nine-one abs. If you don't beat you, who will you beat?

"How long are we going to wait here?" Master Xiao Wang hiccupped in satisfaction. Today is the happiest day for him to eat. After leaving the supervision of Master Hamil, he devoured like a wild dog without a rein, and he naturally didn't have any impatience when he was satisfied. The reason why he asked this sentence Just wondering if he still has time to eat a few more.

"I don't know." Salomon shook his head.

But Salomon is very patient - a politician will not stay here forever, he always has to go out to socialize, entertain, and take care of his own business. This is a product of the dictatorship with capitalist characteristics, and it will always wait for him.

"If you send me to Washington, I will promise to make reforms, and I will guarantee with my life that my heart will not change." Ricky White is making a speech on the noisy TV screen in the cafe. As can be seen from the background, his seat was just before Salem's city hall.

"I will always be Ricky White, Son of Salem, and I will always fight for what we are, to the fullest..."

It may be because the TV in the coffee shop has been in disrepair for a long time, not only the picture is always a little bit noisy, but the sound is also a little bit noisy.

Ricky White's campaign manifesto faded into obscurity. Salomon leaned his body on the soft chair with a cushion and a soft back, watching the withered yellow leaves roll across the street outside the window.

He closed his eyes slightly, and slowly, the noise disappeared, as did the sound of passing vehicles. He could hear the dripping of the faucet in the cafe's kitchen, the resonance of the drops hitting the stainless steel sink, and the electrical noise of a poor connection in a fluorescent tube.

Even further away, the clatter of radio knobs, the mucus of lips parting between lovers, and the distant chirping of birds.

"Hey, Salomon, wake up!" A sudden shaking interrupted Salomon's meditation, "They're out!"

Salomon opened his eyes and yawned.

This is the power of a saint that His Holiness said. He will gradually have stronger physical qualities than ordinary people, such as better hearing and eyesight. These abilities will gradually manifest as he grows older. But he is not the superman in the comics. According to His Holiness, his body has been strengthened by magic power, and no matter what, he will not break away from the category of human beings, although this is already an exaggeration for ordinary people.

During the short break, he just meditated and did not cast the astral projection that he has always disliked. This spell was researched by His Holiness according to the XZ tantric classics, and this spell is usually used by Kama Taj to study all night used when.

Salomon sneered at this, just sleep well, what to do with so many troublesome things.

Of course, Kama Taj's classics on this aspect are not limited to astral body projection. If a mage is interested in this aspect, he can continue to study the Yangshen method of Zhang Boduan, Ziyang real person collected by His Holiness.

It's just that no one has learned it. The method of double cultivation of life and soul sounds good, but it takes too long, and it has always been inconsistent with the purpose of Karma Taj.

Salomon followed Master Xiao Wang's line of sight and looked out. Just outside the glass window, Ricky White with short blond hair came out from the gate of the city hall with his secretary Gloria on his arm, and was about to get in a car. black car.

"Stop! Don't disturb my spellcasting." Salomon withdrew his hand and began to whisper the spell.

The town of Salem is not big, and even the streets are not too spacious. Most of the buildings here have gray-black walls, which look very cold. It seems that the residents here prefer a peaceful life, and are not too interested in what develops into a big town or something.

Therefore, the coffee shop where Salomon was located was not far from Ricky White, and the spell he cast was enough to reach the target.

Master Xiao Wang saw Salomon pointing his fingers, and Ricky White even fell to the ground with his secretary Gloria in a red plush trim coat. When Master Xiao Wang took a closer look, he was shocked.

" did you take off his pants!" He widened his eyes and looked at Salomon with disbelief, "What kind of magic is this?"

"Pants removal." Salomon replied.

This magic is a prank used by many apprentice mages in Golarion, but many wizards who have been famous for many years still use this spell as one of their common spells. Because except for warriors wearing plate armor, no matter whether you use a belt or suspenders, you can't stop the pants from falling to your ankles. As long as you don't want to fight with your bare butt, otherwise even legendary warriors can't escape this magic.

Who wouldn't trip over dropped pants?

Ricky White stood up in a panic, and his bodyguards in black suits also blocked the sight of others in time-after all, it is not good news for a senator to take off his pants in the street.

"Okay, we can start now." Salomon stood up and continued to chant the spell while walking towards the target.

The originally majestic bodyguards in black bowed down in unison, because their trousers fell to the ground one by one, which attracted the crowds of tourists. Salomon took Master Wang Quickly squeezed past.

The bodyguards in black hurriedly raised their trousers while blocking the reporter. They tried to stop the paparazzi from filming, but with little success, as their trouser legs were already trampled by astute reporters, preventing them from taking a step.

Salomon squeezed back and forth among the crowd, chanting incantations incessantly, and following his magic, the movements and reactions of the crowd around him became sluggish. He raised one hand above his head, and golden dust filled everyone's head.

"Close your eyes." He whispered to Master Xiao Wang, followed by a bright light comparable to a flash bomb. The onlookers couldn't help closing their eyes, and some shed tears because of excessive eyeball stimulation.

"Come on, it's the ring with the pink stone!"

ps: Please invest! Investment = plus more!


School transmutation; Level bard 0, sorcerer/wizard 0

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: language, gesture

Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/level)

Target: A creature wearing pants

Duration: Immediately

Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

You let the target's pants slide down to his ankles. Neither a belt nor suspenders protect the target, but armor that completely encloses the legs, such as full plate, prevents the spell's negative effects.

After the pants are down, the target can put them on again as a move action. If the target does not pull up his pants, his movement speed is halved, and if he attempts to move more than 5 feet in one round, he must make a Reflex saving throw (DC equal to the spell) or be prone.


School enchantment (compulsion); Level bard 0, sorcerer/wizard 0

Casting Time: 1 immediate action

Components: language, gesture

Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)

Target: a living creature

Duration: Immediately

Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell slows the target's reaction time. His initiative suffers a -4 circumstance penalty (minimum initiative is 0). If he has already acted this round, the spell does not allow an additional action, so his new initiative does not take place until the following round.

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