Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 9 The Price and the Third Ring

The Supreme Master has always been selfless to Salomon, although the Venerable is the same to other apprentices, but the Supreme Master does not mind showing Salomon the darkest place in Kama Taj.

Like its shadow in the sun, Karma Taj is not a particularly "just" organization.

"You see now, the price of magic." The Venerable led Salomon into a courtyard, where stood many ascetic monks in red robes and white ash on their bodies. Although they were deformed, the pain and itching did not cause any changes in the expression of the ascetic monks. They still looked calm and muttered.

"They believe in magic, so they are willing to bear the price caused by magic for Karma Taj. To be precise, they are paying the price for me... But, how do you pay your bill?"

"I think it's a good idea to use spell-casting materials, teacher." Salomon suppressed his nausea and looked at the pustules and wounds. He tried to slow down his breathing to avoid inhaling the rotten smell of the wounds. He said: "You also know that the knowledge that the stigmata brought to me is very special, but I think I can still pay my bills, and I don't just grow some weird things on my body."

"During World War II, there was a mage named Monar. He is still alive, and you may see him in the future. Every time he saved a girl under NaCui, he drowned a rabbit on the way home. "The venerable put away the folding fan and knocked on Salomon's head, "The cost of using magic is not all physical distortion, but other things, such as emotions, such as true love, such as interests. No one knows what to pay for. What is paid on one's own bills cannot be offset by spell-casting materials.

I have paid my price, and you will pay yours in the future. "

According to what His Holiness said, when he embarked on this road, he paid the bills of life. Before Salomon knew it, he had already paid something to come to Karma Taj, maybe Jeze His Holiness is not sure about other beings or anything else.

As for the last ring, the Supreme Master urged Salomon to get it as soon as possible, and the Supreme Master also provided a map and...a book?

"Many years later, a new tomb was dug near an old sunken tomb. The two tombs share the same tombstone. There is such a line of inscription engraved on it: A piece of black land, a red letter A." The little mage When I was flipping through this book, I came across this passage at the end.

The author of this book is Nathaniel Hawthorne, the greatest romantic novelist in the United States in the 19th century. And the familiar "black" land in this "The Scarlet Letter" refers to Hawthorne's hometown, Salem.

This land was called New England by the Puritans. The passengers of the Albert landed in Salem, first settled in Salem Town, and then slowly built the city of Boston. Since then, Salem has welcomed a steady stream of Puritans, including Hawthorne's ancestors.

There was also a case of religious persecution here, that is, the famous Salem Witch Case. The Puritans of that era had unimaginable fanaticism, and the presiding judge of this trial was Nathaniel Hawthorne. Ancestor of John Hawthorne.

But now, the local government of Salem has developed the "witch" into a selling point instead, vigorously promoting tourism, and even a witch cemetery. The whole town has a strong atmosphere of mysticism, and on Halloween, there will be a gathering of strange witches and devils, big and small.

There is even a witch museum in Salem. This museum is very small. Salomon sits in the center of the museum, and the surrounding walls are lit up one by one, showing the scenes of the witch trials in those years.

For ordinary people, the Salem witch case is a sad religious joke, but for Salomon, it smells something indescribable, like the stench of alien magic... Maybe the Salem witch There may be some doubts about the case. This magical power is still attached to this land, but it has become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

Maybe the two little witches who triggered the trial were not ordinary people, but the innocent people involved behind them are enough to make people taste the disgusting fanaticism of those Puritans.

The clothes of Salomon and Master Wang did not attract attention.

As I said before, the atmosphere of occultism here is very strong. The descendants of the fanatical Puritans no longer stick to their beliefs. There are many tourists who come here every day to hunt for witches. It is also normal for a few people to dress up like wizards. , is not surprising.

"So where is the ring that His Holiness said?" Master Xiao Wang looked around, staring at everyone's ring desperately, trying to find something unusual.

"Oh, is it still moving?"

"What still moves?"

"Of course it's a map." Salomon pointed to the map he opened, on which there was a small red dot marking the location of the ring. He said, "We are going to say hello to the descendants of those Puritans."

"Which stubborn lunatics are you talking about?" Master Xiao Wang clenched his fists, "Remember His Holiness' teaching, you can't let magic show in front of ordinary people... so fists are more useful."

"My lord, you can't even use a ring of Raggador now. If the lord didn't create so many spells that can use your own magic power, you wouldn't even be called a spellcaster." Salomon raised his head , trying to compare the location on the map with the real building, "And other people have guns, don't forget, this is America."

The Ring of Raggador mentioned by Salomon is one of Kama Taj's common spells. It is manifested as a magic shield on each hand, one is orange and the other is red.

This is the difference in the output of magic power. There is not much difference in the structure of the spell, but it is also the first magic with a spell structure learned by the mage of Karma Taj after acquiring the magic power.

"OK, OK, what shall we do now?" Master Wang's chubby cheeks were full of impatience, and the fat on his cheeks trembled from time to time.

"Use magic, my dear king," said the young mage. "Wait for our target to appear. Do you have any money?"

The reason why the Supreme Master asked Wang to follow Salomon was not only because Master Wang had not signed a contract with Visandi at present, but because Wang was one of the rare and less rigid apprentices in Kama Taj.

When other mages saw wild mages, they often shouted and shouted, but their strength did not keep up with their aura. Years of protection gave them a lot of arrogance, which made it difficult for them to look down on ordinary people. Those difficult goals were almost solved by the supreme mage himself, leaving some low-level miscellaneous soldiers to other mages of Kama Taj.

To put it simply, the Supreme Mage is a legendary mage, and except for a small number of Kama Taj’s mainstays, other mages may not have exceeded the tenth level. The life of any mage other than a mage.

The supreme mage has also noticed this problem. The development of human beings in the past hundred years has been much greater than that in the past few thousand years.

If Kama Taj cannot face up to the power of ordinary people, it is very likely that he will suffer a big loss in the future. And Master Wang is one of the talents that the Supreme Master cultivated, and broadening his horizons is what he and Salomon need to do.

ps: Remember to invest!

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