Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 8 Unexplainably owed a favor

The Supreme Master reminded Salomon more than once.

"You are a spellcaster who steals Vissandi's magic power," said the Venerable, "so don't call Vissandi's name carelessly, especially before you have obtained all the rings."

"Emperor Weishan..." Master Xiao Wang muttered to himself, "We have caused big trouble."

Amoji Tuttle used the spirits as weapons while restraining them. She used the magic power on the ring to order these deformed, huge and densely packed spirits to rush over.

Master Xiao Wang tried to force them away with his fists, but it was useless at all. His fists always passed through the spirit body, and he got nothing but a cold touch. If it weren't for the magic attached to him, the current mage Xiao Wang would have been possessed by a spirit body or devoured his soul, and the positive energy rays shot by Salomon from his fingertips could not stop the spirit body from approaching at all.

"What to do?" Master Wang shouted.

"I don't know..." Salomon was sweating profusely, admitting that he had underestimated the guardians of the British Museum. The guardian can freely use Visandi's ring, but Salomon can only obtain magic power secretly. The output of magic power between the two is simply incomparable.

Suddenly, like a poisonous snake wrapped around his neck, a soft and cold feeling came from behind Salomon, and he felt a pair of warm hands caressing his cheeks, as if the night came with the owl flapping its wings , Salomon lost his vision.

"Call my name, Son of Man." A soft voice rang in Salomon's ear, "I am the dew, I am the sky, I am the spring thunder, I am the goddess of the city, the goddess of the bird and the snake, I will be you shield and spear."

Salomon calmed down, his education had let him know who this was.

"Praise be to you, Tritogleia, as gorgeous as a snake and a thousand-changing dragon [Note: Tritogleia is the third born], I will offer you olive oil, figs and woolen robes." Sa Lomon said sincerely, "In the name of the goddess holding the golden spear."

"In the name of Eteria (goddess of the sky)!" Following Salomon's voice, all the divine powers involved in all the collections of the British Museum were agitated, like boiling water, and Master Wang stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. .

A girl composed of divine power appeared behind Salomon. She wore a Greek Akati-style helmet, held a spear and a huge round shield, and was as tall as the ceiling, but Salomon had nothing Seeing that, he just followed the instructions of the voice to recite, and the sound made every time he prayed was like a bronze spear hitting a round shield.

"In the name of Anemotes (Goddess of Wind)!"

"In the name of Gorgofna (Goddess Killing Gorgo)!"

"In the name of Parthenus (the virgin)!"

"I order you! Stay away from this world!"

The girl behind Salomon stretched out her palm, and the surging divine power defeated these spirit bodies, and at the same time lifted the shackles that had been imprisoned on them.

Amoji Tuttle couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes. In her view, she was the guardian who silently guarded the world. Since her great-great-great-grandfather, they have been guarding this place. This responsibility While tormenting them, it also makes them proud. It is the mission of the Tuttle family to protect these spirits, because of the infinite power of this ring...

"Hurry up!" The darkness dissipated, and Salomon regained his vision, but before he could open his eyes, he called out to Mage Wang, "Take off her ring!"

Amoji Turtle, who has lost her spirit body, doesn't know how to fight at all. She has never received magic education, and she has never practiced even the most basic self-defense techniques. After Master Xiaowang reacted, he rushed up, and the old Amoji Tuttle couldn't resist at all. Master Xiaowang easily grabbed her palm and pulled the ring off.

"Ahh! My ring!" When the ring was taken off, Amoji Turtle was no longer invisible. Her clothes were torn and her short white hair made her look like an old madman. .

Salomon quickly took Master Wang's hand and ran out of the museum. A small white snake climbed up Salomon's leg silently and very fast, got into his clothes, and finally took A cold touch wrapped around his arm.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" a tourist approached.

"What are you looking at? You can't see me!" The magic power left her, no longer supported her brain, and Amoji Turtle's nerves began to age, and the already wrinkled skin shrank even more sharp.

In the eyes of others, she is talking nonsense.

"I'm the Guardian! I'm the only one who can stop you from being destroyed!" Amoji Turtle started yelling, her eyes flashed like crazy, and she kept yelling at the people around her Yelling, trying to prove that she was a saint who lived on the sins of others.

But some tourists have picked up their mobile phones and called the police.

Master Wang and Salomon stood on the street, out of breath. Master Xiao Wang patted his thick chest and said, "You are really skilled, Salomon."

"It's better, brother." Salomon rolled up his sleeves and looked at the little snake sleeping on his forearm. "All of this comes at a price."

Salomon knew very well that he didn't call Athena's name, and Athena appeared by herself... Didn't the Greek gods leave the earth long ago? He must ask the supreme mage clearly, otherwise he will not be able to settle down.

"Okay, where are we going next?" Master Xiao Wang grinned and said with a lingering fear, "Is there any more adventure?"

"I think we need to rest for a day, brother." Salomon motioned Master Wang to stuff the ring into his pocket, "Let's go back to Kama Taj."

Because this new ring was added many things that should not be there by Amoji Tuttle, such as long false nails, Salomon handed the ring to the Supreme Mage and asked her to help change it , Let this become a normal ring - after all, many magic weapons in Karma Taj are from the hands of the Venerable, presumably this will not be a big problem.

But Salomon's main purpose is not this.

When the Supreme Sorcerer saw the snake wrapped around Salomon's forearm, she motioned for Salomon to calm down.

"The Celestial God Group has not always paid attention to the earth. I have told you the reason why the new gods left." The supreme mage poured two cups of tea, "But I have never said that they will not come back secretly. Now there are more than Athena, and Hecate, etc."

"All?" Salomon's eyes widened in surprise.

"Of course not all of them. After all, there are so many new gods staying on the earth, it will still be a bit crowded. And now is not the age of worshiping gods. Humans now worship science. Even if gods appear in front of them, they will only think about it." How to capture and dissect.

Of course, I don't hate this phenomenon. After all, magic only blooms in the souls of a few people, and only technology is the future of mankind. The Venerable pushed a cup of tea in front of Salomon, and Salomon drank the tea in one gulp. The fatigue caused by casting the spell disappeared like the dirt on the leaves washed away by the rain in early summer.

"Some are back, but I suggest you meet this one after you get all three rings." The Supreme Mage pointed to the little snake that was crawling lazily on the table. Surprisingly, Both Salomon and the Supreme Sorcerer could see the expression on the little snake's face - it's a bit strange to say, but it is, now the snake's expression is probably something like "whatever" "whatever you want , don't bother me" or something.

It barely raised its eyelids, looked at Salomon, then at the Supreme Mage, and then opened its mouth wide, trying to swallow an orange on the table.

"It looks pretty good." The venerable said with a relaxed expression, "I don't know when this goddess of wisdom came to you, but I don't think it's too bad. After all, it's the first time I've seen a snake eating fruit. Reality, not a game."

"But... I've never been a guest of the gods... What should I bring? Olive oil, figs, or a cardigan?"

"This is the 21st century, Salomon." The Supreme Master said with disgust, "Don't be so old-fashioned, a bottle of wine, or skin care products are good gifts for visiting guests."

Salomon left the meditation room of the supreme mage holding the little snake that had just stuffed the orange into his mouth. From a distance, he looked like he was holding a ball connected to a rope.

ps: Remember to invest! Investment has increased!

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