Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 7 The Fourth Generation of Guardians of the Museum

It seems that because of the magic on Salomon's body, the invisible spirit bodies here became excited visibly with the naked eye.

"I feel a little uncomfortable..." Master Xiao Wang looked around suspiciously, and he felt a cold breath wrapping his body.

In fact, what Salomon and Master Xiao Wang didn't notice was that the two of them were dressed a bit conspicuously - Salomon was wearing a robe made of red holy relic cloth.

This is to avoid excessive spreading of the stigmata, causing his brain to be burned and his soul to be annihilated; and Master Xiao Wang is wearing the usual brown practice clothes of Karma Taj... In addition to brown, gray and khaki can be chosen.

But in the 21st century, no one wears it like this anymore, especially in autumn, even if there is air conditioning in the museum, suitable temperature and humidity are important conditions for preserving collections.

After seeing the security approaching, Salomon hurriedly dragged Master Xiao Wang to the depths of the museum. He thought it was the sneaky appearance of the two of them that attracted others' attention, but he didn't realize that his aesthetic sense had changed. Assimilated - because almost every mage in memory wears robes.

Passing through the large atrium with a dome composed of 3,312 triangular glass pieces, Salomon and Master Wang arrived at the Egyptian Pavilion, where many collections were snatched by the British army from the French army when Napoleon was defeated in Egypt. The number of collections exceeds 100,000, and this is also the most magical place.

"What are you looking at?" Master Wang seemed to be a little irritable because he couldn't see what he should see, but Salomon still pressed him firmly on the public bench, and he said to the fat and angry Wang: "Go into meditation so you can see those things."

To be honest, Master Xiao Wang's behavior did interfere with public order. After all, sitting cross-legged on a bench is not so civilized. In order to correct this mistake, Salomon... stayed away from Master Xiao Wang.

Don't look at me, I don't know that person.

When Mage Xiao Wang opened his eyes again, he didn't find anything wrong with Salomon. Instead, he was shocked by the sight in front of him... Countless huge and distorted spirit bodies hovered over the collection.

If it is the power in a single collection, it will not attract these spirits, but the collections that the British have snatched from overseas are too many, and they are displayed separately according to different civilizations. The power of the same god system resonates and amplifies, and these are in the The ghosts wandering in the world also need to maintain their own strength...

"Did you see it?" Salomon saw that Master Wang came back to his senses, and he hurried up.

"I... I saw it." Master Xiao Wang seemed a little unbelievable. He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the spirit bodies, but seemed to be worried about disturbing them and withdrew his fat fingers, "We actually put There are so many spiritual bodies that have not been dealt with here..."

"It's because someone controlled them." Salomon narrowed his eyes and looked forward, quietly making a gesture. He said, "Can you still punch? Now we are going to face them."

"What?" Master Wang was a little confused.

"Are you hungry again, cuties?" An old lady wearing a dark blue wide-brimmed hat stretched out her finger with a ring in front of her face. Her white hair was protruding from the brim of the hat. An orange-red ribbon with a light blue feather tucked in it.

She was wearing a dark blue thick coat that was a bit exaggerated even in this season. The soft light blue fluff at the neckline covered her chin, and the length even touched the pearl earrings on her earlobes.

She stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Well, you can devour their souls, but then go back to sleep..."

The old lady was referring to two tourists standing in front of the exhibit, and she was standing behind them - no one could see her except Salomon and Master Wang.

Without waiting for those spirit bodies to move, a beam of positive energy ray hit a spirit body rushing towards the tourists. The distorted ghost let out a silent wail, with a painful expression on its face, which was extremely elongated in horror .

"Who's there!" The old lady's expression changed instantly, and she stared back viciously. Although Salomon has already told Master Wang not to show mercy, but...

"Are you sure you want me to hit an old lady?" he said hesitantly.

"Of course, but it doesn't work now, you stupid donkey, you don't have a chance to sneak attack, you better protect me." Salomon rolled his eyes, and he said, "You have wasted the opportunity to attack."

"Hey, ma'am..." Master Xiao Wang tried to greet her, but was quickly knocked down by a spell from the old lady's ring.

"I smell the stench of exotic magic." She said with disgust on her face. A large amount of magic power flowed from the ring to the ground, driving the spirit body to approach. The little Wang Mage and Salomon who just got up from the floor could only Keep backing up.

The old lady stood there, and she said: "I am Amoji Tuttle, the fourth-generation guardian, these blind passers-by can't see... I use my secret method to control these dangerous things around me every day. Pagan spirits, and prevent wizards like you from awakening them!"

Her voice rose higher and higher, as if she were a god on Mount Olympus and Salomon was Tantalus about to be punished. Salomon kept backing away to avoid the magic power and spirits that spread over. After getting up, Master Xiaowang stood in front of Salomon with a face of horror. He raised his fist, trying to drive away the approaching spirits.

"Fists are useless against these things, brother." Salomon calmly took out a handful of silver powder, and as he recited the incantation, the silver powder was sprinkled on Master Xiao Wang, turning into white spots of light, " Rush over and take off her ring, now those spirits can't get close to you."

"Are you sure it's useful?" Master Xiao Wang said. In his opinion, the current scene still has something to talk about, but after Salomon cast the spell, the inexplicable fear in his heart has disappeared. He shouted: "Mrs. Tuttle, we are not..."

"It's Miss Tuttle!"

"Well, Miss Tuttle...we don't want to wake up these spirits..."

"Yes." Salomon could only say, "This is not our purpose."

"Aren't you wizards?" Amoji Tuttle did not hear or see Salomon casting spells, and Salomon's spells and casting movements were blocked by the king's figure.

"We..." Master Xiao Wang didn't know how to answer for a moment, after all, he hadn't signed a contract to conduct magic training.

"Don't talk nonsense, Wang, the way she restrains these ghosts is to let them devour their souls, and where do the souls come from..." Salomon no longer hesitated, he put the other party in an evil position with words, so that Xiao Master Wang moved - because the conversation was about to collapse soon.

"Okay." Master Xiao Wang no longer hesitated, he rushed up, vigorously avoiding the shackles of the magic power, and rushed past the spirit body... Then he was bound by the magic power flowing on the ground, and the huge force will Master Xiao Wang pulled down and knelt on the ground.

Amoji Tuttle has not fought seriously a few times. Before that, the wizards who came to the British Museum to look for spirit bodies were all small characters who knew a little magic and only knew a few spells. Amoji Turtle, one of Visandi's rings.

After Master Xiao Wang was restrained, Amoji Tuttle was very proud. In her opinion, Salomon and Master Wang could not escape today—she seemed to think that Salomon and Master Xiao Wang had met before. Like those low-level wizards in the world.

Salomon didn't stop casting spells, he swallowed a grasshopper back with disgust.

For the jumping technique, the grasshopper's hind legs are necessary materials for casting spells, which is not the most disgusting thing.

"I must learn to cast spells without materials." Even this disgusting feeling did not interrupt the spell. After the spell was cast, Salomon stepped on the bench and ran forward. The end jumped up.

The "Book of Weissandi" contains the most powerful known white magic and defensive magic in the world. The spells recorded in it can never be used for offense, but can only be used for defense. Therefore, Salomon can only use the magic in the stigmata Fighting with the spell given by his memory - such as the grasshopper leg, it is for the "jumping technique".

Salomon's jumping distance tripled, and he jumped straight to Amoji Tuttle. The moment he landed, Salomon's speed was twice as fast as before.

After landing, Salomon took out a small dagger from the pouch on his waist and threw it at Amoji Tuttle.

Seeing the sharp dagger cut through the air, it was about to touch Amoji Tuttle's coat.

Suddenly, an astonishingly huge magical force erupted from around Amoji Tuttle, pushing away the approaching Salomon and the little mage Wang lying on the ground. Salomon rolled a few somersaults on the floor. He felt as if explosives had exploded next to the back of his head. He couldn't see anything, and he was even semi-conscious for a few seconds. Can't even think.

He felt that his brain was about to be shaken... Finally, Master Xiao Wang, who woke up faster, twisted him up, and he regained consciousness. But he still felt that half of his eyes were black, and the souls of all the passengers he saw seemed to be separated from their bodies, and there were some colorful halos around them.

"What do we do now?"

"Fuck her!"

Remember to invest!

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