Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 6 The British Museum

"So when I get the other ring, I need a hobbit lest I be tempted to take another ring?" Salomon asked.

"Yes, wear all the rings at once to completely control the magic power of Emperor Weishan." The supreme mage nodded, and she said: "This experiment is to verify whether you have the ability to control the magic power of Emperor Weishan. "

"So I also need a good person who can't say 'my baby', I know this kind of temptation comes from the bottom of my heart." Salomon rolled his eyes quietly, because he thought of Visandi's The high temperature emitted by the ring when it comes into contact with magic, but where can he find someone who has no contact with magic?

As if seeing Salomon's doubts, Master Gu Yi sold an apprentice very readily: "Master Wang has not yet signed a contract with Emperor Weishan, and what he is learning now is only the secret method of Kama Taj. There is no achievement in Weishandi's series of spells, and it does not involve Weishandi's magical power..."

Salomon and the Supreme Master happily decided on the candidate for the Hobbit. After saying goodbye to the teacher, he returned to the room-this time he had a good harvest, and he could slowly browse the memory of one of the High Masters.

Salomon didn't plan to leave Karma Taj again until he learned the first two rings of spells from the mage.

Yes, even the Child Rights Protection Agency can't even try to find him, right! That's right! Unplug the network cable in the room! The wizarding world doesn't need a network.

Well... temporarily.

Salomon already has a plan, he plans to use the magic of Visandi to run the magic of Toril or other worlds.

You must know that the magic power provided by the magic net is the most basic true ether, or mana, as long as the spell structure is correct, any type of magic power can be used.

Of course, because Emperor Weishan's power is too bright, some necromantic spells still need his own magic power to support them.

But things backfired. When Salomon was studying the spells of the Toril universe, Baron Mordo came to the door.

This mage, who is also a disciple of the Supreme Mage, is quite friendly to Salomon. At the same time, when he saw him, Baron Mordo always mentioned stupid things like "I hugged you when you were young"... Good Well, I finally know why I was so uncomfortable for a while.

The reason why Baron Modu came to Salomon was to train Salomon's ability to use magic weapons...Kama Taj's magic tools may be somewhat different from those of other families.

For example, the scepter of the Life Tribunal... In fact, it has nothing to do with the Life Tribunal. It is more like a whip than a scepter; The biggest function of boots is to allow people to double jump...not very good, but not so bad, is it?

This is something that even a devil with a hairspray hand can't do.

"You have learned how to fight with your body, haven't you?" Baron Mordo smiled like a fox who has stolen a chicken, "Now you have to practice how to use your weapon in battle.

We are not wizards in fairy tales who hold a stick and cast magic. "

"Uh... I don't think there's anything wrong with that, Brother Mordo... just enough melee combat..." Salomon tried to reject this training, but Baron Mordo saw too much cheating and slipping child.

He twisted up Salomon's back collar and twisted him out like a kitten.

"This is a misconception, Salomon." Mordo said gently, "creatures from outer dimensions will not give us time to chant spells."

Salomon gave up struggling completely. Although he couldn't see the expression on Baron Mordo's dark face clearly, he knew that he couldn't escape.


"So, the supreme mage asked you to come here to get a magic weapon, and you asked me to be your hobbit?" the "stronger" mage Xiao Wang said dissatisfied.

To tell the truth, Salomon didn't expect that Master Wang's face would look so old. Master Wang said, "Do you think I am Frodo? I think I look like Sam."

"It's the same size, my friend, but you can't cook," Salomon said, "and I think I need your fists."

"Have you finally realized the fact that fists are better than magic?" Master Xiao Wang said happily, "Look, even if I failed to sign the contract with Emperor Weishan, I can still defeat you in training."

"Bah! If you didn't take advantage of me to recite the spell..."

At this time, it was 2007, and the twelve-year-old Salomon had already practiced part of Toril's spells and Kama Taj's spells, and he had already mastered the basic magic flame plasticity.

The two of them arrived in the city of London, which seemed to have just rained, through the portal of Karma Taj to the London Temple. The masonry was slippery, but the rain seemed to cleanse London's air, and a little ozone made it much cleaner.

It's still not as cold and crisp as Karma Taj, but it's better than some big cities—the only problem is that Salomon accidentally stepped into a puddle, and Karma Taj The allotted shoes were all wet.

"Don't show that expression, Salomon, Modu has applied for British citizenship for you, you have to get used to this kind of weather." Master Wang seemed a little gloating, "The Supreme Master seems to want you to go to a secular school, Right here in England."

"To be precise, it is the basic education of logical thinking. Most of the mages who come to Kama Taj have studied in the secular world." Salomon shook his head, lifted his legs and continued to walk forward, the shoes under his feet creaked It creaked, "Mathematics, physics, chemistry, the supreme mage said, this is the cultivation that must be possessed."

"But I didn't learn."

"It's probably because you were born in Karma Taj, you don't even have medical insurance. But I think Karma Taj will create an identity for you after you get the magic power." Salomon concealed a part The truth, the Supreme Master asked him to tell others that he had already signed a contract with Emperor Weishan.

No one could have imagined that Salomon was just using the magic power of Weissandi - the supreme mage was very familiar with this set. This is how the Ancient One obtained the power of Domamu, but now it is used on Emperor Weishan.

"And this magic weapon needs to be held by someone who is not so deeply related to magic, so as to avoid backlash." Salomon glanced at Master Xiaowang from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, Master Xiao Wang was still a little brooding about not being able to sign the contract.

"Don't worry." He comforted Mage Wang and said, "The Supreme Mage must have his own intentions, but you are better than those who can use spells now, aren't you?"

"You mean in terms of not having to sleep?"

"Uh...that counts."

"So, what are we going to do?" Master Xiao Wang said with some dissatisfaction.

"First of all, we have to go in." The moment Salomon and Master Wang entered the British Museum in Russell Square, north of New Oxford Street, they felt something was wrong - the magic here seemed to be much stronger than other places.

"Did you find anything?" Master Xiao Wang also found something, but he looked around, but found nothing.

"Look there." Salomon pointed to the exhibits, where there is a bronze statue of Shiva, a wooden statue from the Nicobar Islands, a marble statue of "Ambika", the murals of the Parthenon, and the pharaoh Amen. The head of Hupter III, the most important thing, is the sacrificial vessel of each earth god system, and each god system has it.

Although the Supreme Mage had already mentioned to Salomon about the divine power stored in those cultural relics and magic tools, this huge power still surprised him.

"You mean...we are going to rob the museum?" Master Xiao Wang lowered his voice, "Could it be that the magic weapon is a collection here?"

"No, it's not..." Salomon also lowered his voice, and the two whispered nervously, "Is it the guardian here?"

"Didn't you find it?" Salomon's eyeballs looked sideways, "Those spirits?"

The new book asks for investment!

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